Arduino Android


Psychic Arduino

If life has been too serious for you lately, this weekend project will take some of the stress out of your life and create a really neat toy in the process; a delight for a child or for those children who gather around your desk at work! Remember those Magic 8 Balls from the ’50’s […]

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Simple Remote Data Plotting using Android

Simple Remote Data Plotting using Android / Arduino / pfodApp

Simple Remote Data Plotting using Android / Arduino / pfodApp This Instructable shows you how to plot Arduino sensor data on your Android mobile and capture it for later downloading to your computer.  These instructions are also avaliable at No Android programming is required and very little the Arduino programming is needed. It is

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phone sensors on the arduino

Use your android phone sensors on the arduino

Hello, this is my very first step-by-step instructable, and today, we’re going to learn how the sensors in your android smartphone can communicate with your arduino. In modern smartphones, there are a lot of useful sensors for an ingenious arduino project. I have a motorola DEFY, for example and it has (at least) 6 sensors

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How Im building my bi copter with Android and Arduino 1

How I’m building my bi-copter with Android and Arduino

Last year I was fascinated by the “How to build your own Quadrocopter” by Lenz Grimmer and decided that somehow I should try to do a similar thing. This talk is about the way I’m building a bi-copter using lessons learned for last year’s talk and also with the errors I’ve made so far. My

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Door Lock With Arduino 1

Easy Bluetooth Enabled Door Lock With Arduino + Android

Thanks to everyone who supported this project and voted for it in the Arduino Challenge! I was awarded second prize and hope to participate in more Arduino contests in the near future. This tutorial will explain a simple way to make a password protected bluetooth door lock using your Arduino, which can be unlocked by

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Arduino robots

Beginners guide to building Arduino robots with Bluetooth and Android

In this tutorial we are going to go over building a Arduino robot that can be controlled via bluetooth with an Android phone/tablet. This is a beginners guide that is going to briefly go over the process of wiring and programming your robot. Build list… The following is the list of components we are going to use: 1.   Pololu

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