I have this circuit that is part of a schematic that I am trying to read. I have some idea, but I am not sure that I am correct. All I want is to figure out the D0 and D0_3V3 values.
For example assuming that the circuit that is connected to left D0 is set to low (no voltage), will D0_3V3 will be 0 (low) or 1 (high)? (I don't care for real measurements as this is either high or low, as if this is on a micro-controller circuit will get voltage or not.)
The bottom part with the R11 and +3V3 gets me confused as it seems to keep the NPN transistor always on, which it cant be. And if the NPN is always on then there's always high signal at D0_3V3?
Thank you very much all and sorry for making a such a newbie question!