Arduino with Python projects list

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility, which make it a popular choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike.

Using Python with Arduino is a good choice because it allows you to take advantage of the powerful and easy-to-use libraries and frameworks available in the Python ecosystem, while also being able to interact with the hardware capabilities of the Arduino. This can be especially useful for tasks such as data logging, image processing, and connecting to external APIs or services.

Arduino with Python projects list

One of the main benefits of using Python with Arduino is that it allows you to easily prototype and test your ideas, without the need to compile and upload code to the Arduino each time you make a change. This can save a lot of time and effort, especially when working on more complex projects.

In addition, Python has a large and active community of users and developers, which means that you can find a wealth of resources, documentation, and support online to help you get started and learn more about using Python with Arduino.

  1. Infinity Gauntlet Controlled Home Automation In my previous project i have made an infinity gauntlet that control a light switch. I wanted to use six stones and each stone can control appliance, door lock, or…
  2. Make Your Own GPS Transmitter with the HC-12 Transceiver
    The initial part of this series, titled Understanding and Implementing the HC-12 Wireless Transceiver Module, demonstrates using HC-12 for long-range data exchange between two Arduino Unos. This article utilizes two…
  3. Enhancing Safety: Arduino-Based Smart Helmet for Accident Detection
    Hello everyone, welcome back to Techatronic. The smart helmet encompasses a range of functionalities including navigation, call management, accident detection, alcohol sensing, and various other features aimed at transforming the…
  4. Ultimate Control: NRF 24L01 Remote for RC Cars and Planes
    Hello, welcome back to Techatronic, fellow enthusiasts. Today, we're excited to showcase our latest project: the NRF Remote Control designed specifically for RC cars. This innovative remote is capable of…
  5. Arduino based Graphical Weather Station
    Always wanted to have a graphical weather station? And with accurate sensors? Maybe this project is something for you. With this weather station you can see what the weather is…
  6. NRF24L01 Tutorial – Arduino Wireless Communication
    In my last tutorial I created a NodeMCU based Duino Coin Miner. It is an awesome little miner that sits on my desk and mines few cents a day.  However,…
  7. Arduino open source long-range RC transmitter
    If you are interested in building your very own open source long-range remote control transmitter for your next project. You might be interested in a new video created by YouTube creator, electronics and robotics…
  8. First impression on the ESP8266 serial-to-WiFi module
    Continuing from my previous blog post about Hi-Link HLK-RM04 module, I have finally received the ESP8266 Serial-to-WiFi module that I’ve been waiting for. As I said previously, with the popularity…
  9. RC tank with a moving FPV camera using Arduino
    In this instructable I show you how to build remote control tank with FPV camera. At the beginning I build only RC tank without FPV camera but when I was…
  10. PCB – Skateboard Floodlight V2
    A while back, we constructed a pair of LED skateboard truck-risers. That project was intentionally created without the aid of advanced tools and techniques. We decided to try the concept again…
  11. My Ninth Project: Robot Arm with Joystick Shield using Arduino
    Although it is great controlling the robot arm with computer or mobile phone, I think using joystick is also cool, so I've bought a joystick shield and make a new…
  12. Custom Wireless Keyboard! (Arduino)
    In this project we are going to be making something super useful! It is a wireless keyboard that you can connect to your PC and assign each button any shortcut…
  13. Arduino NERF Ball Wireless FPV Sentry Turret
    This project will guide you through the steps to make an Arduino based 360 degree rotating foam ball turret with full joystick wireless control, and first person view camera and…
  14. Using Ninjutsu Hand Signs (Naruto) to Unlock a Safe Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto.It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams…
  15. Arduino Controlled LEGO RC Tank and Transmitter
    I recently got my childhood Lego out and wanted to find a project that I could combine with Arduino and mechatronics. I started off building a digger but then realised…
  16. Cardboard Spider (DIY Quadruped)
    Hello again and welcome to my new project. In this instructable I’ve tried to make a simple Quadruped made from materials accessible to everybody. I know to get a good…
  17. Robotic Hand With Wireless Glove Controlled | NRF24L01+ | Arduino
    In this video; 3D robot hand assembly, servo control, flex sensor control, wireless control with nRF24L01, Arduino receiver and transmitter source code are available. In short, in this project we…
  18. Show Winch
    For this project, I wanted to create a winch that would be functional for use in a show in a theatre. Often, we have to fly in and out small…
  19. Spatial Synthesizer Kravox! Wireless, Motion- & Touch-Sensing
    A New Kind of InstrumentI invented Kravox during a research project at Lund University (Sweden) with the aim to give digital musical instrument controllers the feeling of conventional, mechanical instruments.…
  20. Sensor Stations Network for Lighting and Security Control
    With this sensor stations network configured in a master/slave mode, you will be able to do lighting and security control in your home. These sensor stations (Node01, Node02 in this…
  21. Wireless Bell System
    The problem that fix this project is the following: at the high school where I work, the class-change bell doesn´t sound loud enough everywhere and sometimes it causes some problems.…
  22. Portal 2 Turret – Master Turret Control
    This project is an extension or remix of my original Portal Turret on Instructables (Portal-2-Turret-Gun). It can also be used as a cheap controller to control anything that uses the…
  23. Ultrasonics Based Positioning System
    All the versions of ultrasonic radars I have found for arduino devices (Arduino - Radar/Ultrasonic Detector, Arduino Ultrasonic Radar Project) are very nice radars but all of them are "blind". I…
  24. Ultra Realistic Surfing Simulator
    Do you feel a sudden urge of going surfing, but there is no large body of water nearby? Are you scared of deep and turbulent waters? Or are you just…
  25. Communication Between Two Arduinos Using NRF24L01
    While building Arduino or any other microcontroller platform project over time the need will arise to establish communication between two of the Arduino boards or microcontrollers for data exchange and/or control.…
    For many kids, the tin-can telephone is a fun science experiment that doesn’t last much longer than it takes to tangle the string around a nearby tree. [Geoff] decided to…
  27. Home Presence Simulator and Security Control Device
    This project allow us to simulate presence and to detect movements in our home. We can configure a network of devices installed in differents rooms of our home all of…
  28. Arduino RF Pro Mini open source development board
    Electrical engineer and electronics hobbyist Etienne at Etimou based in Clermont-Ferrand, France has created a new open source development board in the form of the Arduino RF Pro Mini. The…
    It’s great to see people are out there trying to find fun ways to exercise amid the current crisis. Although jumping up and down isn’t great for the knees, it…
  30. 3D Printed Arduino RC Airboat With Controller
    This is a project that combines the knowledge of 3D printing and Arduino. It is a good beginners project for anyone interested in making their own RC boat or just…
  31. A Beginner’s Guide to Arduino
    After some years of experimenting with Arduino, I decided that the time has come to share the knowledge I've acquired. So I here it goes, a guide to Arduino, with…
    Prolific maker [Jeremy Cook] recently put the finishing touches (at least, for now) on his impressive ClearCrawler remote controlled Strandbeest, which includes among other things a surprisingly expressive “head” complete with…
  33. Lights off ! WiFi home lights monitoring and control
    Story Idea and reason One of my long running projects, “lights off” comes from the need to know : “Did I turned off my bathroom light?” ; “This light are…
    Planning a game of Hacker Jeopardy at your next meetup? You’re going to want some proper buzzers to complete the experience, but why buy when you can build? [Flute Systems] has…
  35. Motorcycle helmet signalling light system created using Arduino
    Motorcyclist Adnan Khan has decided to use a little Arduino programming and microcontroller hardware to create helmet signalling lights that are linked to the indicators on his motorbike providing other…
  36. Magic Mote MSP430G2553 wireless sensor node with NRF24L01+ module
    This is my first time designing a PCB for MSP430. I really like the NRF24L01+ booster pack but I would like something smaller to use for remote temperature sensors. With…
  37. Ultra-Low-Power Sensor Hub Using nRF24L01 Modules
    Presented here is an ATmega328P microcontroller-based ultra low power sensor hub using nRF24L01+ radio frequency (RF) transceiver modules having transmitter and receiver units. The transmitter sends humidity and temperature values…
  38. Arduino 1,500m wireless remote control
    Arduino enthusiasts, hobbyists and makers looking to control their projects from afar. May be interested in a new customisable wireless remote control designed by Schindler Technologies for the Arduino platform. Launched…
  39. Interfacing nRF24L01 with Arduino: Controlling Servo Motor
    Arduino NRF24L01 Tutorial to Control Servo Motor While Internet of things (IoT), Industry 4.0, Machine to Machine communication etc are getting increasingly popular the need for wireless communication has become…
  40. LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus
    Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun. In today’s post we are gonna have a look at LM317 Voltage Regulator in Proteus. In the previous post, we have…
  41. Create a Private Chat Room using Arduino, nRF24L01 and Processing
    Creating a Local Network to share personnel and confidential data's has become almost impossible for a common man in our modern world. This is mainly because all common chat methods…
  42. nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity with the TinyK20 board
    I’m using the tiny and inexpensive Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+ transceiver (see “Tutorial: Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+ with the Freescale FRDM-K64F Board“) in many projects: it costs less than $3 and allows…
  43. nRF24L01+ with ATtiny85 3 Pins
    This would be the continuation of my previous project Programming ATtiny85 with Arduino Uno. Now with cheaper ATtiny85 in place I was looking for cheaper ways to transmit the sensor…
  44. Wireless Serial using nRF24L01
    This project is very useful in many application where wireless reliable serial communication is required. It give bidirectional communication, You need to have same code in both arduino, no need…
  45. Developing your own Flowcode 7 controlled weather station
    This project details a Flowcode and E-blocks based weather station capable of reading local temperature and humidity with 2 remote thermo-hygrometer sensors. The local board also incorporates a real time…
  46. Wireless Motor Speed Control System with Arduino
    ICStation team introduce you the NRF24L01 Wireless Motor Speed Control System.This system works under DC 5V voltage. It uses the NRF24L01 Wireless Module to transmit speed control data and the…
  47. On The Fly – Prototype II Final Report: Home Automation Framework
    Introduction: The Home Automation Framework project is a web application that can remotely control the electronic devices in one’s home using a web interface on a smartphone, tablet or desktop…
  48. Xmega eXploreGO – a new module with ATXMEGA mcu and mp3 support
    Przedstawiam nowy moduł MOD-20.Z Xmega eXploreGO od Modułowo, z mikrokontrolerem ATXmega128A4U i dekoderem MP3 VS1003B. Moduł posiada dodatkową pamięć DataFlash oraz złącze karty microSD. Istnieje możliwość podłączenia modułu Bluetooth oraz dwukierunkowego modułu…
  49. Arduino CarTracker – GPS Car locator
    Have you come out of a store and said to yourself, where did I park my car? Well, I have. Now, there are a lot of smartphone applications that can…
  50. Tiny NFC reader with a TRF7970A
    Want a free board? Read below! My regular readers may already know that I never stop working on a project half-way. This is unfortunately the only exception so far, motivated…
  51. DIY handmade Hexapod with arduino (Hexdrake)
    Hello, I'm David and in this instructable I'll show how I made this hexapod whose name is Hexdrake. Since I was 16 I became interested in electronic and later in…
  52. Introducing RFToy, an Arduino-compatible gadget for radio frequency modules
    Introducing RFToy 1.0 Nov 9th, 2014 by ray Today I am introducing the first version of RFToy — an Arduino-compatible gadget for interfacing with Radio Frequency (RF) modules. First, let…
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