Elim Biopharm

DNA Sequencing

We revolutionized and led DNA Sanger sequencing as a service in the Bay Area for over 20 years, delivering quality data to biotech start-ups and giants. Let us show you what we can do!

Elim’s Unprecedented Combination of

Quality, Speed and Cost Advantage

Elim Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. is a leading sequencing service company in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have been doing Sanger DNA sequencing for over 10 years, and our customers have come to rely on our high quality, fast delivery, and low cost. Elim has pioneered many new features in DNA sequencing services, which include:

First sequencing company offering overnight sequencing result delivery.

First in offering online result downloading and automated data delivery.

First in offering online ordering for DNA sequencing.

First company in Bay Area offering oligo synthesis in house, together with DNA sequencing. This enables the fastest delivery of oligos needed for sequencing.

First in realizing same-day data turnaround.

First in offering online scheduling for local sample pickup.

First in stringent multi-level quality control; every reaction, every base is subject to rigorous quality control procedures.

First offering free local sample pickup, making sequencing a convenient daily service for our local customers.

Today, Elim is continuing to lead the way in sequencing services with new innovations, better services, and better pricing; raising the bar in quality, service, and value for the whole industry. With thousands of satisfied customers using Elim’s sequencing service in their daily lab routine, we are confident that Elim will be able to provide you with a highly reliable and satisfying DNA sequencing experience.

Elim DNA Sequencing


Please try our DNA Sequencing service and give us a chance to impress you. It is our goal to continuously improve our services. Many of our existing customers can witness the difference of Elim’s service and we value the difference they have made in its improvement. We look forward to working with you!

Highest Quality

Click here to view pGEM Control

Using the latest and the highest quality high throughput technology including,

  • State of the art instruments
  • Internally optimized protocols
  • Innovative automations for speed and high reliability

With stringent QA and QC, we consistently receive excellent feedback from our customers. Regardless of your sample size, from a few reactions to a large genomic project we strive to provide the highest quality data and the best service for all customers.

Fastest Possible Turn Around

  • Standard sequencing orders: overnight turnaround.
  • Special projects: please call us (800-214-7722 or 510-783-1112) to discuss your special needs. We will accommodate your special timeline requirement.
  • Mail-in samples: all samples will be processed on the day we receive them.
  • Same day turnaround: have your samples ready by 10 am for local sample pickup. For mail-in samples, make sure we receive them before 10:00 am. (Additional charge will apply. Read length is approximately 800 bases)
  • Overnight turnaround starting from bacterial colonies.

Fastest Possible Turn Around

  • Standard sequencing orders: overnight turnaround.
  • Special projects: please call us (800-214-7722 or 510-783-1112) to discuss your special needs. We will accommodate your special timeline requirement.
  • Mail-in samples: all samples will be processed on the day we receive them.
  • Same day turnaround: have your samples ready by 10 am for local sample pickup. For mail-in samples, make sure we receive them before 10:00 am. (Additional charge will apply. Read length is approximately 800 bases)
  • Overnight turnaround starting from bacterial colonies.

Ability to fulfill all of your DNA Sequencing Needs

  • Plasmids
  • PCR products
  • Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) End Sequencing
  • Cosmid
  • Phage
  • Genomic DNA
  • Primer walking
  • Shotgun sequencing

Elim DNA Sequencing Services

Please try our DNA Sequencing service and give us a chance to impress you. It is our goal to continuously improve our services. Many of our existing customers can witness the difference of Elim’s service and we value the difference they have made in its improvement. We look forward to working with you!

Combined Oligo Synthesis Services

We were the first company in the San Francisco Bay Area providing both DNA Sequencing and Oligo synthesis services.  You can order sequencing primers and sequencing services at the same time.  We will synthesize your unique primers and use them in the sequencing project – often on the same day.  If your sequencing project requires primer walking – where new primers are designed based on sequence discovered in prior runs – Elim’s combined synthesis and sequencing services provide the fastest turn-around times possible. Primers ordered for sequencing can be stored at Elim for future projects, and aliquots can be shipped back to you as well. As always, these features are provided free of charge for all of our customers. Please take advantage of the convenience of combining our DNA sequencing and oligo synthesis services.

Bioinformatics Services

We provide bioinformatics support, such as DNA sequence assembly (contigs), alignment, etc. Please inquire if you need these services. We have very powerful bioinformatics systems that can process data based on the Phred quality score of each individual base, providing very accurate assembly/alignment results.

We have been providing bioinformatics services to many customers on a routine basis.

Template Preparation Services

  • Mini-prep
  • RCA (Rolling Circle Amplification)
  • PCR clean-up

Elim DNA Sequencing

Primer Walking

With Elim’s combined DNA Sequencing and Oligo Synthesis Services, you can accomplish your primer walking projects in the most efficient and most cost effective way. You only need to submit templates for primer walking once. You can estimate the amount required: each sequencing reaction will require around 150-200 ng of template, and one reaction can usually generate a minimum read of at least 500 bases. Elim can design the primers, synthesize them, and perform sequencing using them. Alternatively, you can design your primers, and order them online through Elim’s Oligo Synthesis Services.

The primer walking process:

Step 1

Design and order your first set of primers through the Elim Oligo order page. Be sure to include the sequencing project order number in the comments.

Step 2

Sequencing will be performed, and the data sent to you.

Step 3

Design and submit the next set of primers as before.

Step 4

The cycle continues until the project is complete. Cost depends on the total number of reactions and primers required.

Step 5

If you prefer, Elim’s sequencing experts can design successive sequencing primers required to complete the project. This saves you time and effort, while ensuring the fastest turnaround.  Cost depends on the total number of reactions and primers required; please inquire.

We also provide bioinformatics service (see below) should you need sequence assembly after the sequencing of your constructs is completed.

Ordering Elim DNA Services

DNA Sequencing

If you already have an online account, Please login to place a DNA sequencing order. If you do not have an Elim Bio account, please register first to generate an online account. Then, you may immediately login to place a DNA sequencing order. You may use the same account for all Elim services such as DNA sequencing, oligo synthesis, and peptide synthesis.

To Submit Your DNA Sequencing Samples

After filling out the online order form, please:

  • Print out 2 copies of the order summary page, one for sample submission and one for your own record.
  • Attach sample tubes to the printout, or include the printout inside the envelope or box containing the sample tubes.
  • Leave samples and printout at the designated location for local courier pickup, or send by mail for customers outside of the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Results will be available online overnight. You will receive a notification email when your results are ready for download. Please login, click “Download Sequencing Data”, and your data will be listed there by order number.

Ordering through Excel Order Form

For your convenience when you have larger sample sizes (either in tubes or plates), please use the corresponding forms:

Tube Form

The tube form is for you to organize your sample information to copy/paste into our online order form.

Download Tube Form
Excel Sequencing Order Form for 96-well Plates

These 96-well order forms can be directly uploaded when you place online order.

(A1, B1…H1, A2, B2…H2, …)
(A1, A2…A11, A12, B1, B2…H1, …)

Time Saving Secure Online Ordering System

All samples are processed through Elim’s online ordering system. All order information is transferred to us through a secured network connection. Online ordering is easier and faster than ordering manually with Microsoft Excel’s program. In addition, it offers many advantages such as sample tracking, and increased accuracy. However, we also accept email and fax orders if you prefer. As always, all information received will be kept in strict confidence.

Free Local Sample Pickup 

Local sample pickup is available for many customers within the San Francisco Bay Area.  Call us at 800-214-7722 or 510-783-1112 to confirm if your institute is eligible.  For eligible customers, use our online order form to specify the time and location of sample pickup.  Special requests can be noted in the remarks section. Once local pick up is scheduled, please fill out the online DNA sequencing order form.

Online Sequencing Data Download

Do not let late results delay your project! Elim’s convenient data retrieval system allows you to download your sequencing results from the same account used to order the Sequencing service. We guarantee overnight turnaround time for standard DNA sequencing orders, and the moment your data are available for retrieval, you will receive an Email notification from Elim.

Elim DNA Sequencing

To submit samples, you can either premix the template and the primer, or send them separately. The following are the conditions for both premixing and non-premixing sample preparations. When possible, please use 8-strip PCR tubes for less than 96 samples and primers, and 96-well plates for equal to or greater than 96 samples:

Sample Preparation

PREMIX Template with Primer

(Premixed Samples)
Premixed total volume (in water): 15 uL
Premixed template quantity (in water):

  • PCR products:
    • 100-200bp 2-3 ng
    • 200-500bp 6-8 ng
    • 500-1000bp 10-15 ng
    • 1000-2000bp 20-30 ng
    • >2000bp 60-100 ng
  • Single-stranded: 100-150 ng
  • Double-stranded: (plasmids) 500 ng
Premixed primer (in water): 8 pmole

Submit Template and Primers Separately

(Non-Premixed Samples)
  • PCR products: concentration > 10ng/uL, please send > 10ul and let us know the concentration and the length of the PCR product.
  • Plasmids: concentration > 50ng/uL (100ng/uL is preferred), please send > 10 uL each.
Non-premixed Primer (in water): concentration 3 uM, please send > 10 uL each, and have enough for all the samples.

BAC DNA and Genomic DNA

Elim has extensive experience and provides BAC DNA and Genomic DNA sequencing. Results will take 1 more business day to obtain. When submitting samples for BAC DNA and Genomic DNA sequencing, submit in non-premixed form and please refer below for template and primer requirements:

  • Template: >400 ng per sequencing reaction
  • Primer: 12 pmole per sequencing reaction
Genomic DNA:
  • Template : 3-6 ug per sequencing reaction
  • Primer: 15-30 pmole per sequencing reaction

Elim DNA Sequencing

Template Preparation Services

Mini Prep Service

High-throughput Mini Prep in 96-well Plates. Samples can be submitted in the following formats:

  • Bacterial pellets: this can prevent possible cross-contamination of bacterial culture during transport.
  • Bacterial culture (1ml in 96-well deep well 2 ml culture blocks): grown or not, please specify. If not grown, we can grow for you. Please seal well to avoid spill or cross-contamination among wells.
  • Bacterial agar plates: We can pick up colonies for you. Please specify antibiotic information.
  • Glycerol stocks, please specify antibiotic information, and submit in dry ice.
RCA (Rolling Circle Amplification)

Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) is a reliable and convenient method for template preparation for DNA sequencing. It can amplify any circular DNA, such as plasmids, from a variety of starting materials. It has become a popular alternative to traditional plasmid preps for DNA sequencing. Elim has developed a series of proprietary, optimized RCA methods to meet your special needs, such as difficult bacterial strains and ultra-fast template preparations.

Samples can be submitted in the following formats:

  • Bacterial colonies (in 10 uL water or PBS).
  • Bacterial culture
  • Bacterial pellet
  • Glycerol stock
  • DNA plasmid (e.g. if you encounter the problem of low-yield plasmids and have trouble getting enough for sequencing)
PCR Purification Service

Elim uses a proprietary method for PCR clean-up for DNA sequencing. Sequencing data from PCR products requiring clean-up are still available the next day.

Other Primers
Elim offers oligo synthesis services, which can make any of your special sequencing primers overnight, and can internally transfer them for your DNA sequencing orders. We can also stock your primers at Elim free of charge.

Elim Primers

Most Commonly Used Primers, available free of charge

  1. T7 Forward  5′- TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG GG -3′
  2. T7 Reverse  5′- GCT AGT TAT TGC TCA GCG G -3′
  3. T3 5′- AAT TAA CCC TCA CTA AAG GG -3′
  4. SP6 5′- GAT TTA GGT GAC ACT ATA G -3′
  5. M13 Reverse 5′- GGA AAC AGC TAT GAC CAT G -3′
  6. M13 Forward (-20)  5′- GTA AAA CGA CGG CCA GT -3′
  7. M13 Forward (-40)  5′- GTT TTC CCA GTC ACG AC -3′
  8. pGEX Forward 5′- GGG CTG GCA AGC CAC GTT TGG TG -3′
  9. pGEX Reverse 5′-  CCG GGA GCT GCA TGT GTC AGA GG -3′
  10. BghRev 5′- AAC TAG AAG GCA CAG TCG AGG C -3′
  13. pET 5′- CTC GAT CCC GCG AAA TTA – 3′
  14. T7 Forward (short) 5′- TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG -3′
  15. gSP6 5′- GTT TTT TGC GAT CTG CCG TTT C -3′


DNA Sequencing FAQs

Do you have more universal primers?

Yes, we have a large list of common primers routinely used by our customers. Only the most commonly used primers are listed on our website.

We offer custom Oligo Synthesis Services as well and can quickly synthesize any of your special primers. Many customers synthesize and store their commonly used primers at Elim to be used routinely for their DNA sequencing projects. As always, this internal transfer and storage features are provided free of charge for all of our customers.

Do you provide bioinformatics services to support sequencing data analysis?

Yes. We provide bioinformatics support, such as DNA sequence assembly, alignment, etc. Please inquire if you need these services. We have very powerful bioinformatics services that can process data based on the Phred quality score of each individual base, therefore providing very accurate assembly and alignment results. We have been providing bioinformatics services to many customers on a routine basis.

Can you check my template concentration?

Yes. For non-premixed samples, we can check your template concentration free of charge. If needed, we can concentrate or dilute your sample before running the sequencing reaction.

How do I submit my sequencing samples?

Please check “Sample Prep”for specific instructions as to how to prepare your samples. Most sequencing samples can be sent to us through mail as DNA is relatively stable at normal ambient temperatures.

How do I know when my DNA Sequencing data is ready?

We notify you via email (listed on your account) as soon as your sequencing data becomes available for download.

What programs can I use to open the .ab1 files?

You can use programs like FinchTV (http://www.digitalworldbiology.com/finchtv), or Chromas (http://technelysium.com.au/we/chromas/) to view your sequencing .ab1 file.

Do I have to use the online ordering system?

If you prefer, we have Excel forms that you may fill out and send via email to [email protected]. Please click here to see the details.

My run seems to have failed. What should I do?

Please contact us immediately for troubleshooting and rerunning your sample. We have different protocols for challenging templates such as GC-rich, siRNA, etc. Our sequencing specialists are highly experienced in solving your sequencing issues or difficulties.

How long do you keep sequencing samples at your site?

Unless specifically noted, we keep sequencing samples for two weeks before we dispose of them.

How do I get a price quote?
Please contact us by phone or Email with your specific DNA Sequencing needs and volume so that we may provide you with a market competitive quote!