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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 3, 2013

Reconstruction of dynamic objects with affine deformations in computerized tomography

  • Bernadette Hahn EMAIL logo


The data acquisition in computerized tomography takes a certain amount of time since the x-ray source has to be rotated around the specimen. An object that changes during the scanning causes inconsistent data sets. To avoid the motion artefacts in reconstructions, the algorithm has to take the dynamic behavior of the specimen into account. In this context, some a priori information about the movement is required. A reconstruction method is proposed that compensates for the motion with a special focus on affine deformations. It also permits the combination of reconstruction and image analysis tools to extract features of the object without motion artefacts. The algorithm is validated with a numerical example from medical imaging.

Received: 2012-12-5
Published Online: 2013-12-3
Published in Print: 2014-6-1

© 2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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