IES Model Of employee
This model of engagement created by the Institute for Employment Studies
(IES) . ‘Engagement may be considered having three covering components Commitment,
motivation and citizenship behaviour (OCB) ‘Armstrong et al, (2010) Armstrong, (2014)
is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 : IES Model Of employee engagement
(Source: Armstrong, 2014)
Armstrong’s Handbook Of Human Resource Management Practice. 14th
ed. India. Kogan Page Limited
Armstrong, M,
Brown, D and O’Reilly, P (2010) Evidence-based Reward, London, Kogan
International Survey Research (ISR) defines employee engagement as ‘a process by which an organization increases commitment and continuation of its employees to the achievement of superior results’. The ISR separates commitment into three parts: cognitive commitment,affective commitment and behavioral commitment. In other words, the three dimensions are:think, feel and act.
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