Data Automation & Maintenance

Your Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) reference information related to organizational assets such as:

  • HR contact info for call-trees
  • Business processes to identify dependencies on IT services
  • Supplier contacts
  • Other data/information that is required at the time of disaster for effective incident response

When your plan-related data only resides in the Plan, it does not get updated until Plan Maintenance occurs.  Because change is the only constant, any modifications made to the data will not be reflected in the Plans until maintenance occurs, which questions your Plan’s integrity at the time of a disruption.

BCPs stored within eBRP Suite reference data related to your organizational assets in the database. eBRP Suite includes an easy-to-use data integration interface to schedule & automate the information from the authoritative sources. The quality of your information is maintained with every data refresh.

eBRP Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) can assist in the Data Automation process with the following services:


Data Sourcing

Help define what type of data is required to support your BCM program Objectives and their record sources:◦HR Contact information for Teams and notification
  • 1Location information for Geo-mapping
  • 2Business Processes and their dependencies
  • 3Supply Chain data (Suppliers, Services, Supplies and Contacts
  • 4Technology components (optional)

Field Mapping

Imports, Troubleshooting and Validation


Scheduled data imports and reporting to meet objectives

Ensuring the quality and integrity of your data is fundamental to a truly viable – and sustainable –BCM program. Our Professional Services Team can help you automate your eBRP Suite data maintenance functions – freeing you to focus on what’s more important to your BCM program and your organization.

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