A Thousand Young Lagniappe Set – Alone in the Dark

This guide will tell you where to find the Lagniappes needed to complete A Thousand Young Lagniappe set in Alone in the Dark. An explicitly Lovecraft-themed set, A Thousand Young will allow you to glimpse a glimmer of Forbidden Knowledge and come a few steps closer to the madness that awaits those who decide to start poking their noses into otherworldly enigmas.

Here’s a list of Lagniappes needed to complete A Thousand Young set:

Check out the individual Lagniappe guides for the precise locations, while below you’ll find some general directions to these three Lagniappes.

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it while exploring the cellar in Chapter 2. It’s right by the electrified puddle.

alone in the dark lagniappe forsaken crucifix in game v1

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it after closing the window in Lottie’s room in Chapter 2.

alone in the dark nurse's watch location

Playing as both Emily and Edward, you’ll find it on the ground floor of the New Orleans warehouse in Chapter 3.

alone in the dark severed horn lagniappe in game v1

Completing A Thousand Young set will dispel any ambiguity you might’ve had about this game’s connection to Lovecraftian mythos through this bit of Bonus Text:

alone in the dark a thousand young bonus text

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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