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Below are some resources you might find helpful. You can also use our search bar above or return to the homepage.
If you are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or preventing substance use:
Get Support
We are here for you and anyone else playing a supportive role in the life of a young person struggling with drug or alcohol use.
Contact a Helpline Specialist
Parent support specialists are available to listen, answer questions and help you create a plan to address your child's substance use.
Prevention Resources
Not sure how to prevent drug or alcohol use? Or what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use? We have the science- and research-backed information to help.
Get Support
We are here for you and anyone else playing a supportive role in the life of a young person struggling with drug or alcohol use.
Contact a Helpline Specialist
Parent support specialists are available to listen, answer questions and help you create a plan to address your child's substance use.
Prevention Resources
Not sure how to prevent drug or alcohol use? Or what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use? We have the science- and research-backed information to help.
If you want to learn more about the Partnership:
Who We Are
Partnership to End Addiction is the nation’s leading nonprofit serving families impacted by substance use. We’re on a mission to transform how our nation addresses addiction by empowering families, advancing effective care, shaping public policy and changing culture.
Support Our Work
In 2023 we provided direct, personalized and free support to more than 20,000 parents. We delivered training to more than 2,400 providers & professionals, and delivered expert services to public agencies, health systems, non-profits, schools, and community-based organizations. You can help us continue this important work.
Partner With Us
We partner with organizations and corporations across public and private sectors, and on the local, state and national level to advance our mission and work for families.
Who We Are
Partnership to End Addiction is the nation’s leading nonprofit serving families impacted by substance use. We’re on a mission to transform how our nation addresses addiction by empowering families, advancing effective care, shaping public policy and changing culture.
Support Our Work
In 2023 we provided direct, personalized and free support to more than 20,000 parents. We delivered training to more than 2,400 providers & professionals, and delivered expert services to public agencies, health systems, non-profits, schools, and community-based organizations. You can help us continue this important work.
Partner With Us
We partner with organizations and corporations across public and private sectors, and on the local, state and national level to advance our mission and work for families.