Monday, May 10, 2010

So blessed

I am so very blessed by the mothers in my life. I have a wonderful mother in law who cares so much for our family and has raised such a wonderful man. She is a true example of service. She is always serving our family with all of her little deeds. I am thankful to have her in my life and for things she teaches me when she doesnt even know it.
I am so blessed to have my mom. I can't even think of words to describe her. She is so patient, kind, loving, selfless, and a wonderful mom. She is everything I think a mom should be. I am so thankful for the example she is to me and for the things she constantly does for me and my family. She just finished there mission and I am so touched by her strong testimony about the church and missionary work. She is a wonderful mother to look up to and I am glad that she is my mother. Thank you for your constant example mom. I love you.
I am also very blessed by my friends and family members who are all wonderful mothers. I am constantly amazed at the patience and love they have for their children. I feel like such a slacker sometimes when I let my temper go or I dont listen to my kids as I should but I know through all of your examples it makes me want to be a better mom. So thank you.
Last, I am so blessed to be a mom. I am so thankful that my heavenly felt that I was worthy enough to have these beautiful children. I am thankful everyday to have them. I know I always dont do the best but I truely love them and care for them more than I thought I ever could.
I think being a mother is one of the most challenging things I have ever done but by far the most rewarding. I would not change it for the world. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dec. Jan. Feb.

We had such a good Christmas. Ethan was spoiled with a train table/ and a fish tank.
Aleah received a fisher price piano that she LOVES!
Dec 24th
Making cookies for Santa
I am finally blogging again. I have been so unmotivated to blog lately. I received a new calling as the primary Secretary and it has kept me so busy. It seems every time I am getting on the computer it is for primary. I really enjoy this calling, I love to be around the primary children. I also have been doing a lot of hair, which is good, but once more keeping me very busy. Other than that the kids , oh I could come up with so many excuses but the biggest one is that I am so behind I don't even know what to blog about anymore, I am SO behind.


(Clapping her hands, the picture does not capture this but I sure think her teeth are cute) Aleah got her two first teeth on the bottom. I love this picture showing those pearly whites off. She got her first tooth the week of Thanksgiving and her second the week of Christmas. She is crawling and I think will soon be walking. She likes to climb the stairs, scary. I try not to let her do that. She will clap her hands, wave goodbye, say something that sounds like hi. She mimics the sounds uhoh and thankyou. She is changing all the time and I find it so hard to keep up with her.


I love this picture she looks so pretty in her valentines dress. Thanks to Aunt Bree for letting us borrow it.

February 12th We were invited to a mom and me valentines Party. I think this outfit is so cute! Girls are so much fun. I just love dressing her every morning. Once again Aleah is clapping.

February 20th
Playing her little piano and sporting her first piggy tails. Love it!
Ethan, is getting smarter everyday. He really is into doing puzzles right now and enjoys learning his letters. He doesn't always get them right but he is getting much better. He has so much fun at preschool, it is so good for him. He also enjoys the library, we try to go every Thursday.
Evan is doing good working for American Family. It is hard to get started but he remains positive and is such a hard worker.
This week I am just trying to figure out how to get my car fixed. Someone rear ended me last week. I am fine and The car really doesnt even look bad at all. I had to take it to the car wash to see if there was even a mark. So on to the repair shop to get it fixed.
I apologize for the random blog and hope it wont be another 3 months before I do this again.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Aleah's New Trick

Aleah is now 7 months old!
I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I am a slacker of a mom and just barely got her in for her 6 month check up. She has changed SO much to me. These are her stats.
Weight- 18.9 lbs.
Height - 54%
Head-92% :(
She has a big head just like Ethan poor girl. Hopefully she will grow into it.
This is her latest trick. She loves to sit up, and now she is doing it on her own. She also enjoys anything that makes noise or is different. Why buy baby toys. Aleah is perfectly happy with a piece of paper. It keeps her entertained forever.
She has been eating her share of baby food. She loves it and gets so excited when I bring it to her. Her faves would be the traditional pears and sweet potatoes. She will eat just about anything though.
Her other trick, which I have not been able to capture on camera, is she has started to rock on her hands and knees. crawling soon? I hope not. She has also pretty much done away with her Binky which would be fabulous to not have to deal with that later.
She is such a happy baby and is so fun to have around. I just love this little girl!