About Us



EAI is led by recognized experts from governments, research, industry and academia.

Imrich Chlamtac

Founder & President

EAI President

Prof. Imrich Chlamtac
European Alliance for Innovation

Prof. Chlamtac is the President of EAI, European Alliance for Innovation. He pioneered EAI as a global initiative for promoting growth of ICT-based economy and digital society.


Wim Bartholomeus

Wim Bartholomeus

Vice President
Rabot Law firm, Belgium

Miklos Boda

Miklos Boda

Secretary General

Avi Legman

General Consulting

Advisory Board*

Steve Wright

Steve Wright

Head of Strategic Research at BT

Tarcisio Andreolli

Tarcisio Andreolli

Italian Senetor, Former President of the Autonomous Region of Trentino – Alto Adige

Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

Chairman & CEO, Attali & Associés, Professor, writer, Honorary Member of the Council of State, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic from 1981 to 1991, founder and first President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London from 1991 to 1993

Franco Bernabè

Franco Bernabè

CEO of Telecom Italia

Tim Cook

Tim Cook

Director at ISIS Innovation, Board Member TT Venture and Innovation Professor at Southampton University, St Catherines College Oxford, retired in 2017

Maurizio Dècina

Maurizio Dècina

Electronics engineer and Professor Emeritus at the Politecnico di Milano

João da Silva

Former Director, DG INFSO.D “Converged Networks and Services” European Commission, EC Directorate General for the Information Society

Thorbjorn Jagland

Thorbjorn Jagland

Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Terttu Luukkonen

Terttu Luukkonen

Head of Unit at the Research Institute of Finnish Economy

Nick Mckeown

Nick Mckeown

Professor of CS and EE in Stanford University

Chemi Peres

Chemi Peres

Founder and Managing General Partner of Pitango

Ahmed Qurie (Abu Ala)

Ahmed Qurie (Abu Ala)

Former Prime Minister of Palestine, died on February 22, 2023

Javier Solana

Javier Solana

Former EU High Representative and NATO Secretary General, President of Centre for Global Economics and Geopolitics ESADE

Staffan Truvé

Staffan Truvé

CEO of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS); Co-founder of CR&T (Carlstedt Research and Technology), Chief Scientist at Recorded Future

Charles Wessner

Charles Wessner

Director of Technology, Innovation, & Entrpreneurship at National Academy of Sciences

Steering Board*

Afonso Ferreira

Afonso Ferreira

Chair of the Strategic Forum
Board Member, CNRS – Toulouse Institute of Computer Science, Seasoned practitioner of EU Institutions

Tiziana Catarci

Institutional members representative
Vice-Rector for ICT and Infrastructures at the University of Roma “La Sapienza”

Eliezer Dekel

Eliezer Dekel

Corporate members representative
Chief Architect, Huawei ERC, died on February 18, 2020

Anilkumar Dave

Anilkumar Dave

SME members representative
R&D Projects and Technology Transfer Unit Coordinator, Space Economy and Open Innovation advisor, EU external expert evaluator

Erwin Grosspiescth

Erwin Grosspiescth

Affiliated members representative
Chairman of the Board of Directors of EUROMICRO

Gabriel Silberman

Gabriel Silberman

International Cooperation representative
Director General, Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology

EAI Innovation Academy Board of Trustees*

Virgilio Almeida

Virgilio Almeida

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais

Fabrizio Gagliardi

Fabrizio Gagliardi

Senior Strategy Advisor, Institutional – European Relations, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

Malik Ghallab

Malik Ghallab

Directeur de recherche LAAS-CNRS and University of Toulouse, French National Centre for Scientific Research

Santiago Grisolía

Santiago Grisolía

Executive President of the “Rey Jaime I” Prizes and Secretary of the Fundación Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados, Died on August 4, 2022

Ward Hanson

Ward Hanson

Policy Forum Director and Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research

Bálint Magyar

Bálint Magyar

EIT Governing Board and Minister of Education, Former Minister of Human Capacities of Hungary

Henry Markram

Henry Markram

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne

Hagit Messer-Yaron

Hagit Messer-Yaron

Tel Aviv University, Former president of the Open University of Israel

Pablo Rudomin

Pablo Rudomin

Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Mexico

Roberto Saracco

Roberto Saracco

President and Node Director of European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) Italy, died in December 2023

Oliviero Stock

Oliviero Stock

FBK-IRST Senior Fellow

Mateo Valero

Mateo Valero

Director of the Spanish National Centre of Supercomputing

Wolfgang Wahlster

Wolfgang Wahlster

Former Director and CEO of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI GmbH

Advisory board*

Dr. Lawrence Summers

Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard University

Prof. Eric Kandel

2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine and professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Prof. Nicholas Negroponte

Co-founder and former director of the MIT Media Lab and founder of the One Laptop per Child

Dr. Maria Klawe

Board Director of Microsoft Corp. and President of Harvey Mudd College

Prof. Christopher S. Eisgruber

20th President of Princeton University

Prof. Henry Rosovsky

Former professor of Economics, former Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and former Acting President of Harvard, died on November 11, 2022

Dr. David Fischer

Vice President of Advertising and Global Operations at Facebook

Dr. André Azoulay

Senior advisor to King Mohammed VI of Morocco

Prof. Bernard Henri Levy

Influential intellectual, philosopher and journalist

*Positions at the time of appointment