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Eliminate Nonessential Content


Eliminate Nonessential Content

by Patti Shank / Published: Apr 10 2017

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What it's about

In this eBook by Patti Shank, PhD, we concentrate on five critical tactics to remove unnecessary words and content in order to make it more learnable.

Key chapters

  • A roadmap for learning

    Traveling the learning road, tasks and realities, an example, writing for instruction, series organization.
  • Learning objectives

    Use five tactics for removing excess words and content from your instruction. Then, practice the five tactics in examples and your own content.
  • Introduction

    When should you apply these tactics?
  • Tactic 1

    Prefer simpler words and phrases to complex words and phrases.
  • Tactic 2

    Avoid phrases with no value.
  • Tactic 3

    Use technical terms only when they are needed or expected.
  • Tactic 4

    Replace long descriptions with graphics.
  • Tactic 5

    Move less essential content to non-prime space.
  • Eliminate words and content checklist

    Use the checklist to analyze your content.
  • Wrap-up

    Top 10 takeaways

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