LCD Projects

Make an Oscilloscope Using the SainSmart Mega2560 with the TFT LCD shield

Make an Oscilloscope Using the SainSmart Mega2560 with the TFT LCD shield and the 3.5 “color touch screen

This instructable will show you how to build a portable Touch Screen Oscilloscope for less than 40 U$! The oscilloscope is one of the most powerful electronic instruments that is available to electronics hobbyist, experimenters, and engineers. It is mainly used to measue time-varying signals. Any time you have a signal that varies with time(

Make an Oscilloscope Using the SainSmart Mega2560 with the TFT LCD shield and the 3.5 “color touch screen Read More »

How to use a 1602 16X2 LCD display with Arduino

How to use a 1602 16X2 LCD display with Arduino, TI Launchpad, and standalone MSP430 video instructions

I show how to use a standard 16X2 LCD display in three different use cases. 1. With an Arduino Uno 2. With a TI Launchpad MSP430 running Energia 3. Directly on a breadboard on an MSP430G2553 running Energia This LCD display is low cost – I paid $2.26, shipped, on Ebay. It uses the standard

How to use a 1602 16X2 LCD display with Arduino, TI Launchpad, and standalone MSP430 video instructions Read More »

Arduino LCD Twitter display

Arduino LCD Twitter display

a.k.a. the gratuitously complicated bidirectionally communicating Arduino-based scrolling Twitter display and notifier. —- This project was mainly done as an excuse to learn how to use character LCD displays with my Arduino, and figure out how to make a bidirectional serial protocol.  One major design goal was that the hardware would take user input and

Arduino LCD Twitter display Read More »

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