BLC Using Arduino Emulator

What is this BLC?

Ans: Binary logical Calculator using Arduino Uno R3.

Formally we are doing Arduino project which is real-time application in introductory labs and other places. This is all about how to create Arduino Uno project which does some basic computation for our regular labs and homeworks.

Again with new concept and new topics hitting to my mind, So today I did one more project using Proteus V7 and Arduino IDE. Let’s start …….!

This is one of the simple design as concerned to circuits and product. But in case of Coding it it quite complex. Now what I’m going to share with you is, All about the procedure that I used to do this. Hope you Like it.

Step 1: Setup : Proteus Emulator and Arduino IDE.

We need to have both the software when we are doing with this project, because we need to test our code every time which is not good habit with practical board.

So let me arrange Proteus and Arduino IDE installed !!!!!

Yes , I’m Done ..!

Step 2: Pic and Place the Components in Emulator.

Here we have Emulator Proteus V7, which is updated with Arduino Library.

If you want to add this library then please do ask me by sending email, I will send you procedure and files.

So what next after pic and place of parts is all about connection, Use the given Images to understand the components and their placements.

Step 3: Circuits and Schematics.

Here the circuits and schematics are given, Please refer them properly and connect the circuit as per that.

BreadBoard connections are also given in the Image, If you want you can cross verify this by doing it on BreadBoard.

Use maximum possible simplex way of the tracks to avoid the debugging errors.

after this we need to load the Hex file into Arduino using Edit property option.

Step 4: Arduino Coding and Editing.

Coding is the biggest part of this circuit and product. So we need to concentrate on the Arduino coding more than circuit design and Product development.

So here Arduino software which is need to start, So i did all the coding from beginning to the end.

Step 5: Final Product and Design

After so many days of this project began, I had done with first level prototyping design which is shown here.

So this is final project and working one, If we need to dump the code again, then it is also possible which is through USB cable. Reset provided because to restart whenever problem occurs.

Hope this is one of my best design and product. I’m looking forward for this to manufacture in mass, If anyone interested to be a part of this , You can ask and drop mail to me :

Step 6: PDF Files for More Information.

These PDF content are included with Circuitry and Code. The code given is full and you can use it directly.

Source: BLC Using Arduino Emulator

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