Elmich’s Products Awarded “Leader” Rating under SGBP Scheme.
Elmich’s continuing innovations and commitment to the greening of urban spaces have been recognised with their VersiWall®, VersiTank®, TurfPave®, VersiJack®, VersiPave®, SpiraPave® and VersiCell® range of products being awarded the Leader rating (4-ticks) under the Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) certification scheme, a notable achievement over their last award of the Very Good rating (2-ticks) in 2016.
Administered by the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC), the SGBP certification scheme is the only industry-centric certification scheme for green building products and materials. Under the scheme, building products are assessed on their environmental properties and performance through a comprehensive list of assessment criteria. The Leader rating assures customers that Elmich’s products are of superior environmental performance benchmarked against current industrial standards, serving as a convincing sustainability credential for its products.
Apart from serving as a proof of the products’ green benefits, the Leader rating also helps architects and developers to accrue more points towards their project’s Green Mark score under BCA’s Green Mark Scheme, an initiative to drive Singapore’s construction industry towards more environmentally-friendly buildings. The Green Mark Scheme intends to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise environmental awareness among its stakeholders. The usage of sustainable products that are certified by approved local certification bodies such as SGBC helps to accrue points that count towards a project’s eventual sustainability rating.
So why does it matter to the specifier / architect / consultant?
To attain a higher Green Mark score, architects and developers can opt to use higher rated green building products, such as Elmich’s Leader-rated range of products.
Within Green Mark for New Buildings (Non-Residential) 2015, under Section 3.02c Sustainable Products, Elmich’s products which are specified and used can score points under the Functional Systems Criteria and/or Singular Sustainable Products outside of Functional Systems Criteria.
To illustrate an example, consider the usage of VersiCell® as a drainage cell for the green roof in a building project, covering more than 80% of the applicable roof area. Based solely on the usage of a single type of Elmich’s Leader-rated product, the project will be awarded 0.25 points, bringing it closer to achieving the minimum point requirement to be certified as a GoldPlus or Platinum Project.
In addition, using only 2 of Elmich’s products with a rating of 4-ticks can score an additional 2 points under Section 5.01, Sustainable Products with Higher Environmental Credentials (Advanced Green Effort).
In summary, every point obtained from the usage of SGBP certified products count towards improving your project’s overall environmental credentials. Using Elmich’s Leader-rated products will support you significantly in achieving the Green Mark standards for your project.
Contact [email protected] to find out more on how to specify or use our products to help you make a significant green impact to your building project.
Reference Sites:
Green Mark For Non-Residential Buildings NRB: 2015. (2016, November 2). Retrieved from Building and Construction Authority: https://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/others/Green_Mark_NRB_2015_Criteria.pdf
GM NRB 2015 Score Card (2016, November 2). Retrieved from Building and Construction Authority: https://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/others/GM_NRB_2015_Score_Card.xlsx
SGBP Labelling Scheme. Retrieved from Singapore Green Building Council: