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Visar inlägg med etikett lists. Visa alla inlägg

lördag 13 september 2014

10 things 15 years of motherhood taught me

My daughter turns 15 on Sunday. 15! Oh my! Each year around her birthday I think back on how time has gone by so fast and that I would like her to be my baby forever. Now as she is getting closer to adulthood, I am acctually also curious and looking forward to what she is going to become. Anyway, today I share 10 things motherhood has taught me these past 15 years. Enjoy!

1. A guilty conscience. Bam! right from the start! It´s like as soon as you hold your baby your head sets into a mode where you feel guilty about everything. Spending not enough time with the baby, or too much time (is she ever going to sleep on her own?!), wanting to sleep etc. And this just goes on as the baby grows. Get used to it!

2. Big love. Love that is nothing I have ever known ever before or after. It is indeed like having a piece of your heart walk around outside your body.

3. Enjoy it! I wish I would have enjoyed each age better. Someone once told me to remember that she (my daughter) will never be 3 again or 9 or 15.

4. Portability. You can bring along a child to most places. I had her with me everywhere; travels, shops, libraries and even at school. She just got used to it and learned how to behave in different social situations along the way.

5. Proud moments. There have been so many moments when I have felt so, so proud of her. It started with her first smile, step and clap of hands. But could also been her first word, art work and first time on stage.

6. Mama Bear is out. The mama bear feelings also comes right at birth, I think. That feeling of knowing you would pick up a car from her if neccessary. That feeling is so strong!

7. Not enough. The fear that I haven´t done enough, taught her enough life skills. Have I done enough so that she will do good in life? That question lies under the surface so many times.

8. Friends. Fear that I haven´t bonded with her enough for her to know that she can tell me anything!

9. You forget. No, I don´t remember which tooth of hers that came first or the exact date that she took her first step, but I am ok with that because I remember so many other things! And scrapbooking helps a lot!

10. Confindence! I am guilty of talking bad about myself infront of my daughter. I know that it
 isn´t good, but it is done. I still hope that the many times I have told her that she is perfect has the overhand and has effected her more.

There you have it, 10 things of many things that this crazy ride of motherhood has taught me so far.

Happy Friday!

fredag 30 maj 2014

Lists with Friends 2014 | A few of my favorite moments from this week

Lists with friends

1. Sprouting seedlings everywhere in the garden.
2. Seeing the flowers bloom.
3. Finding the cats laying in the best places.
4. Blue skies.

5. When everything feels purely good.
6. Yard sales.
7. Colors that match in nature.

8. DIY projects for the garden.
9. Herbs on the drying rack.
10. That smile is the best thing in the whole world!


Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

Ps. Don´t forget to sign up for this self paced class

onsdag 30 april 2014

WCS | Minibook with Jenni Bowlin kit

This is a post originally posted on the Write Click Scrapbook blog during March Mini Madness. 

Lisa here with the last day of Jenni Bowlin Mini Madness week. I worked with the September 2013 Papercrafting kit. When I was planning on what my minibook would consist of I saw that the 30 days of lists were going to start on March 1st and that was that; a 30 lists mini it would be!

Bild (4)
Here is a look at the finished book. I had pre planned pretty much all the design for the inside pages. 
The book is made with just patterned papers. I trimmed the 12x12" papers to 6x12" and simply folded the pieces in half. For the binding I used 2 staples. I first poked holes for the staples with my craft needle and simply pushed the staples in those and closed them. 
For the cover I just played with the great things in the kit. The stamp works as a base and then I just added the letter stickers and embellsihments. 
I wanted to use tags on each page for the lists. There were a few tags in the kit, but I decided to cut mine from the cardstock in there instead. I cut them all out and added a small punched out circle from a black paper in the kit to the tag before I punched a whole. 
This is how they turned out! That black circle makes all the difference, no?
Here are a few quick looks inside. I knew the list topics since it is a paid event and printed each list as a strip. One of the girls doing the challenge made a pdf with numbers so I cut those out aswell. 
Bild (2)
Then I started listing! I have done this project before I knew i would like it!
Bild (1)
I love the chunky feel that this mini has! And i hope that it will inspire you to make something like it!

Thanks for stopping by!

fredag 25 april 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | My childhood home


Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

fredag 4 april 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | 18 rules of living

Dalai Lama´s 18 rules of living. 

#1 take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

#2 When you loose dont loose the lesson.

#3 Follow the three R's: Respect for self. Respect for others. Responsibility for all your actions.

#4 Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

#5 Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

#6 Don´t let a little dispute injure great friendship.

#7 When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

#8 Spend some time alone every day.

#9 Open your arms to change, but dont let go of your values.

#10 Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

#11 Live a good honourable life. Then when you get older and think back you will be able to enjoy it a second time.

#12 A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

#13 In disagreements with loved ones deal only with the current situation. Dont bring up the past.

#14 Share your knowledge. Its a way to achieve immortality.

#15 Be gentle with the earth.

#16 Once a year go someplace you have never been before.

#17 Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. 

#18 Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

I love this list! 


Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

fredag 7 mars 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | My latest pins

I am an avid Pinterest user and the last time I checked I had 87 boards and 8,832 pins! I thought 
I´d share my 5 latest pins with you.

IROCKSOWHAT: Wifi Password Printable

1. This cute WI-FI password printable would look great in a frame somewhere in the house where guests are, right! 


2. This sprinting cat made me laugh so hard! 

another pallet idea

3. Recycled pallet ideas always inspire me! Isn´t this cute! 

My week 4 of my project 'my' life, page 2

4. Project Life ideas are something I pin very regulary. I am drawn to the smaller page protectors lately like this one

Poly Organza - How easy it is to create a whimsical, colourful setting that will delight everyone, just by draping this translucent fabric from the ceiling. Go to

5. Often I stumble upon inspiration that I will use for work. I love to look at different learning spaces. 

Are you on Pinterest? 

Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

lördag 1 mars 2014

WCS | March gallery

Happy March! It is time for the reveal of WCS March gallery! As usual March is minibook month and we all created minialbums/books for the gallery and let me just say that the team did an awesome job, there are so many cool books to look at!

I made a little different kind of minibook this time. I am recording our everyday life with Project Life and wanted to be able to incorporate the mini in PL. I used 2 page protectors from Simple Stories with 4 pockets sized 3,4”. I started out doing the journaling. I typed out a list of 35 things about me right now (I turned 35 on the 22nd!) on my typewriter. Then I just trimmed the pattern papers and lists to the right size and slipped everything in the pockets. As you can see I have minimal embellishments and just 2 photos. I love how it turned out and it looks great in my album!

Here is the list: 

1. I am 35. 35!

2. I work at the same kindergarden I worked at since I got my degree in 2006.

3. I have lived in the same house since 2003.

4. I carry a few extra kilos.

5. I love to craft!

6. This is my second year loving Stellan and I am still very much in love!

7. I love breakfast. Especially breakfast in bed!

8. I love to crochet. Yarn is my second drug!

9. I have a 14 year old! That is almost as unbelievable as the fact that I am 35!

10. I have been so tired lately.

11. You can find me in a black T-shirt any day of the week.

12. I still like to paint my nails. My toe nails are always painted.

13. I laugh every day. There was a time where it could go days when I laughed. Months without a real belly laugh.

14. I appreciate a day off so much!

15. I like to have an online life.

16. I like to watch "bad" TV like The real housewives of... and Sisterwives.

17. I don´t read as much as I have. I do however listen to a lot of audiobooks.

18. I long for spring and to start my seedlings. 

19. I like color. I wear mostly black but like to add color with scarves and shoes.

20. I have very little alone time. Sure, I am alone when I craft and scrapbook, but there is always someone home with me. That is positive ofcourse, since it means I have people that love me want to be with me, but I am used to having a lot of alone time. I am adjusting.

21. I am in a dream relationship right now. He has everything I have ever dreamt of. 

22. I still have so much left to do with house loans and after-divorce stuff. I want to wish ot all away. Sometimes being an adult sucks!

23. I always have a lot of projects going on at the same time.

24. Some days I have no inspiration at all, other days I have to much! 

25. I bite the sides of my nails all to much. 

26. I apparently snore!

27. I love photography!

28. Sunshine makes me happy!

29. I dream of doing something entirely different some day.

30. I am lucky to have so many people that love me.

31. I look forward to another great summer.

32. I seem to get more and more migraine the older I get.

33. I eat all to much crap!

34. I am a little addicted to my iPhone.

35. I love lists!

This is how it looks right in my PL album! I love it!

Be sure to visit the WCS blog during march since we are going to have a lot of minibook inspiration! 

Happy Saturday! 

fredag 28 februari 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | List #9

We have had temps up to 10 degrees celsius this week which makes me itch for gardening! We are expanding our beds and building some new boxes. I am so excited! Here is a list of seeds we are buying very soon:

Baby tomatoes
Red beets
A few onions

We are also making a new row for more potatoes. Please, hurry up spring!


Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

fredag 21 februari 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | List #7 Our to do list

Our to do list today since we are throwing a birthday party for me tomorrow :)

Have a great weekend!
Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

fredag 7 februari 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | #6 The perfect weekend

For me the perfect weekend include:

1. sleeping in

2. a long breakfast

3. getting up and doing some chores so that they are out of the way

4. settling in at my crafttable for some fun

5. eating a late lunch with my family

6. listening to an audiobook

7. taking a walk

8. spending the night on the couch watching some good shows or a movie

9. snuggles and snacks

10. oh, and then waking on Sunday to do it all again :)

Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )

fredag 31 januari 2014

Lists with friends 2014 | #5 What I love about having a teenager

I will begin this list by telling you that I have ONE teenager in the house and she is a girl. But it is all good :) Almost all...

1. I really love that we can have (almost) adult conversations. 

2. I love that she is passionate about what she thinks is right.

3. I love that she still wants me to cuddle and lay on her bed sometimes.

4. I love her constant texting, snapchatting and twittering. It means she has friends and that she is making new ones around the world and that she is reading and learning.

5. I love that she has humor.

6. I love the sounds she makes in the morning when I am still in bed; lots of rushing between her bedroom and the bathroom getting ready, how she closes my door when she gets her breakfast and her rushing out the door just in time.

7. I love that she shows me stuff on the internet that she thinks is funny.

8. I also loves that she talks and talks about stuff in record speed and actually thinks I can follow!

9. I love that she knows me and always sends me photos throughout the day.

10. I love the person she is developing into, messy and all.


Bwlists200This post is part of a list-making project called Lists With Friends 2014, an effort to document the year in lists of all types. I love lists, and I love a good project : )
