Welcome to the ECANDI media room. Here you will find our latest media mentions, press releases, images, B-Roll and general information accessible for use in your article, story or publication. If you don’t see what you need or would like to set up a one on one interview, please contact us through [email protected].
Background Information
See below for general business information on Eco Create and Innovate including a Fact Sheet, brief history as well as key accomplishment.
Brand Assets
Click any of the following links below to download a selection of assets including our logo, headshots, shop and product photos that are approved for official use in the media. If you would like different or specific image, please contact us at [email protected].
You may use any of our official hashtags to draw attention to what we do, our projects or programs, events as well as your experiences. Use of hashtags for any other nonrelated purpose that’s not in line with our brand or doesn’t promote or encourage what we believe in is highly discouraged.
Do share your articles with us.
Recent Media Mentions
Here is a selection of the most recent media mentions or features.
Press Releases
Here is a selection of the most recent press releases.