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Chiropractic Examination

Back Clinic Chiropractic Examination. An initial chiropractic examination for musculoskeletal disorders will typically have four parts: a consultation, case history, and physical examination. Laboratory analysis and X-ray examination may be performed. Our office provides additional Functional and Integrative Wellness Assessments in order to bring greater insight into a patient’s physiological presentations.

The patient will meet the chiropractor which will assess and question a brief synopsis of his or her lower back pain, such as:
Duration and frequency of symptoms
Description of the symptoms (e.g. burning, throbbing)
Areas of pain
What makes the pain feel better (e.g. sitting, stretching)
What makes the pain feel worse (e.g. standing, lifting).
Case history. The chiropractor identifies the area(s) of complaint and the nature of the back pain by asking questions and learning more about different areas of the patient’s history, including:
Family history
Dietary habits
Past history of other treatments (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical and other)
Occupational history
Psychosocial history
Other areas to probe, often based on responses to the above questions.

Physical examination:
We will utilize a variety of methods to determine the spinal segments that require chiropractic treatments, including but not limited to static and motion palpation techniques determining spinal segments that are hypo mobile (restricted in their movement) or fixated. Depending on the results of the above examination, a chiropractor may use additional diagnostic tests, such as:
X-ray to locate subluxations (the altered position of the vertebra)
A device that detects the temperature of the skin in the paraspinal region to identify spinal areas with a significant temperature variance that requires manipulation.

Laboratory Diagnostics:
If needed we also use a variety of lab diagnostic protocols in order to determine a complete clinical picture of the patient. We have teamed up with the top labs in the city in order to give our patients the optimal clinical picture and appropriate treatments.

Understanding Planes of Motion: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Planes of Motion: A Comprehensive Guide

Can understanding the planes of motion help individuals adjust fitness training to maximize fitness for physical and sports performance and reduce the risk of injury?

Understanding Planes of Motion: A Comprehensive Guide

Planes of Motion

The body’s planes of motion are the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes, which divide it into left and right, front and back, and top and bottom halves. The body moves in different dimensions during daily work, house chores, and physical activity/exercises. The movements in each plane correspond to forward/backward, side-to-side, and rotational motions. Think of each plane as an imaginary line or a pane of glass that divides the body into opposing segments when standing in the anatomical position. (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024)

  • Sagittal plane -Divides the body into right and left sides.
  • Frontal plane – Divides the body into front and back.
  • Transverse plane – Divides the body into top and bottom sections.

To determine the plane of motion of a particular movement, consider how the movement would interact with the imaginary lines or plates. When a movement runs parallel to the imaginary line, the movement is occurring in that plane of motion. For example, when going upstairs, the forward and upward movement at the hip, knee, and ankle occurs primarily in the sagittal plane because that movement runs parallel to the imaginary line that divides the body into right and left sides. Frontal plane movements occur while you walk up the stairs and reach for the handrail. The movement is in the frontal plane because the lateral hand reach runs parallel to the line, dissecting the body into front and back sections. If you turn around to look behind, the rotational movement occurs in the transverse plane because your upper torso runs parallel to the line, dissecting the body into an upper and lower section. Individual movements at any joint in the body can occur in a single plane or multiple planes. Complex movements usually happen in several planes of motion concurrently.

Sagittal Plane

Movement in the sagittal plane generally happens in front or behind. This is the most familiar plane of motion because many typical day-to-day activities happen within arm’s reach in front. Walking, texting, or computer work involves movement primarily in the sagittal plane. Several eating mechanics occur in the sagittal plane. Movements include:

  • Flexion – A bending movement that decreases the angle at a joint.
  • Extension – An extending movement that increases the angle at a joint.
  • Hyperextension – Extending the angle at a joint beyond neutral.
  • Dorsiflexion – Bending at the ankle so the top of the foot moves toward the shin.
  • Plantarflexion – Pushing the foot down and away from the body.

Many strength-training exercises in the sagittal plane include biceps curls, forward or reverse lunges, squats, vertical jumping, running, downward dog, and yoga chair poses.

Frontal Plane

The frontal plane divides the body into front/anterior and back/posterior sections. Frontal plane movements are lateral or side-to-side and include:

  • Abduction – Moving the body or a limb laterally and away from the body’s midline.
  • Adduction – Moving the body or a limb towards the body’s midline.
  • Elevation – Moving the shoulder blades up.
  • Depression – Moving the shoulder blades down.
  • Eversion – Rolling the foot towards the inside/medial side.
  • Inversion – Rolling the foot towards the outside/lateral side.

Frontal plane movements are less common than sagittal movements. For example, individuals walk forward more than side to side or reach for something in front rather than directly to the side. Frontal plane movements in fitness include side lunges, lateral shoulder raises, and side shuffles, and in yoga poses, standing side bends and the triangle.

Transverse Plane

The transverse plane divides the body into upper/superior and lower/inferior sections. Transverse plane movements generally involve rotation. Movement in this plane is less common. Exercise injuries most often occur during transverse/rotational movements. (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024) Movements include:

  • Rotation – Moving the torso or a limb around its vertical axis.
  • Pronation – Rotating the forearm or foot to a palm-side or foot-side down position.
  • Supination – Rotating the forearm or foot to a palm-side or foot-side-up position.
  • Horizontal Abduction – Moving the upper arm away from the body’s midline when elevated to 90 degrees.
  • Horizontal Adduction – Moving the upper arm towards the body’s midline when elevated to 90 degrees.

Typical everyday activities in the frontal plane include turning the head to look behind or turning a doorknob. Exercises in the transverse plane include hitting a golf ball, swinging a baseball bat, or performing a seated twist.

Training Within the Planes of Motion Benefits

Training in all three planes can help with movement in several ways, providing greater ease in life and sports.

Prepares Body for Daily Tasks

Many traditional strength-training programs focus on training one muscle at a time, often in a single plane of motion. For example, weight lifters might do bicep curls to primarily work the biceps in the sagittal plane, a chest fly exercise to primarily work the pectoral muscles in the transverse plane, or lateral raises to work the shoulders in the frontal plane. However, compound exercises have recently become much more common. Compound movements allow individuals to train several muscle groups simultaneously and in different planes of motion.

In this way, training activities mimic daily living activities. For example, individuals often lift several heavy bags of groceries and turn to open the car or trunk, involving both sagittal and transverse movement. Preparing the body for complex activities with compound exercises allows individuals to perform them more easily throughout the day.

Prepares Body for Sports and Physical Activities

Complex multi-planar movements help prepare for safe and effective physical activity and sports performance (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024). Researchers and experts understand that many physical and athletic activities require the body to move in different directions, often quickly and under high stress. Several studies have found that anterior cruciate ligament/ACL injuries are more likely to occur during multi-planar rather than single-planar movements. (Quatman C. E., Quatman-Yates C. C., & Hewett T. E. 2010) Training the body to perform multi-planar movements safely and effectively through exercise can help reduce the risk of injury during daily activities or stressful athletic competitions.

Encourages Variation For Full Body Strengthening

Individuals tend to fall into certain movement patterns, such as repeatedly performing the same fitness activity or exercises. This can cause them to have a favorite plane of motion. One way to break away from the same routine is to include movement from all planes of motion. For example, many abdominal workout machines help train in multiple planes of motion, challenging your body to move in different ways. Dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX straps, and bands allow individuals to move joints freely in various planes of motion and work several muscles.

Runners train primarily in the sagittal plane, even if they cross-train by swimming, cycling, or using cardio machines. For this reason, trainers and coaches often recommend doing some form of yoga or weight training that allows them to move their joints in different ways, including lateral movements or rotation. Even flexibility training should incorporate all three planes of motion. For example, walkers might choose to do a simple calf or hamstring stretch at the end of their workout but may also benefit from a seated spine rotation or a lying hip stretch.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Understanding the concept and importance of training in the three planes of motion can help improve sports and physical performance and prevent musculoskeletal injuries. Chiropractic care aims to help individuals enhance movement with less pain due to condition, after injury, or surgery. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

The Difference of Using Custom Foot Orthotics


National Academy of Sports Medicine. (2024). Sagittal, Frontal and Transverse Body Planes: Exercises & Movements. NASM.

Quatman, C. E., Quatman-Yates, C. C., & Hewett, T. E. (2010). A ‘plane’ explanation of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms: a systematic review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 40(9), 729–746.

Obesity Pressure and Chronic Back Pain: What You Need to Know

Obesity Pressure and Chronic Back Pain: What You Need to Know

While some disc herniations don’t cause symptoms, individuals who are overweight with a herniated disc may experience obesity pressure symptoms such as pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling. Can implementing a physical therapy and weight loss treatment program help individuals find relief?

Obesity Pressure and Chronic Back Pain: What You Need to Know

Obesity Pressure

Obesity is one major factor that can contribute to a herniated disc and chronic back pain. When the body has to carry added weight, it can lead to obesity pressure on the intervertebral discs and affect posture and spine position. Researchers have found that other factors, such as inflammation or metabolic changes associated with obesity, can also be involved. (Sheng B. et al., 2017) For individuals who are overweight, weight loss can help resolve a herniated disc combined with physical therapy and can significantly increase herniated disc prevention. (Tokmak M. et al., 2015)

Spine Problems

According to Dr. Alexander Jimenez, owner and head chiropractor at Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, “When the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine shift out of alignment and become altered, it can profoundly contribute to advanced wearing away of outer fibers in the back region of the discs. These outer fibers house and protect the soft material that cushions and absorbs shock in the spine. Over time, the obesity pressure wear and tear on the fibers can cause chronic pain and microscopic radial tears, leading to a complete rupture.” A rupture causes the soft material to leak, irritate, and inflame surrounding nerve roots. Most herniated discs occur between the sides and back of the vertebra.

Movement Problems

  • Obesity makes movement difficult, often causing symptoms like shortness of breath and/or early fatigue and exhaustion even with minimal physical activity.
  • Physical therapy and exercise help relieve obesity and disc herniation.
  • However, the obesity pressure and herniation pain can make it hard to participate in cardiovascular exercises on a regular basis.

Diagnosis Complications

  • Obesity can interfere with the diagnosis and treatment of spinal diseases.
  • This is because weight restrictions and certain imaging tests, like a spinal MRI, can be difficult or impossible to obtain.
  • A physical examination might not be able to identify signs of nerve compression if an individual is obese. These factors can delay diagnosis.

Disc Position and Posture

Obesity is not the only thing that places pressure on the discs. An individual’s body position significantly influences the health of the shock-absorbing cushions. Sitting generates the most pressure, followed by standing, while lying on your back places the least strain on the discs and, depending on the injury, may help relieve symptoms.

  • Symptoms depend on the location of the herniation.
  • The two most common locations are the cervical spine/neck area and the lumbar spine/lower back.
  • Disc herniations in the neck can affect the arms.
  • Disc herniations in the lower back affect the buttocks and legs.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

See a healthcare provider if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. If it is a herniated disc causing symptoms, you might be started on 6 weeks of conservative treatment. This can include physical therapy, rest, health coaching, medication, and surgery, which may be recommended in certain cases. Overcoming these limitations is possible. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Weight Loss Techniques


Sheng, B., Feng, C., Zhang, D., Spitler, H., & Shi, L. (2017). Associations between Obesity and Spinal Diseases: A Medical Expenditure Panel Study Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(2), 183.

Tokmak, M., Altiok, I. B., Guven, M., Aras, A. B., & Cosar, M. (2015). Spontaneous Regression of Lumbar Disc Herniation After Weight Loss: Case Report. Turkish neurosurgery, 25(4), 657–661.

Diagnosing and Treating Herniated Bulging Discs

Diagnosing and Treating Herniated Bulging Discs

How are MRIs used to help diagnose bulging and herniated discs and help healthcare providers develop effective treatment programs for individuals experiencing back pain symptoms?

Diagnosing and Treating Herniated Bulging Discs

Herniated Bulging Disc MRI

A herniated bulging disc is often identified during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); however, it’s usually an incidental finding that was done for other reasons where spinal problems and/or injuries are found. A bulging disc is relatively common, even in individuals who experience no symptoms. A herniated or bulging disc in the back can be identified with an MRI test, typically recommended when someone experiences back pain symptoms for at least six weeks. (American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, 2024) Normal wear and tear and age cause changes in the spinal disc/s cushion to bulge and become misaligned with the spine. (Brinjikji W. et al., 2015) And with a herniated disc, it can press against the spinal cord and nerves. Repeated heavy lifting, practicing unhealthy postures, a history of back injuries, or underlying health conditions are common causes.

Bulging Disc

Bulging discs are common even in healthy individuals but can be difficult to interpret independently on an MRI, so other symptoms and findings are as important in diagnosis.


A bulging disc is usually considered age-related degenerative changes that cause the disc to bulge downward with gravity. (Penn Medicine, 2018)


Many with a bulging disc won’t have symptoms initially. (Wu P. H., Kim H. S., & Jang I. T. 2020) MRI findings are helpful but need to be evaluated alongside other symptoms (American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, 2024) (Penn Medicine, 2018)

  • Back pain
  • Pain in the legs and/or buttocks
  • Changes in gait and/or difficulty walking
  • Symptoms that affect just one side

A significant bulge is expected to cause leg pain due to irritation to the nerves going down the legs. (Amin R. M., Andrade N. S., & Neuman B. J. 2017) As the condition progresses, more than one disc can be affected, leading to other spinal conditions, including spinal stenosis.

A Bulging Disc On MRI

A disc bulge will measure over 25% of the total disc circumference. Its displacement is usually 3 millimeters or less from the normal shape and position of the disc. (Radiopaedia, 2024)

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc shifts out of its correct position and compresses nearby spinal nerves, causing pain and mobility issues.


Herniated disc causes include: (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2022)

  • Automobile accident injuries
  • Work or sports repetitive motion injuries
  • Heavy lifting and/or Incorrect lifting practices
  • Being overweight
  • Sedentary jobs and/or lifestyles that place pressure on the spine when sitting.
  • Smoking can speed up degenerative damage to the spine.


Symptoms include back and leg pain as well as: (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2022)

  • Tingling sensations
  • Numbness
  • Burning sensations
  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness

Herniated Disc on MRI

Herniated discs will measure less than 25% of the total disc circumference. However, herniation is based on the type and can include: (Wei B., & Wu H. 2023)

  • Disc Protrusion – the displacement is limited, and the ligaments are intact.
  • Disc Extrusion – part of the disc remains connected but has slipped through the annulus or outer covering of the disc.
  • Disc Sequestration – a free fragment has separated and broken off from the main disc.

Candidates For Spinal MRI

The MRI is generally safe for most, including those with implanted cardiac devices like newer-model pacemakers. (Bhuva A. N. et al., 2020) However, it’s important to ensure that the healthcare team is aware of cochlear implants or other devices so that necessary precautions can be taken. It is recommended for all individuals that symptoms be present for six weeks before an MRI. A specialist may want to see MRI results sooner, especially if symptoms include: (American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, 2024)

  • A specific injury, like a fall that caused the pain
  • Recent or current infection or fever with spinal symptoms
  • Significant weakness in arms or legs
  • Loss of pelvic sensation.
  • A history of metastatic cancer.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control

An MRI may be needed if symptoms are rapidly worsening. However, many with a disc bulge don’t have symptoms at all. In most cases, an MRI is an outpatient procedure that can be completed in an hour or less but can take longer if contrast dye is used. The healthcare provider will provide specific instructions about MRI preparation.


Treatment for a herniated or bulging disc depends on the cause and severity of symptoms.

Bulging Disc

Many disc bulges don’t require treatment; however, bulging disc pain treatment can include: (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2022) (American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, 2024)

  • Rest
  • No heavy lifting
  • Limited walking
  • Over-the-counter pain relief, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Physical therapy
  • In rare cases that have not resolved with conservative treatment, surgery may be recommended.

Remember that the MRI findings may not identify or rule out all conditions, including muscle strains or ligament injuries, which may require different treatments, such as targeted stretches and exercises. (Brinjikji W. et al., 2015) (Fujii K. et al., 2019)

Herniated Disc

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of symptoms, if any. It can include stand-alone or a combination of physical therapy, medication, and steroid injections. Cases usually resolve in six to 12 weeks (Penn Medicine, 2018). Electrical nerve stimulation may be performed through specialized devices and/or acupuncture to help with nerve compression. (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2020) Surgery may be recommended if conservative treatments fail to achieve significant pain relief and healing. (Wang S. et al., 2023)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

A healthcare provider can discuss treatment options such as pain medication, physical therapy, and surgery. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Root Causes of Spinal Stenosis


American Academy of Neurological Surgeons. (2024). Herniated disc.

Brinjikji, W., Diehn, F. E., Jarvik, J. G., Carr, C. M., Kallmes, D. F., Murad, M. H., & Luetmer, P. H. (2015). MRI Findings of Disc Degeneration are More Prevalent in Adults with Low Back Pain than in Asymptomatic Controls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 36(12), 2394–2399.

Penn Medicine. (2018). Bulging Disc vs. Herniated Disc: What’s The Difference? Penn Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology Blog.

Wu, P. H., Kim, H. S., & Jang, I. T. (2020). Intervertebral Disc Diseases PART 2: A Review of the Current Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies for Intervertebral Disc Disease. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(6), 2135.

Amin, R. M., Andrade, N. S., & Neuman, B. J. (2017). Lumbar Disc Herniation. Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine, 10(4), 507–516.

Radiopaedia. (2024). Disc herniation.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2022). Herniated disk in the lower back.–conditions/herniated-disk-in-the-lower-back/

Wei, B., & Wu, H. (2023). Study of the Distribution of Lumbar Modic Changes in Patients with Low Back Pain and Correlation with Lumbar Degeneration Diseases. Journal of pain research, 16, 3725–3733.

Bhuva, A. N., Moralee, R., Moon, J. C., & Manisty, C. H. (2020). Making MRI available for patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices: growing need and barriers to change. European radiology, 30(3), 1378–1384.

Brinjikji, W., Luetmer, P. H., Comstock, B., Bresnahan, B. W., Chen, L. E., Deyo, R. A., Halabi, S., Turner, J. A., Avins, A. L., James, K., Wald, J. T., Kallmes, D. F., & Jarvik, J. G. (2015). Systematic literature review of imaging features of spinal degeneration in asymptomatic populations. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 36(4), 811–816.

Fujii, K., Yamazaki, M., Kang, J. D., Risbud, M. V., Cho, S. K., Qureshi, S. A., Hecht, A. C., & Iatridis, J. C. (2019). Discogenic Back Pain: Literature Review of Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment. JBMR plus, 3(5), e10180.

Wang, S., Zhao, T., Han, D., Zhou, X., Wang, Y., Zhao, F., Shi, J., & Shi, G. (2023). Classification of cervical disc herniation myelopathy or radiculopathy: a magnetic resonance imaging-based analysis. Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery, 13(8), 4984–4994.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2020). Low back pain fact sheet. Retrieved from

Exploring the Function of the Iliacus Muscle

Exploring the Function of the Iliacus Muscle

The iliacus muscle is a triangle-shaped muscle in the pelvic bone that flexes and rotates the thigh bone. It works with the other muscles in the hip and thigh to help bend, run, walk, sit, and maintain correct posture. Injuries and common medical conditions can affect its function, causing pain and stiffness. Can physical therapy help?

Exploring the Function of the Iliacus Muscle

The Iliacus Muscle

The iliacus is one of the body’s most important hip flexor muscles. The iliacus and surrounding muscles work together to produce the stability and range of motion required for bending, dancing, sitting, and walking.


The iliacus muscle is part of a complex muscle system in the hip and pelvis. Two iliacus muscles on each side of the pelvic bone enable the thigh to flex and rotate. They are innervated by the femoral nerve, which provides movement and sensation to the lower limbs. (Bordoni B. and Varacallo M. 2023) The iliacus muscle sits on the wing-shaped ilium and fits into the curved surface of the ilium, called the iliac fossa. The top of the muscle is attached to the upper wings of the ilium or iliac crest. It extends past the hip joint, which connects to the upper thigh bone/femur at the lesser trochanter protrusion. The iliacus is part of a major trio of muscles called the iliopsoas, including the major psoas and minor psoas muscles. These muscles are also attached to the upper femur but extend upward, connecting to the lumbar/lower spine at several attachment points. The iliopsoas also interact with the quadratus lumborum muscle, the deepest muscle of the lower back that starts at the iliac crest and attaches to the lumbar spine at several points. The quadratus lumborum enables flexion and elevation of the spine, while the iliopsoas enable the flexion and rotation of the hip and thigh.


The iliacus muscle has many functions that include: (Physiopedia, 2024)

  • Flexing and rotating the femur.
  • Helps maintain proper body posture while standing and sitting.
  • Produces hip movement that enables walking, running, and climbing stairs.
  • Provides hip flexion – bringing the knee to the chest.
  • Enables the forward tilt of the pelvis and side-bending.


Several conditions can affect the iliacus muscle, specifically from under and/or overuse injuries. These conditions, collectively known as Iliopsoas syndrome, are typically the result of overuse/repetitive strain or injuries. These include:

  • Iliopsoas tendinopathy – which affects tendons.
  • Iliopsoas bursitis – which affects cushioning sacs known as bursae.

Iliopsoas syndrome can affect anyone but is common in:

  • Individuals and athletes who repeatedly use movements that flex the hips.
  • Track-and-field athletes
  • Gymnasts
  • Dancers

Iliopsoas Bursitis

This is the inflammation of the cushioning sac or bursa under the iliacus muscle, which helps the muscle slide over the pelvic bone. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to pain that radiates through parts of the leg and hips. Runners, skiers, and swimmers are commonly affected, and individuals who regularly have tight hips and individuals with different forms of arthritis can also be affected. Early treatment can prevent the symptoms from worsening. Mild cases can be treated with self-care and stretching to help relieve tightness, rest, ice application, and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe cases, treatment options that may be recommended include: (Physiopedia, 2024)

  • Physical therapy
  • Assistant walking devices to relieve pressure – for example, a cane.
  • Corticosteroid steroid injections
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medications

Iliopsoas Tendinopathy

Another condition affecting the iliacus muscles is iliopsoas tendinopathy, sometimes called snapping hip syndrome, because individuals can hear an audible snapping sound (Davenport KL. 2019). The condition is often experienced by dancers who repeatedly flex and hyperextend their hips and can result in hip and groin pain that gets worse with kicking or rotation. Treatment of iliopsoas tendinopathy can include:

  • Retraining muscle imbalances with strengthening and stretching exercises.
  • If these fail to provide relief, corticosteroid injections may be used. A saline hydro dissection can relieve stress around the tendon by injecting fluids that cushion and release trapped tissues.
  • Tendon release surgery may be recommended when all other options have failed. The surgical release involves severing the tendon to reduce pain and improve the range of motion.


Core muscle strengthening is essential to the rehabilitation of iliacus muscle injuries. The iliopsoas is an integral component of the core group and can benefit from stretching and strengthening exercises (Yogateket, 2019)

  • Lunge stretches
  • Straight leg raises
  • Knee-to-chest stretches
  • Standing hip flexion with resistance bands
  • Certain yoga poses can also help and include variations on the bridge pose that encourage hip flexion. (Yoga International, 2024)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Iliopsoas pain is often felt at the front of the hips, thigh, mid-back, and lower back. Chiropractic care can help with iliacus muscle injuries through:


  • A chiropractor can evaluate the condition and determine if the iliacus muscle is causing pain.

Treatment plan

  • A chiropractor can create a personalized treatment plan that may include exercise instructions, manipulation, and other therapies.


  • A chiropractor can create a rehabilitation program to expedite healing.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Hip Labral Tear and Chiropractic Care


Bordoni, B., & Varacallo, M. (2024). Anatomy, Bony Pelvis, and Lower Limb, Iliopsoas Muscle. In StatPearls.

Physiopedia. (2024). Iliacus.

Physiopedia. (2024). Iliopsoas bursitis.

Davenport KL. (2019). The professional dancer’s hip. Performing Arts Medicine, 77-87.

Yogateket. Lizette Pompa. (2019). Essential yoga body parts. Hip flexor/psoas and yoga. Yogateket.

Yoga International. Amber Burke. (2024). 8 poses for iliopsoas release.

Managing and Minimizing Side Effects of Pain Medications

Managing and Minimizing Side Effects of Pain Medications

For individuals who may need to take pain medications to manage an injury or condition, can knowing the potential side effects help in treatment?

Managing and Minimizing Side Effects of Pain Medications

Medications For Pain Side Effects

Over-the-counter and prescription pain medications can help relieve physical discomfort and distress but can also cause side effects. Patients may not manifest side effects when using certain meds or experience mild, limited, severe, or intolerable effects. Pain medication side effects can include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Upset stomach
  • Bruising
  • Dizziness

However, medication side effects don’t affect everyone in the same way.

Pain Relief

The patient and their healthcare provider can decide whether they risk developing side effects and which effects they are more predisposed to. Individuals may be susceptible to side effects from certain medications but are likely to tolerate others. For example, individuals with a history of ulcers may be recommended to avoid anti-inflammatories. For those who have trouble sleeping, it is recommended to avoid pain meds that are known to interfere with sleep.

Reading Labels and Asking Questions

When taking over-the-counter medications, read the label for side effects, then weigh the possible risks against the medicine’s benefits for pain relief. Ask a pharmacist or healthcare provider about anything that is not understood. Some side effects are medical emergencies, such as allergic reactions. Recognizing the signs of an allergic reaction and being prepared to call for emergency help if symptoms present. (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2024) These can include:

  • Itching
  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Mouth or facial swelling
  • Shortness of breath

If a healthcare provider prescribes medication, discuss the anticipated risks and benefits. The prescription will come with a label that lists the side effects associated with the drug.

Opioid Risks

Opioids are powerful prescription meds, usually used for severe, short-term use, like post-surgery pain or after a severe traumatic injury. Some effects of opioids include: (Plein L. M. and Rittner H. L. 2018) Common side effects include sedation, constipation, and nausea. Chronic use can lead to depression and/or sexual dysfunction. With narcotics, there is the risk of addiction that can change an individual’s life, as addiction can be difficult to overcome. One of the reasons the CDC published a guideline on opioid prescriptions was because of the number of overdoses and deaths.

  • The CDC recommends that practitioners not prescribe opioids as a first-line treatment for chronic back pain.
  • The CDC recommends that healthcare providers initially treat patients with chronic back or neck pain using non-pharmacological therapies or medications other than opioids.
  • Opioids should only be used if the expected benefits for pain and function are anticipated to outweigh the risks to the patient.

With more than half of regular opioid users experiencing back pain, they aren’t proven to help return individuals to work or normal life faster, nor did they improve functioning when used for the treatment of an acute episode. (Deyo R. A. Von Korff M. and Duhrkoop D. 2015) The effectiveness of opioids is about 30% for short-term relief and did not improve physical functioning.

Examples and Comparisons

Examples of common medications used to treat back pain.


  • Active Ingredient – Ibuprofen
  • Drug Class – NSAID
  • Over-the-counter or Prescribed – Available over-the-counter
  • Side Effects – GI-related symptoms and Reye’s Syndrome in children

Aleve and Other Generic Brands

  • Active Ingredient – Naproxen
  • Drug Class – NSAID
  • Over-the-counter or Prescribed – Available as both depending on strength.
  • Side Effects – GI-related symptoms, headaches

Tylenol and Other Generic Brands

  • Active Ingredient – Acetaminophen
  • Drug Class Analgesic – pain reliever
  • Over-the-counter or Prescribed – Available as both and can be prescribed with codeine.
  • Side Effects – Potential liver damage


  • Active Ingredient – Pregabalin
  • Drug Class – Anticonvulsant
  • Over-the-counter or Prescribed – Prescribed FDA-approved for shingles pain and neuropathy in diabetes. Other uses off-label.
  • Side Effects – Dizziness, drowsiness, swelling, weight gain.


  • Active Ingredient – Gabapentin
  • Drug Class – Anticonvulsant
  • Over-the-counter or Prescribed – Prescribed FDA-approved for shingles pain
  • Side Effects – Dizziness, drowsiness, allergic reaction, withdrawal, and seizures.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Chiropractic therapy is among the more conservative treatment options and may be tried first. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself.

Chronic Body Pain Recovery


American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (2024). Anaphylaxis Symptoms & Diagnosis.

Plein, L. M., & Rittner, H. L. (2018). Opioids and the immune system – friend or foe. British journal of pharmacology, 175(14), 2717–2725.

Deyo, R. A., Von Korff, M., & Duhrkoop, D. (2015). Opioids for low back pain. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 350, g6380.

Diagnostic Value of Blood Tests for Back Pain

Diagnostic Value of Blood Tests for Back Pain

Are there blood tests for individuals with chronic and severe back pain symptoms that can help healthcare providers diagnose?

Diagnostic Value of Blood Tests for Back Pain

Blood Tests To Help Diagnose Back Pain

If a healthcare provider suspects an infection or inflammatory arthritis is the cause of back pain, blood tests may be used to diagnose. When trying to find the cause of back pain, a healthcare provider will examine the patient’s medical history, perform a physical examination, and, if necessary, order diagnostic tests. (Dansie E. J. and Turk D. C. 2013) For example, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases says that MRIs can reveal abnormalities in the spine. Still, a person may not feel pain or experience any other symptoms.  The NIAMS also says healthy, pain-free individuals can have elevated SED levels. A high sedimentation rate or sed rate, also known as an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test, can indicate inflammation in the body. (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 2023)

Commonly Used Tests

Blood tests that can help diagnose back pain include:

Complete Blood Count – CBC

  • This test can indicate inflammation or infections.

Sed Rate or Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

  • This test measures inflammation by analyzing how red blood cells settle through plasma.
  • Inflammation could point to an infection. (Harrison M. 2015)
  • If the SED rate indicates that inflammation is present, the possibility of an underlying cause may be some form of arthritis or a tumor, which is rare.

CRP or C-reactive Protein


  • A genetic marker in the blood that is more common in individuals with ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis. (McMichael A. and Bowness P. 2002)
  • This marker may be tested if the healthcare provider suspects either disease.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis affecting the sacroiliac joints, hips, and spine. (Sieper J. et al., 2002)
  • Reactive arthritis is a type that occurs after an infection in a different body system or area. (Hamdulay S. S., Glynne S. J., and Keat A. 2006)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we focus on what works for you to relieve pain and restore function. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. Our areas of practice include Chronic Pain, Personal Injury, Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sports Injuries, severe sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Complex Injuries, Stress Management, Wellness and nutrition, Functional Medicine Treatments, and in-scope care protocols. They can also work with other associated medical professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan to help relieve muscle pain, improve the body’s flexibility and mobility, resolve musculoskeletal issues, and prevent future pain symptoms from reoccurring.

Integrative Medicine Approach


Dansie, E. J., & Turk, D. C. (2013). Assessment of patients with chronic pain. British journal of anaesthesia, 111(1), 19–25.

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. (2023). Back Pain. Retrieved from

Harrison M. (2015). Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. Australian prescriber, 38(3), 93–94.

Sproston, N. R., & Ashworth, J. J. (2018). Role of C-Reactive Protein at Sites of Inflammation and Infection. Frontiers in immunology, 9, 754.

McMichael, A., & Bowness, P. (2002). HLA-B27: natural function and pathogenic role in spondyloarthritis. Arthritis research, 4 Suppl 3(Suppl 3), S153–S158.

Sieper, J., Braun, J., Rudwaleit, M., Boonen, A., & Zink, A. (2002). Ankylosing spondylitis: an overview. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 61 Suppl 3(Suppl 3), iii8–iii18.

Hamdulay, S. S., Glynne, S. J., & Keat, A. (2006). When is arthritis reactive?. Postgraduate medical journal, 82(969), 446–453.

Taking Action against Trafficking: Implementing a Heart-Clinical Approach

Taking Action against Trafficking: Implementing a Heart-Clinical Approach

Can healthcare professionals implement H.E.A.R.T. protocols for trafficked individuals while providing a safe space?


Across the world, many local media and organizations are paying close attention to a phenomenon that many people should be aware of. This phenomenon is known as trafficking, and it can be associated with numerous activities, from forced labor to sex labor, and can affect a person’s sense of self-worth. While many people will correlate that trafficking affects many women and children, it can affect many individuals regardless of age, gender, and background. While many survivors of trafficking are dealing with the psychological and physical injuries that they obtain from their traffickers, many medical professionals can implement protocols and roles through the implementation of H.E.A.R.T. to provide a safe space for individuals suffering from trafficking. Today’s article focuses on the definition of trafficking, what H.E.A.R.T. is, and how it is used in a clinical setting. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess and identify trafficking in a clinical approach while providing a safe space. We also inform and guide patients while asking their associated medical provider intricate questions to formulate customized treatment plans for their pain and provide them with a safe space and positive experience. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


The Definition Of Trafficking


When it comes to defining trafficking, it can be challenging as it is frequently associated with other issues. However, the main definition for trafficking is “recruiting, transporting, transferring, or harboring many individuals or a person that are threatened or forced to achieve the consent of a person having control of the individuals for exploitation.” With human trafficking being a pressing public concern that affects all races, social classes, demographics, and genders, it can impact society and the individual who is being trafficked. (Toney-Butler et al., 2024) Additionally, many people often mistake trafficking and smuggling as they are completely different. Smuggling requires a person to be transported into a nation through voluntary illicit means. While trafficking can come in two forms, which are labor and commercial sex, it can happen within the person’s own home. (Rambhatla et al., 2021) This is because many survivors who are going to get healthcare services will feel various emotions of fear or shame that can prevent them from asking for help due to what they have been through with their trafficker. However, when many individuals who are trafficking survivors are suffering from significant physical, mental, and social health problems and are seeking healthcare services, many healthcare professionals play an important role by creating a safe and responsive space for them. (The Lancet Regional Health-Western, 2022)


Beyond the Surface: Understanding the Effects of Personal Injury- Video

What is H.E.A.R.T In A Clinical Setting

When it comes to creating a safe and positive space in a clinical setting, many healthcare professionals often miss the signs of trafficking due to a lack of training or confidence to identify and treat patients who are trafficking victims. (Lee et al., 2021) However, healthcare protocols should be implemented, and H.E.A.R.T. should be incorporated into a clinical approach to assess and develop a customized treatment plan for the patient. Healthcare professionals can engage with the patient in a one-on-one discussion away from their trafficker and can offer important medical and psychological care resources. (Exeni McAmis et al., 2022) By incorporating H.E.A.R.T. protocols in a healthcare clinic, many doctors and medical professionals can help many patients be in a safe environment. Below is what H.E.A.R.T. stands for.



The “H” in H.E.A.R.T. is for hearing as many medical professionals not only to hear but to see what is going on in the clinic and to establish environmental awareness. This is due to looking at the patient and who is accompanied by them. With healthcare providers being at the front, they interact with patients and may not know what health concerns are affecting them. This could be due to the following:

  • Language or cultural barriers
  • Fear of criminal repercussions
  • Fear of the trafficker
  • Distrust of the healthcare provider (Gutfraind et al., 2023)

By incorporating the hearing aspect in H.E.A.R.T., many healthcare professionals can provide a safe, thoughtful, and engaging approach to the patient and know what to look for when a patient is coming in for treatment.



The “E in H.E.A.R.T. is used to evaluate its importance in enhancing patient interactions in a trauma-informed care facility. This is highly important because the individual is seeking health care. For the patients being trafficked, it is important to notice the red flags the individual is experiencing. Some of the red flags that many healthcare providers should look for are:

  • Physical health
  • Behavioral Health
  • The patient is with a controlling person
  • The patient does not have possession of their I.D.

Additionally, it is always important to show compassion, be sensitive to the individual while addressing their needs and concerns, and use a non-judgmental approach during the interview process. This helps the individual ensure they are in a safe environment when discussing sensitive topics. At the same time, it is important not to let the patient be re-traumatized while avoiding the impulse to rescue and overpromise the patient to mental health as we want them to have their self-worth. At the same time, it is best to remember the four “Rs when doing a trauma-informed approach; they are:

  • Realize: Understanding how trauma can affect people.
  • Recognize: Recognizing the signs of trauma.
  • Respond: Have all staff trained, use evidence-based practices, and provide a safe environment.
  • Resist Re-trauma: Recognizing how some practices may trigger painful memories while avoiding re-traumatizing the patient.

By implementing the four “Rs and the “E in H.E.A.R.T., many healthcare professionals can provide valuable resources to trafficking survivors with a strong support system.



The “A in H.E.A.R.T. stands for activating, where healthcare professionals must have proper protocols to engage all employees. This allows the healthcare providers to understand how beneficial it is to develop a protocol for a person who is being trafficked, understand their state and federal reporting laws, and list key elements of effective trauma-informed screening procedures when assessing the patient. This allows a foundational structure to support a response for suspected patients who are being trafficked. At the same time, by following HIPAA laws and organization policies, many healthcare providers must explain the reporting process to the right officials. Additionally, the benefits of developing a protocol for trafficking are by:

  • Clarifying procedures
  • Enhance staff training
  • Optimize the interactions with the trafficking patients
  • Improve staff confidence
  • Prepare for any threatening situations
  • Maximizing preparedness to aid trafficking patients
  • Optimize support for patients
  • Develop collaborative outside resources



The “R in H.E.A.R.T. stands for resourcing, as many healthcare providers must identify the referral systems. This allows healthcare professionals to understand the important message to convey when assessing trafficking victims and the importance of responding to safety, emergency, and reporting requirements. When assessing and interviewing the patient, many will have to recognize that their patient may be a possible victim of trafficking, what their immediate needs are, and what long-term resources can help.



The “T” in H.E.A.R.T. stands for training, as it is important that many healthcare providers continuously train to spot trafficking; this provides confidence to many healthcare workers and can help save a person’s life. By implementing H.E.A.R.T. protocols, the “T” allows the doctor to respect the individual’s decision to want help, providing a positive support system while encouraging them to come back, offering to help with a safety plan, and building a resource network. This is because if the patient is accompanied by someone who is controlling and answering for the patient, handing out information discreetly can provide a bit of hope to the individual to make the move. At the same time, providing local and immediate assistance resources can help the individual in the long run. This allows healthcare providers to build a trusting relationship and even help individuals to have a safe and positive experience on their health and wellness journey.



Exeni McAmis, N. E., Mirabella, A. C., McCarthy, E. M., Cama, C. A., Fogarasi, M. C., Thomas, L. A., Feinn, R. S., & Rivera-Godreau, I. (2022). Assessing healthcare provider knowledge of human trafficking. PLOS ONE, 17(3), e0264338.

Gutfraind, A., Yagci Sokat, K., Muscioni, G., Alahmadi, S., Hudlow, J., Hershow, R., & Norgeot, B. (2023). Victims of human trafficking and exploitation in the healthcare system: a retrospective study using a large multi-state dataset and ICD-10 codes. Front Public Health, 11, 1243413.

Lee, H., Geynisman-Tan, J., Hofer, S., Anderson, E., Caravan, S., & Titchen, K. (2021). The Impact of Human Trafficking Training on Healthcare Professionals’ Knowledge and Attitudes. J Med Educ Curric Dev, 8, 23821205211016523.

Rambhatla, R., Jamgochian, M., Ricco, C., Shah, R., Ghani, H., Silence, C., Rao, B., & Kourosh, A. S. (2021). Identification of skin signs in human-trafficking survivors. Int J Womens Dermatol, 7(5Part B), 677-682.

The Lancet Regional Health-Western, P. (2022). Human trafficking is more than a crime. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 20, 100444.

Toney-Butler, T. J., Ladd, M., & Mittel, O. (2024). Human Trafficking. In StatPearls.
