Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of arduino and esp8266 projects PDF here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. PDF is a good source to work offline. We will offer direct PDF file download link with info of its release date , number of projects.
List No. | PDF Download Link | Release Date | Number of Projects |
1 | Click here Esp8266 Arduino Projects List in PDF offline downloadable | Sep 2022 | 172 |
2 | Click here Esp8266 Arduino Projects List in PDF offline downloadable | July 2022 | 170 |
3 | Click here Esp8266 Arduino Projects List in PDF offline downloadable | May 2018 | 96 |
Arduino with ESP8266 – Reading Data from InternetThe ESP8266-01 has been a great module to quench all our thirsts for IOT projects. Since its release, it has developed a strong community and evolved into an easy to…
Steam Linked Display ShelfBack Story My brother has Funko POP figures that represent his characters that his friends play most often in video games. We thought that it would be cool if they…
Iron Man’s Arc Reactor That Pulses With Your Heart Beat There are lot of DIY arc reactors out there that look pretty cool. Some look realistic too. But why build something that just looks like that thing and does…
ISS Globe- Blinks When the ISS Passes Overhead Howdy! If you are interested in astronomy and always look up at the stars and not down at your feet, you'll surely know the ISS. The ISS or The…
Crocodile Solar Pool SensorThis instructable shows how to build a rather special pool sensor measuring the pool temperature and transmitting it via WiFi to Blynk App and to a MQTT broker. I call…
DIY Geiger Counter With an ESP8266 and a Touchscreen I designed and built a Geiger Counter - a device that can detect ionizing radiation and warn its user of dangerous ambient radiation levels with the all-too-familiar clicking noise.…
Motorized Pulldown Curtain (Phone & Radio Controlled) I pull my curtain up and down a couple of times a day. If I watch a movie I pull it down and then, I pull it up to…
Alexa Controlled Door Sign DemoUse Alexa to tell your door sign what message to display. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 Waveshare 200x200, 1.54inch E-Ink display module × 1…
Amazon Alexa Enabled USB FanAmazon's Alexa is cool. USB fans are cool. Alexa enabled USB fan, even cooler. This fan turns on with a voice command to an Amazon Alexa device, "Alexa, turn [insert…
How to Install LEDs Under a Scooter (with Bluetooth)Join me in creating ground effect lighting for my scooter using a bluetooth microcontroller and addressable LED strip. For this project I'm recycling two bits of pixel strip leftover from…
Amazon Kitchen DRSThe Project This project is a combination of the many smart fridges and pantry's of the past. The idea is to combine all of them while also introducing Amazon's DRS…
Internet Radio Using an ESP32Dear friends welcome to another Instructable! Today we are going to build an Internet Radio device with a big 3.5” display using an inexpensive ESP32 board. Believe it or not, we can…
ESP32 Internet RadioThe affordable MP3 VS1053 codec processor available on is said to have the ability to decode different music formats such as Ogg Vorbis/MP3/AAC/WMA/MIDI audio. VS1053 can also record in…
DIY Arduino Project ARDUINO SERIAL COMMUNICATION TO PROCESSING, ARDUINO WITH ETHERNET SHIELD, ARDUINO WITH GPRSINTRODUCTION This DIY Arduino project explores various ways to enable communication and connectivity between an Arduino board and external devices or networks. Specifically, it focuses on three components - Arduino…
IoT Set-up to Operate/control 220-240 Volt AC Bulb/Device; NodeMCU Amica + 5V Relay + MQTT + Arduino IDE + Web Browser (HTML + JavaScript/jQuery)What are we messing with? IoT (Internet of things) set-up to operate/control 220-240 Volt AC Bulb/Device NodeMCU Amica + 5V Relay + MQTT + Arduino IDE + Web Browser (HTML…
Internet/cloud Controlled Home Automation Using Esp8266 (aREST, MQTT, IoT)Step 1: COMPONENTS REQUIRED Only 4 components required - 1. ESP8266 NODEMCU or WEMOS D1 mini or any esp8266 wifi development board2. RELAY (5V or 6V)3. ULN2003 or UNL2003A (Relay…
Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System using GPS, GSM and AccelerometerIn our previous tutorials, we have learned about How to interface GPS module with Computer, how to build a Arduino GPS Clock and how to Track vehicle using GSM and GPS.…
ESP32/ESP8266: Seamless Data Integration with MySQL and PHPThis project involves creating a device with either an ESP32 or ESP8266 that can connect with a server from a distance. The gadget will function as an HTTP client by…
Spotted Gecko Habitat Temperature Monitor/Thermostat W/Arduino & ESP8266 ESP12Soooo....Wifey decided that it was time for a new pet. Spin the wheel....A Spotted Gecko!! Well, Geckos are apparently very temperature sensitive creatures so we invested in a UTH (Under Tank…
Getting Started With the ESP8266 ESP-01The ESP8266 ESP-01 is a module for Wi-Fi that enables microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi network. This module is an independent SOC (System On a Chip) that does not…
Dual Axis Solar Tracker Arduino Project Using LDR & Servo MotorsSalutations and thank you for visiting The IoT Projects. This guide is intended to show the ways of building the Dual Axis Solar Tracker Arduino Project using LDRs and Servo…
esp32 devkit v1 pinoutGPIO pins of ESP32 DEVKIT As previously stated, the chip on this board contains 48 GPIO pins, although not all pins are reachable via dev boards. The ESP32 devkit features…
Simple Arduino Wireless MeshCreate an inexpensive basic wireless mesh network with arduinos and long range APC220 radio modules. Wireless mesh networks have the ability to accommodate non-functioning individual nodes and are resilient in…
Real-Time Body Temperature Tracking via IoT and LoRa Networks Using ArduinoFeatured Application The research project described in the paper seeks to develop a real-time human body temperature tracking system using the Internet of Things (IoT) and LoRa wireless network technologies.…
Smart Home Automation Using Arduino: A Comprehensive Guide for EngineersArduino serves as a foundational device for constructing electronic projects. It comprises a pre-programmed microcontroller or integrated development environment for coding and uploading onto the physical board. These devices facilitate…
IoT Air Quality SensorIn this Instructable, I will walk you through the steps to build an IoT Air Quality Sensor. This is an inexpensive air quality sensor with reasonable accuracy and is accessible…
Arduino-Based Smartphone-Controlled Light SystemHello everyone, welcome back to Techatronic. Currently, phone-controlled lighting has become quite prevalent and easily available in the market. However, today, we'll demonstrate how to create a similar system at…
Arduino Programming with .NET and SketchIntroduction Arduino serves as a development platform for creating embedded applications, incorporating a variety of sensors and actuators. It relies on open-source hardware, offering a range of Arduino models for…
Awesome Arduino Projects for Engineers and StudentsAre you in search of intriguing and innovative Arduino project ideas? Look no further! Below, you'll find an assortment of captivating and distinctive project concepts that can be pursued with…
Compact Soil Moisture Monitoring Device for IoT with Low Power ConsumptionMany soil monitoring sensors are available, compatible with Arduino and other embedded modules, making them suitable for programming in different project domains, including Smart Agriculture Monitoring Systems. However, a challenge…
Our Personal Favourite Arduino Projects for you to Try in 2023In the realm of do-it-yourself (DIY) electronics and robotics projects, Arduino stands as a prominent open-source microcontroller platform. It boasts a user-friendly nature and enjoys a vast community of users…
IoT based health monitoring system | Arduino ProjectAn Arduino and a generic ESP8266 are utilized in an Internet of Things (IoT) patient health monitoring system. The project's concept involves gathering and transmitting the health information of patients.…
Arduino Robot With PS2 Controller (PlayStation 2 Joystick)In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use a wireless PlayStation 2 (PS2) controller and an Arduino Uno pilot a robotic tank. Story An Arduino Uno board was used…
How to Build a Midbar ESP8266 VersionA while ago, I made the ESP32 version of Midbar which later evolved into a multi-user Cipherbox. While developing the Cipherbox, I realized that even the Lite version of it might be too expensive and…
IoT Using ESP8266-01 and ArduinoEver asked how to control any device from any place in the world? In this tutorial, we'll learn how to control things wirelessly over WiFi. Story Introduction Today, we will…
Arduino Basic Wifi Project using ESP8266 wifi moduleOverview ESP8266 is a highly integrated chip designed for the needs of a new connected world. It offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution, allowing it to either host…
Arduino ESPWroom02 Breakout BoardHey, what's up, everyone? So here's something useful: a custom breakout board for using the ESPWROOM02U module for tinkering and testing. The ESP-WROOM-02U Breakout Board is an ESP8266EX-based microcontroller that…
BLE Indoor/Outdoor Weather StationThis indoor/outdoor Weather Station is the third in a series of Very Low Power BLE - 2022 projects. The very low power BLE temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure sensor…
How to Build a Simple DIY Home Automation SystemHome automation is a term used to describe the process of automating certain tasks and devices around the home. This can include tasks such as turning on the lights when…
Honey I Shrunk the Remotes!A disclaimer right up front, I didn't shrink the remotes and that's not a photo of my remotes through a microscope. But what I did do was shrink them down…
Hacking a Sonoff Touch Panel to Work With MQTT and HomeassistantThere are some great hackable devices in the SONOFF range such as the original SONOFF switches, the Slampher and the SONOFF Luxury wall plate which is the subject of this…
IoT: Weather Box (with Custom Alarms & Timers)Please vote for me in the contests i have entered. Hope you enjoy the instructable, and happy making. I was, some time ago, quite interested in IoT projects and so…
Hacking a Sonoff to Work With Home-Assistant and MQTTOK So my third Instructable and here we're dealing with another Sonoff device, the original Sonoff WiFi smart switch. Theses devices are again based around the ESP8266 and are easily…
Interfacing Servo Motor With NodeMCUThis here is my first Instructable project. So you want to get started with NodeMCU? Well, I'm here to share with you.Today, I'm going to show you how to get…
MQTT and Wifi Powered Mailbox FlagA couple of years I embarked on my own home automation project. It started off by building a server controlled 433 MHz transmitter build with an Arduino to switch lots…
Instructables Hit Counter (ESP8266-01)Some time ago, I tried to make an "Instructables Hit Counter" using the Instructables API, and an Arduino Uno with a wired network shield. However, with the limited RAM of the Arduino…
ESP8266 ESP-12E Arduino Clock W/ Outside Temp & LEGOS & NeoPixel RingWe went all 'cord-cutter' and ditched our Cable box and realized something was now missing in our family room...the oh so familiar LCD clock that was always present. I decided to get…
ESP8266 Basement MonitorMy basement gets wet when it rains a lot so I wanted a way to monitor it. I decided to try using an ESP8266 as it has built in WiFi.…
Omnik Inverter Off It’s Cloud and on My MQTTI have a solar power installation using an Omnik string inverter. Omnik is a China based manufacturer of PV inverters and they make extremely efficient devices. Optionally, you can install…
Weather PortalThere have recently been a series of web query projects that use the miraculously tiny and affordable ESP8266 micro controllers. Most have involved the output going to a tiny screen…
Manual Controlled Toll Gate Using Push Buttonn this Instructable we will simulate an Toll Booth Gate by using a manual Push Button to open and close the gate. How Does It Work? When the vehicle comes in front of the gate, the…
IOT BMI Indicator and Mood Light Using Feather Huzzah and IFTTTRecently my wife has suggested that I should lose a few pounds in weight (too much time geeking out and not enough time in the gym). With that in mind…
ΙoΤ – Automatic Router (and Server) ResetUsually inventions are invented to serve a need or to solve a problem. So this small gadget that i constructed came to serve a need of mine.I have a NAS,…
WiFi Bathroom Humidity Sensor W/Fan Control, App & Automation Step 1: The Board & Shields Wemos D1 Mini 11 digital input/output pins, all pins have interrupt/pwm/I2C/one-wire supported(except D0) 1 analog input(3.2V max input) a Micro USB connection Compatible…
Moisture Control Unit – MCUIn this Instructables, you will see how to Interface Moisture sensor to your NodeMCU. And check the moisture value and the same to be displayed on the LCD. We'll use Liquid Clear Crystal to display…
Universal Remote Using ESP8266(Wifi Controlled)This project is to replace the conventional remote control for all the home appliances like AC, TV, DVD players, music system, SMART appliances !!! Making a whole junk of remote…
PCB – Skateboard Floodlight V2A while back, we constructed a pair of LED skateboard truck-risers. That project was intentionally created without the aid of advanced tools and techniques. We decided to try the concept again…
Simple IoT Remote Switch With MQTT and ESP8266Many years back when I was still quite heavily involved in the day-to-day company IT matters, we need to subscribe to a service called "Smart Finger" when we put our…
Chat Server Using ArduinoA simple server that distributes any incoming messages to all connected clients. To use, open a terminal window, telnet to your devices IP address, and type away. Any incoming text…
ESP8266/ESP-12 Arduino Powered SmartThings DS18B20 Temp. SensorWe all like to know what the current room temperature is, and sometimes what the temperature is in another room, or maybe even in your vacation house on the other…
Remote Control: ESP8266 With Coin CellThe big problem using the ESPs is the power consumption when Wifi "goes up", about 100-200mA, peak up to 300mA. Normal coincells deliver a few mA, peak up to 20-40mA.…
Alexa Controlled ServoIntroduction I have a laptop on a shelf in my office that monitors several cameras that are around the outside of my house. They alert me to deliveries and visitors. While…
Make Your Own Connected Heating Thermostat and Make Savings With HeatingWhat is the purpose? Increase the comfort by heating your house exactly as you wantMake savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by heating your house only when you needKeep control on your heating wherever…
Nixie Clock Mood BarometerAn unremarked casualty of Progress is the aneroid home barometer. These days, you might still be able to find examples in the homes of people over ninety, but millions more…
ESP-Now RainstickThis fun little project will allow you the trivial joy of letting a electronic network announce that you have rain! The AI controlled, tear eliciting price'd Tesla has been rumored…
Satellite dish positioner with Diseqc and wifiThe satellite positioner stores the position of the satellites in memory and allows you to move the dish to the desired satellite when you change the satellite channel. The advantage…
Bluetooth Controlled RGB LED LAMPI made an RGB pumpkin wall light, which can be controlled by a smartphone via Bluetooth, it has different modes and different colors so you can choose the color of…
Touchless Covid Free Electronic Dice Using ArduinoCreated a touchless Covid Free Electronic Dice using Arduino to play some board games with my son. My new project is an amazing way of giving our younger generation the…
Bluetooth Speaker Wifi IoT Clock With Spectrum AnalyzerI made a Bluetooth Speaker with Clock . It display Date , Time, Temperature & Humidity & gets updated from Internet at 15 minutes interval.It also has a 32 band…
Self-Watering Smart Pot Using NodeMCUlet's build a self-watering (also we can monitor the temperature, humidity, soil moisture )smart pot using nodemcu Description Self-Watering Smart Pot Using NodeMCU Hello there, Sometimes when we go out…
How to Build a DIY WiFi Smart Oximeter Using MAX30102 and Arduino ESP32This WiFi Smart Oximeter helps you scan Spo2 and BPM using MAX30102 and ESP32 and display the values on the Smartphone Step 1: In this tutorial, I will explain how…
Tele Vaidya – Remote Health MonitorEvery human being requires health care as one of their basic needs. However, many poor countries are unable to achieve the requirements due to a lack of medical health experts…
Miter Saw Measuring DeviceSome of my favorite projects are making tools that I can use with other hobbies. I am not a master woodworker by any stretch, but I do enjoy it and…
Laser Tag “Free for All” Circuit Playground Express and ESP8266This is an easy way to make your boards into a fun laser tag game to play with friends. we combined both boards as described in the pictures. Supplies For…
3D Printed Kitchen Scale Using an ESP8266Hello everyone ! Today I'm going to show you how I built this little kitchen scale during this lockdown ! It can measure weights up to several kilograms, has an…
Wordclock – No Special Tools Required! Easy to BuildHi makers, do you want to own a wordclock?There are a lot of nice instructions all over the web, but You've no access to a 3D printer and cnc machines to…
Location Tracking “Weasley Clock”As with so many other people, I've always been a massive Harry Potter fan. One of the coolest magical items in the series was almost certainly the Weasley family clock…
Inverter Aurora ABB (Power One) Web Monitor (WIM) With Esp8266Autonomous centraline with an esp8266 that grab and store data from inverter and show charts and various data of production and can send notification email if there are some problems. It is a quite user-friendly browser based monitoring solution, It's allows…
Arduino Text I/O for Real World ApplicationsQuick Start This tutorial will take you through the steps you can use to successfully process Real World text I/OYou should avoid using any Serial methods in your loop() code…
The BookMinder: a Bookend Meeting Countdown DeviceSince more and more of us are working from home, we are all increasing our engagement with our screens (looking at you, Zoom meetings). For myself, when I am taking…
How to Make a Balancing Board System for Hip’s Muscles Exercise (BalanX)After many happy years as a runner, two years ago I had a problem with my right hip. Unfortunately I had to undergo to total hip replacement surgery. After the…
Smart Desk LED Light | Smart Lighting W/ Arduino | Neopixels WorkspaceNow a days we are spending a lot of time at home, studying and working virtualy, so why not to make our workspace greater with a custom and smart lighting…
Extending GPIOs of ESP8266-01 and IoT || Exploring ESP8266:Part 3Hello all! This instructable happens to be part 3 of my ESP series where I continue to experiment and explore the various features of the ESP 8266-01 board. In the…
Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation System | IoT 2021In this IoT project, I have shown how to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Arduino IoT Cloud & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 4 home appliances with voice commands. If the internet is not available,…
LED Hour GlassIn this article I describe how we made an hour glass with leds as the sand. We were always interested in making something that visually flows like sand and decided…
SEE-THROUGH LED MATRIX WITH WASHERSI do project related works. After the structure contractors finished their building works, they threw away a lot of washers and nuts M10. During I did cleaning, I picked them…
Program ESP8266 With NodeMCUHey everyone what's up! so you got yourself an esp12f module and now you want to program it? here's how you can do that in an easy way that doesn't…
Gas DetectorLet's create a simple Gas Detector connectable to WiFi. The gadget would offer: web UI including gauges for LPG, CO, Smoke simple data handler returning values in JSON capable of…
7-Segment NeoPixel Clock With Countdown Timer In this Instructable, my twin brother, Sunyecz06, and I will show you how to make a 7-segment NeoPixel Clock with Countdown Timer. The inspiration for this project began with our…
I2C With the ESP8266-01 !? || Exploring ESP8266:Part 1Hello all ! With this instructable I will be writing and documenting a series of projects mentioning and exploring the various hidden ( rather unexplored ) features of the tiny…
Indoor Air Quality MeterSimple project to check the air quality in your house. Since we stay/work from home a lot lately, it might be a good idea to monitor the quality of the…
Professional Weather Station Using ESP8266 and ESP32 DIY (Please Check the V2.0 Improved Version Link!)PLEASE CHECK THE NEW IMPROVED WEATHER STATION LINEAMETEOSTAZIONE v2.0! LINK VERSION 2.0 LINEAMETEOSTAZIONE HERE LineaMeteoStazione is a complete weather station which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as…
MicroBot V1So this is my microbot V1 which is an ESP32 based robot which is powered by a Wemos d32 pro and controlled by Blynk. Its body is a 3D printed…
Painless WiFi on ArduinoCommunication with the outside world is a great feature for Arduino Projects and mandatory for many of them. In this instructable, we will, painlessly, create an Arduino WiFi project that…
Reverse Engineered Bumper Sensor Campsite Security AlarmThis Instructable is to build a very smart, talking campsite security system that is disguised in an owl decoy. Now, this isn't your typical Arduino ultrasonic distance sensing project. Rather,…
MAXIMIZE THE CAPABILITIES OF ESP-01 ESP8266ESP-01 ESP8266 is a popular and widely used module because of its low-cost, reliability and easily availability in the market. It can be used as a stand-alone device or connected…
DIY USB Type-C Power Delivery Trigger BoardIn this video we will have a closer look at a USB Type-C Power Delivery Trigger board. Such boards are used to output 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V or even 20V…
DIY Laser People CounterLet's start of with a question: What is a people counter? .... Well, it is a device, that counts the amount of people passing by. They are usually placed in…
Personalized Professional Weather Station DIY, LineaMeteoStazione V2.0! Using EZSBC Boards ESP32, ESP8266, Attiny85LineaMeteoStazione, in the improved version, is a complete weather station solar powered which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as well as some Davis Instrument component (Rain Gauge,…
Contact Digital Thermometer With Deep Sleep [Attiny85]This might seem totally useless, considering how advance current technology can be and you might even be like "Tsk! a Thermometer?" But there is a lot of experiment based on…