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{{Short description|Polish poet (1931–2024)}}
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{{Infobox writer
'''Zbigniew Jankowski''' (born in 1931 in [[Bydgoszcz]]), is a [[Poles|Polish]] [[poet]].
| name = Zbigniew Jankowski
| image =
| caption =
| birth_name =
| birth_date = {{birth date|1931|12|26|df=y}}
| birth_place = [[Bydgoszcz]], [[Second Polish Republic|Poland]]
| death_date = {{death date and age|2024|7|6|1931|12|26|df=y}}
| death_place =
| occupation = Poet
| spouse = [[Teresa Ferenc]]
| awards =
| signature =
'''Zbigniew Jankowski''' (26 December 1931 – 6 July 2024) was a Polish poet, writer, essayist, literary critic.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref>
He made his debut as a poet in 1956. He was the organizer and the first president of the Literary Club "Kontakty" in [[Rybnik]], the creator of the poetic and artistic group "Reda" in [[Kołobrzeg]], the organizer and president of the Lower Silesian Branch of the Association of Polish Mariners, animator Of the Academic Literary Circle formed at Basilica of St. St. Nicholas in [[Gdańsk]]. Member [[PEN Club]], founding member [[Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich]], ("Association of Polish Writers"). From 1975 he lives in [[Sopot | Sopot]]. Three times nominated for Orpheus - Poetic Award of [[Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński|K.I. Gałczyński]]. Poet's husband [[Teresa Ferenc]], father of the poet [[Anna Janko | Anna Janko]].
==Life Poetryand career==
Zbigniew Jankowski was born in [[Bydgoszcz]], in [[Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship]], Poland on 26 December 1931.<ref>[https://www.google.com/search?q=Zbigniew+Jankowski+26+Dec.+1931&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsY1Y73IC7uOnzo9oMV9Ydtsd9ue8A:1659381604945&source=lnms&tbm=bks&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp7u-Yrqb5AhVfYPEDHQMvDPwQ_AUoBHoECAIQBA&biw=412&bih=652&dpr=2.63 Profile of Zbigniew Jankowski]</ref> He made his debut as a poet in 1956.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref> He was the organizer and the first president of the Literary Club "Kontakty" in [[Rybnik]],<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref> the creator of the poetic and artistic group "Reda" in [[Kołobrzeg]],<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref> the organizer and president of the Lower Silesian Branch of the Association of Polish Mariners,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref> animator Of the Academic Literary Circle formed at Basilica of St. St. Nicholas in [[Gdańsk]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://terytoria.com.pl/10292-jankowskizbigniew |title=Zbigniew Jankowski |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Zbigniew Jankowski}}</ref> Member [[PEN Club]], founding member [[Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich]], ("Association of Polish Writers").<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref> From 1975 he lived in [[Sopot]].<ref>{{cite web |url=https://terytoria.com.pl/10292-jankowskizbigniew |title=Zbigniew Jankowski |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Zbigniew Jankowski}}</ref> Three times nominated for Orpheus - Poetic Award of [[Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński|K.I. Gałczyński]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.orfeusz-nagroda.pl/index.php/nominowani-2012 |title=Nominacje do Nagrody im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego "ORFEUSZ" 2012 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Nominations for the Award K. I. Gałczyński "ORFEUSZ" 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://olsztyn.tvp.pl/20360128/poznalismy-finalistow-tegorocznych-orfeuszy |title=Poznaliśmy finalistów tegorocznych Orfeuszy |date=6 June 2015 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=We met the finalists of this year's "Orpheus"}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.orfeusz-nagroda.pl/index.php/nominowani-2017 |title="Orfeusz" - Nagroda Poetycka im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego - nominowani |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title="Orpheus" - Poetic Award of K. I. Gałczyński - nominated}}</ref> Poet's husband [[Teresa Ferenc]],<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref> father of the poet [[Anna Janko]].<ref>{{cite web |url=https://instytutksiazki.pl/files/upload/files/Konspekty%20DKK/konspekt%20DKK%20janko%20v2.pdf |title=Anna Janko, "Mała Zagłada" |last=Nowaczewski |first=Artur |access-date=12 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Anna Janko, "A Little Annihilation"}}, pdf</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.gosc.pl/doc/808289.Milosc-nie-mija |title=Miłość nie mija |last=Gruszka-Zych |first=Barbara |date=27 September 2010 |access-date=12 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Love doesn't go by}}</ref>
* ''Dotyk popiołu. Miniatury liryczne'' (1959), ("A touch of ash. Lyric miniatures") (1959)
* ''Wejście w las'' (1964), ("Entering the forest") (1964)
* ''Rozmowa z ogniem'' (1965), ("Conversation with fire") (1965)
* ''Żar. Poemat'' (1966), ("Heat. Poem") (1966)
* ''Ciążenie morza'' (1970), ("Gravity of the Sea") (1970)
* ''Wysokie łowisko'' (1972), ("High fishery") (1972)
* ''I gdyby wszystkie żagle'' (1973), ("And if all sails") (1973)
* ''Psałterz bałtycki. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'' (1974), ("Baltic Psalter. Selected and new poems") (1974)
* ''Wiązanie trawy'' (1976), ("Tying grass") (1976)
* ''Ostrzeżenie przed lądem'' (1977), ("Land Warning") (1977)
* ''Żywioł wszelki. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'' (1978), ("Any element. Selected and new poems") (1978)
* ''Kto żyje'' (1980), ("Who lives") (1980)
* ''Zanurzenie. Modlitwy poetyckie'' (1980,1981), ("Dipping. Poetic Prayers") (1980,1981)
* ''Żegluga. Poemat'' (1983), ("Shipping. Poem") (1983)
* ''Według Jonasza'' (1983), ("According to Jonasz") (1983)
* ''Poezje wybrane'' (1985), ("Selected Poetry") (1985)
* ''Falochrony'' (1987), ("Breakwaters") (1987)
* ''Pełne morze. Wybór wierszy'' (1987), ("Full sea. A selection of poems") (1987)
* ''Spokojnie, wodo'' (1991), ("Calm, water") (1991)
* ''Cztery twarze domu. Antologia rodzinna'' (1991) - wspólnie z Teresą Ferenc, Anną Janko i Mileną Wieczorek, ("Four faces of the house. Family anthology") (1991) - together with [[Teresa Ferenc]], [[Anna Janko]] and Milena Wieczorek
* ''Port macierzysty'' (1995), ("Home port") (1995)
* ''Morze przybywa z daleka. Modlitwy i inne wiersze'' (1997), ("The sea comes from afar. Prayers and other poems") (1997)
* ''Powiedz, Rabbi'' (1999), ("Say Rabbi") (1999)
* ''Słowo ostatnie i wciąż pierwsze. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'' (2000), ("The last word and still the first. Selected and new poems") (2000)
* ''Wielkie tło. Wiersze nowe 1999-2001'' (2001), ("Great background. New Poems 1999-2001") (2001)
* ''Ciernie wody'' (2003), ("Water Thorns") (2003)
* ''Odpływ. Sztuka ubywania'' (2005), ("Outflow. The art of clothing") (2005)
* ''Przypływ. Jednanie'' (2009), ("Inflow. Unification") (2009)
* ''Biały delfin. Nowy wybór wierszy'' (2009), ("White dolphin. New selection of poems") (2009)
* ''Zaraz przyjdzie'' (2011), ("Coming soon") (2011)
* ''Biała przędza'' (2014), ("White Yarn") (2014)
* ''Wolne miejsce'' (2016), ("Free place") (2016)
In 2016, Zbigniew Jankowski was awarded the silver "[[Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis]]".<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/strona-glowna/ministerstwo/odznaczenia/medal-zasluzony-kulturze---gloria-artis.php |title=Medal Zasłużony Kulturze - Gloria Artis. Lista laureatów medalu Zasłużony Kulturze - Gloria Artis. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Medal for Merit to Culture - Gloria Artis. List of winners of the Medal of Merit to Culture - Gloria Artis. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
== Selected awards and nominations ==
* 1979 - [[Gdańsk]] Book of the Year 1978 for the volume ''Any element. Selected and new poems'' (''Żywioł wszelki. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'').
* 2012 - nomination for Orpheus - Poetry Award of K.I. Gałczyński for the volume ''Coming soon'' (''Zaraz przyjdzie'')<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.orfeusz-nagroda.pl/index.php/nominowani-2012 |title= Nominacje do Nagrody im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego ORFEUSZ 2012 |access-date=31 January 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Nominations for the Award K. I. Gałczyński ORFEUSZ 2012}}</ref>
* 2015 - final Orpheus - Poetry Award of K.I. Gałczyński for the volume ''White Yarn'' (''Biała przędza'')<ref>{{cite web |url=https://olsztyn.tvp.pl/20360128/poznalismy-finalistow-tegorocznych-orfeuszy |title=Poznaliśmy finalistów tegorocznych "Orfeuszy" |date=6 June 2015 |access-date=31 January 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=We met the finalists of this year's "Orpheus"}}</ref>
* 2017 - nomination for Orpheus - Poetry Award of K.I. Gałczyński for the volume ''Free place'' (''Wolne miejsce'')<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.orfeusz-nagroda.pl/index.php/nominowani-2017 |title=Orfeusz - Nagroda Poetycka im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego - nominowani |access-date=31 January 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Orpheus - Poetry Award K. I. Gałczyński - nominated}}</ref>.
Zbigniew Jankowski's work has been translated into [[English language|English]], [[German language|German]], [[Russian language|Russian]], [[Swedish language|Swedish]], [[Greek language|Greek]], [[French language|French]], [[Czech language|Czech]], [[Serbian language|Serbian]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
Jankowski died on 6 July 2024, at the age of 92.<ref>{{cite news |title=Nie żyje Zbigniew Jankowski! Sopocki poeta odszedł w wieku 92 lat |url=https://esopot.pl/pl/14_kultura/25706_nie-zyje-zbigniew-jankowski-sopocki-poeta-odszedl-w-wieku-92-lat.html |access-date=5 August 2024 |publisher=Esopot |date=9 July 2024}}</ref>
==Selected works==
* ''Dotyk popiołu. Miniatury liryczne'' (1959) ("A touch of ash. Lyrical miniatures")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Żar. Poemat'' (1966) ("Heat. Poem")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Ciążenie morza'' (1970) ("Gravity of the sea")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Psałterz bałtycki. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'' (1974) ("Baltic Psalter. Selected and new poems")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Kto żyje'' (1980) ("Who is alive")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Zanurzenie. Modlitwy poetyckie'' (1980, 1981) ("Dipping. Poetic Prayers")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Żegluga. Poemat'' (1983) ("Shipping. Poem")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Pełne morze. Wybór wierszy'' (1987) ("High sea. Selection of poems")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://pbl.ibl.poznan.pl/dostep/index.php?s=d_biezacy&f=zapisy&p_autorid=2076 |title=Polska Bibliografia Literacka. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Polish Literary Bibliography. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
* ''Spokojnie, wodo'' (1991) ("Relax, water")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://pbl.ibl.poznan.pl/dostep/index.php?s=d_biezacy&f=zapisy&p_autorid=2076 |title=Polska Bibliografia Literacka. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Polish Literary Bibliography. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
* ''Cztery twarze domu. Antologia rodzinna'' (1991) - wspólnie z [[Teresa Ferenc]], [[Anna Janko]] i Mileną Wieczorek (""Four Faces of the House. Family Anthology" (1991) - together with [[Teresa Ferenc]], [[Anna Janko]] and Milena Wieczorek")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.desklight-eb788353-2c83-4ed4-b2a6-9d3b7b1dc3a9 |title=Cztery razy jedno, jedno dzielone na cztery? Język poezji a wspólnota domu. Rodzina poetów |date=2 September 2014 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Four times one, one divided into four? Poetry language and home community. A family of poets}}</ref>
* ''Port macierzysty'' (1995) ("Home port")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Morze przybywa z daleka. Modlitwy i inne wiersze'' (1997) ("The sea comes from afar. Prayers and other poems")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Powiedz, Rabbi'' (1999) ("Say, Rabbi")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://pbl.ibl.poznan.pl/dostep/index.php?s=d_biezacy&f=zapisy&p_autorid=2076 |title=Polska Bibliografia Literacka. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Polish Literary Bibliography. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
* ''Słowo ostatnie i wciąż pierwsze. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'' (2000) ("The last word and still the first. Selected and new poems")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://pbl.ibl.poznan.pl/dostep/index.php?s=d_biezacy&f=zapisy&p_autorid=2076 |title=Polska Bibliografia Literacka. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Polish Literary Bibliography. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
* ''Wielkie tło. Wiersze nowe 1999-2001'' (2001) ("Great background. New poems 1999-2001")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://pbl.ibl.poznan.pl/dostep/index.php?s=d_biezacy&f=zapisy&p_autorid=2076 |title=Polska Bibliografia Literacka. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Polish Literary Bibliography. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
* ''Ciernie wody'' (2003) ("Water thorns")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://pbl.ibl.poznan.pl/dostep/index.php?s=d_biezacy&f=zapisy&p_autorid=2076 |title=Polska Bibliografia Literacka. Jankowski Zbigniew |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Polish Literary Bibliography. Jankowski Zbigniew}}</ref>
* ''Odpływ. Sztuka ubywania'' (2005) ("Outflow. The art of declining")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Biały delfin. Nowy wybór wierszy'' (2009) ("White dolphin. New selection of poems")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref>
* ''Zaraz przyjdzie'' (2011) ("Coming soon")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
* ''Biała przędza'' (2014) ("White yarn")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://mkidn.gov.pl/pages/posts/wiceminister-sellin-wreczyl-odznaczenia-6633.php |title=Wiceminister Sellin wręczył odznaczenia |date=3 October 2016 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Deputy Minister Sellin presented awards}}</ref>
== Selected awards and nominations ==
* 1979 – Gdańska Książka Roku 1978 za tom ''Żywioł wszelki. Wiersze wybrane i nowe'' ("1978 Gdańsk Book of the Year for the volume "All element. Selected and new poems"")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}</ref>
* 2012 – nominacja do Nagrody Poetyckiej "Orfeusz" za tom ''Zaraz przyjdzie'' ("nomination for the "Orpheus" Poetic Award for the volume "Coming soon"")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.orfeusz-nagroda.pl/index.php/nominowani-2012 |title=Nominacje do Nagrody im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego "ORFEUSZ" 2012 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Nominations for the Award K. I. Gałczyński "ORFEUSZ" 2012}}</ref>
* 2015 – finał Nagrody Poetyckiej Orfeusz za tom ''Biała przędza'' ("final of the "Orpheus" Poetic Award for the volume "White yarn"")<ref>{{cite web |url=https://olsztyn.tvp.pl/20360128/poznalismy-finalistow-tegorocznych-orfeuszy |title=Poznaliśmy finalistów tegorocznych Orfeuszy |date=6 June 2015 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=We met the finalists of this year's "Orpheus"}}</ref>
* 2016 – silver [[Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis]]
* 2017 – nominacja do Nagrody Poetyckiej Orfeusz za tom ''Wolne miejsce'' ("nomination for the "Orpheus" Poetic Award for the volume "Free Place"")<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.orfeusz-nagroda.pl/index.php/nominowani-2017 |title="Orfeusz" - Nagroda Poetycka im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego - nominowani |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title="Orpheus" - Poetic Award of K. I. Gałczyński - nominated}}</ref>
==See also==
*[[Anna Janko]]
*[[Teresa Ferenc]]
*[[Sochy massacre]]
*[[List of Polish-language authors]]
*[[List of Polish-language poets]]
*[[List of Poles]]
== References ==
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==External links==
* {{cite web |url=http://yadda.icm.edu.pl/yadda/element/bwmeta1.element.desklight-9d964229-32d9-4930-a867-609116cc7430/ |title=Poezja w małżeństwie, małżeństwo w poezji (Teresa Ferenc i Zbigniew Jankowski) |last=Dąbrowska-Czoch |first=Maria |date=1 September 2014 |access-date=31 January 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Poetry in marriage, marriage in poetry (Teresa Ferenc and Zbigniew Jankowski)}}
* {{cite web |url=http://www.nck.org.pl/pl/wydarzenie/1084/promocja-ksiazki-zbigniewa-jankowskiego-bialy-delfin |title=Promocja książki Zbigniewa Jankowskiego "Biały Delfin" |date=28 September 2009 |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Promotion of Zbigniew Jankowski's book "White Delfin"}}
* {{cite web |url=https://terytoria.com.pl/10292-jankowskizbigniew |title=Zbigniew Jankowski |access-date=11 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Zbigniew Jankowski}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.gosc.pl/doc/808289.Milosc-nie-mija |title=Miłość nie mija |last=Gruszka-Zych |first=Barbara |date=27 September 2010 |access-date=12 February 2020 |language=Polish |trans-title=Love doesn't go by}}
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[[Category:1931 births]]
[[Category:2024 deaths]]
[[Category:Polish male poets]]
[[Category:People from Rybnik]]
[[Category:People from Sopot]]
[[Category:Recipients of the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis]]
[[Category:20th-century Polish poets]]
[[Category:21st-century Polish poets]]