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Calytrix exstipulata DC.
Calythrix microphylla A.Cunn.
Common Name: Calytrix, Turkey Bush, Kimberley Heather, Heather Bush, Pink Fringe-myrtle
Aboriginal Language Names: Jaminjung, Ngaliwurru, Nungali: Mulud (Jam, Ngal), Warrawang (Jam).Jaru: wunggunMalakMalak, Matngala: Wunun (Mal), Pari (Mat).Mangarrayi, Yangman: Murdirdi (Mang)Ngarinyman: Ban, gurrugurruWagiman: ganborlborlinWarray: ditjja, ditjja-ditjja.
Description: Erect shrub to 2 m, rarely taller, glabrous. Stipules caducous. Leaves sessile or nearly so; blades narrowly ovate to linear, mostly glabrous, sometimes ciliate, 1-3.5 mm long, 0.25-1 mm wide, longer in juvenile foliage, acute. Flowers terminally clustered on main and leafy axillary shoots. Bracteoles connate for 2/3 of their length, the tube tapering to the base, c. 7 mm long, lobes broadly ovate, long acuminate. Hypanthium dark red, + cylindrical, mostly 10-ribbed, 8-13 mm long, glabrous. Sepals dark red, + orbicular, 10-12 mm long including the fine scabrid awn of c. 8 mm. Petals pink, whitish at the base, narrowly elliptic, c. 10 mm long, glabrous, narrowly acute. Stamens 2-seriate, c. 30, filaments pink, white in the lower half. Style to 25 mm long.
Whole plant (or habit)
Image: J.L. Purdie
Image: B.M. Stuckey
Image: M.R. Andrews
Notes: A population with pure white flowers is known from north eastern Arnhem Land. Cultivated.


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Introduced Status: Native to NT
Distribution Notes: Widespread across northern NT and WA; also in Qld.
Bioregion: Arnhem Coast, Arnhem Plateau, Central Arnhem, Central Kimberley, Daly Basin, Dampierland, Darwin Coastal, Davenport Murchison Ranges, Einasleigh Uplands, Gulf Coastal, Gulf Fall and Uplands, Gulf Plains, Mitchell Grass Downs, Northern Kimberley, Ord Victoria Plain, Pine Creek, Sturt Plateau, Tanami, Tiwi Cobourg, Victoria Bonaparte

Habitat: Occurs on a variety of sites in open vegetation; also regenerating in groves on disturbed areas such as road verges and borrow pits.

Ecological Attributes

Flowering: all months, mainly June - Aug.
Fruiting: all months, mainly June - Aug.

Other Attributes

Conservation Status (TPWCA): Least Concern
NT Parks: Bullwaddy Conservation Reserve, Elsey National Park, Fish River Gorge Block, Garig Gunak Barlu National Park, Howard Springs Hunting Reserve, Judbarra / Gregory National Park, Kakadu National Park, Keep River National Park, Keep River National Park Extension (Proposed), Limmen National Park, Litchfield National Park, Nitmiluk National Park, Territory Wildlife Park / Berry Springs Nature Park
Flora Description Source: Flora of the Darwin Region

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