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Upon taking office as PSOE's Secretary-General, Sánchez quickly faced a political crisis following the formation of a new left-wing party, [[Podemos (Spanish political party)|Podemos]]. Polling approximated that 25% of PSOE supporters would switch their support to Podemos.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=¿De dónde vienen los votos de Podemos? |language=es |trans-title=Where do the votes of Podemos come from? |work=europa press |date=5 November 2014 |access-date=29 December 2015 }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last=Díez |first=Anabel |url= |title=Pedro Sánchez, en proceso |language=es |trans-title=Pedro Sánchez, in process |work=El Pais |date=6 July 2015 |access-date=29 December 2015 }}</ref> Sánchez responded by pushing his proposed federal model to replace the devolution model, and calling for the further secularisation of Spain's education system, including the removal of religius-affiliated public and private schools.<ref>{{cite news |last=Díez |first=Anabel |url= |title=Ni fractura, ni independencia, una España federal para todos |language=es |trans-title=No fracture, no independence, a federal Spain for all |work=El Pais |date=9 November 2014 |access-date=29 December 2015 }}</ref> <ref>{{cite news |last=SANZ |first=LUIS ÁNGEL |url= |title=El PSOE eliminará la religión en colegios públicos y privados |language=es |trans-title=The PSOE to eliminate religion in all public and private schools |work=El Mundo(ES) |date=19 October 2015 |access-date=29 December 2015 }}</ref> He later named [[César Luena]] as his deputy leader. On 21 June 2015, Sánchez was officially announced as the PSOE candidate for Prime Minister in the [[2015 Spanish general election|upcoming general election]]. At the election on 20 December, the PSOE won 90 seats, ahead of Podemos who won 69 seats, but coming second to the [[People's Party (Spain)|People's Party]] (PP), who won with 123 seats. As the PP could not form a government, Sánchez was formally requested by the King in January 2016 to attempt to form a coalition, but he could not win the support of a majority of representatives. This led to a [[Spanish general election|snap general election]] in June 2016, where the PSOE lost several seats and remained second to the PP.
=== RemovalResignation and political comeback ===
AmidFollowing deepthe inner2016 strifegeneral withinelection, Sánchez argued the PSOE should refuse to allow the PP to form a government, which would break the national political deadlock. [[Susana Díaz]], the [[President of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia|President of Andalusia]], began to lead criticism of Sánchez's leadership, arguing that his hardline position on government formation was harming the party. startedAfter bypoor results for the PSOE in the September [[2016 (theBasque regional election|Basque]] and [[2016 Galician regional election|Galician regional elections]], numerous PSOE figures followed Díaz in calling for Sánchez's resignation. The situation quickly developed into a [[2016 PSOE crisis|party crisis]]), dubbed by some in the media as the "war of the roses", after Sánchez lostcalled supporta fromspecial PSOE congress for the autumn to settle the issue. This prompted half of the PSOE's federalexecutive committee into aresign, keyand on 1 October 2016, Sánchez lost a vote andin wasthe forcedPSOE federal committee to resignsupport his proposals for an autumn congress; he immediately resigned as Secretary-General onand 1was Octoberreplaced 2016by an interim "caretaker committee" while a fresh leadership election could be organised.<ref name=rtve>{{Cite web|url=|publisher=[[RTVE]]|title=Sánchez dimite tras ser derrotado por sus críticos y perder la votación sobre primarias y el Congreso 'exprés'|date=1 October 2016}}</ref> His defeated proposal (107 in favour versus 132 against) was that of celebrate a snap PSOE primary election in October 2016 and a party congress in November.<ref name=rtve />
{{Multiple image
| align = right
| direction = vertical
| image1 = Pedro-Sanchez-primarias-PSOE-Internacional EDIIMA20170522 0010 19.jpg
| caption1 = Pedro Sánchez, after winning the primary re-election foras Secretary-General, singing ''[[The Internationale]]''.
| image2 = Mariano Rajoy felicita al nuevo presidente del Gobierno Pedro Sánchez (2018-06-01).jpg
| caption2 = Rajoy congratulates Sánchez on his successful no-confidence motion.
In order to avoid obeying the directive of the PSOE's interim leadership to facilitate Mariano Rajoy's investiture as Prime Minister by means of an abstention and thus "betraying his word", Sánchez also renounced to his seat at the Congress of Deputies in October 2016, and started to prepare for a new candidacy to the leadership of the party in the upcoming primary election.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|website=[[El País]]|date=29 October 2016|title=Pedro Sánchez deja el escaño y lanza su candidatura a la secretaría general|first1=Anabel|last1=Díez|first2=José|last2=Marcos}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=||date=1 June 2018|title=Pedro Sánchez, el madrileño que no conseguía ser diputado y acabó como presidente de España|first=Víctor|last=Ventura}}</ref> Besides the renunciation of Sánchez, 15 PSOE MPs would break party discipline by voting against Rajoy,{{refn|group=n.|[[Meritxell Batet]], Marc Lamuà, [[Manuel Cruz Rodríguez|Manuel Cruz]], María Mercè Perea, Lídia Guinart, Joan Ruiz, José Zaragoza, [[Margarita Robles]], [[Zaida Cantera]], Odón Elorza, Pere Joan Pons, Sofía Hernanz, María del Rocío de Frutos, [[Susana Sumelzo]] and María Luz Martínez.<ref name=15queno />}} yet as Rajoy only needed the abstention from 11 PSOE MPs (out of 84), the latter was invested as Prime Minister.<ref name=15queno>{{Cite news|url=|website=[[El País]]|title=Los 15 diputados del PSOE que votaron no|first1=Anabel|last1=Díez|first2=José|last2=Marcos|date=30 October 2016 }}</ref>
InSoon orderafter his resignation, the PSOE caretaker committee decided to avoidabstain obeyingin the directiveinvestiture ofvote, which would enable the PSOEPP's interim[[Mariano leadershipRajoy]] to facilitatebe Mariano Rajoy's investiturere-elected as Prime Minister. bySaying meansthat ofhe ancould abstentionnot andobey this directive as it would thusmean "betraying his word", Sáncheznot alsoto renouncedallow Rajoy to be re-elected, Sánchez resigned his seat atin the Congress of Deputies in October 2016, and starteddeclared tohe preparewould for a new candidacy to the leadership of the partystand in the upcoming primaryleadership election.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|website=[[El País]]|date=29 October 2016|title=Pedro Sánchez deja el escaño y lanza su candidatura a la secretaría general|first1=Anabel|last1=Díez|first2=José|last2=Marcos}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=||date=1 June 2018|title=Pedro Sánchez, el madrileño que no conseguía ser diputado y acabó como presidente de España|first=Víctor|last=Ventura}}</ref> Besides15 thePSOE renunciationMPs ofbroke Sánchezparty discipline in response, 15by PSOErefusing MPsto wouldabstain breakin partythe disciplineinvestiture byvote and voting against Rajoy,{{refn|group=n.|[[Meritxell Batet]], Marc Lamuà, [[Manuel Cruz Rodríguez|Manuel Cruz]], María Mercè Perea, Lídia Guinart, Joan Ruiz, José Zaragoza, [[Margarita Robles]], [[Zaida Cantera]], Odón Elorza, Pere Joan Pons, Sofía Hernanz, María del Rocío de Frutos, [[Susana Sumelzo]] and María Luz Martínez.<ref name=15queno />}} yet as Rajoy only needed thean abstention from 11 PSOE MPs (out of 84), he easily won the lattervote to wasbe invested as Prime Minister.<ref name=15queno>{{Cite news|url=|website=[[El País]]|title=Los 15 diputados del PSOE que votaron no|first1=Anabel|last1=Díez|first2=José|last2=Marcos|date=30 October 2016 }}</ref>
After resigning as Secretary-General of the party and to prepare for his bid to party leadership, Sánchez made a tour aboard his car visiting base members in different parts of Spain.<ref>{{cite web|url=|work=[[Financial Times]]|title=Pedro Sánchez, a dogged politician who grabbed his chance|first1=Michael|last1=Stothard|date=8 June 2018}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|newspaper=El Economista|language=es|last1=Zancajo|date=3 June 2018|title=Pedro Sánchez, el político de las siete vidas|trans-title=Pedro Sánchez, the politician of the seven lives|first1=Silvia}}</ref> On 21 May 2017, Sánchez was re-elected Secretary-General for the second time with 50.2% of the votes, over his competitors [[Susana Díaz]] (39.94%) and [[Patxi López]] (9.85%).<ref>[ Spanish Socialists re-elect Pedro Sánchez to lead party]</ref>
After resigning as Secretary-General of the party and tofrom preparethe for his bid to party leadershipCongress, Sánchez madebegan a national tour, aboarddriving his own car visitingaround baseto visit party members inthroughout different parts of Spain.<ref>{{cite web|url=|work=[[Financial Times]]|title=Pedro Sánchez, a dogged politician who grabbed his chance|first1=Michael|last1=Stothard|date=8 June 2018}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|newspaper=El Economista|language=es|last1=Zancajo|date=3 June 2018|title=Pedro Sánchez, el político de las siete vidas|trans-title=Pedro Sánchez, the politician of the seven lives|first1=Silvia}}</ref> OnAfter an energetic campaign, during which he critcised the caretaker committee for allowing the investiture of Rajoy, on 21 May 2017, Sánchez was re-elected Secretary-General forby the secondparty timemembership, withtaking 50.2% of the votesvote, overand defeating his competitorsrival [[Susana Díaz]], who took (39.94%), andas well as [[Patxi López]], who won (9.85%); his position was affirmed at a PSOE executive meeting on 17 June, and the following day he was confirmed as Leader of the Opposition, despite no longer holding a seat in the Congress.<ref>[ Spanish Socialists re-elect Pedro Sánchez to lead party]</ref>
Sánchez opposed the [[2017 Catalan independence referendum|Catalan independence referendum]] and supported the [[Mariano Rajoy|Rajoy]] government's decision to dismiss the [[Generalitat de Catalunya|Catalan government]] and impose direct rule on [[Catalonia]] in October 2017.<ref>{{cite news |title=Spain's Pedro Sánchez forced to confront Catalonia crisis |url= |newspaper=[[Financial Times]] |date=4 June 2018 |access-date=3 September 2018 |first=Michael |last=Stothard |agency=Nikkei Company}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Catalan nationalists back in power, target secession in challenge to Sanchez |url= |work=[[Reuters]] |date=2 June 2018 |access-date=3 September 2018 |first1=Jesús |last1=Aguado |first2=Ingrid |last2=Melander}}</ref>
As Leader of the Opposition, Sánchez opposedjoined Mariano Rajoy in opposing the [[2017 Catalan independence referendum|2017 Catalan independence referendum]], and supported the [[MarianoSpanish Rajoy|Rajoy]] governmentGovernment's decision to dismiss the [[Generalitat de Catalunya|Catalan governmentGovernment]] and impose direct rule on [[Catalonia]] in October 2017 following the crisis.<ref>{{cite news |title=Spain's Pedro Sánchez forced to confront Catalonia crisis |url= |newspaper=[[Financial Times]] |date=4 June 2018 |access-date=3 September 2018 |first=Michael |last=Stothard |agency=Nikkei Company}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Catalan nationalists back in power, target secession in challenge to Sanchez |url= |work=[[Reuters]] |date=2 June 2018 |access-date=3 September 2018 |first1=Jesús |last1=Aguado |first2=Ingrid |last2=Melander}}</ref>
{{See also|2018 vote of no confidence in the government of Mariano Rajoy}}
InThroughout May2017 and 2018, after verdicts were announced in the [[Gurtel case|Gürtel trial]] caused controversy for the Rajoy Government; finally, after critical verdicts were announced in May 2018, Sánchez annoucned that the PSOE filedwould file a successful[[2018 vote of no- confidence motionin againstthe government of Mariano Rajoy|motion of no confidence]] against Rajoy.<ref name="Gurtel">{{Cite news |url= |title=Socialist party chief calls for transitional government |last=Garcia |first=Elsa |date=25 April 2018 |access-date=1 June 2018 |newspaper=[[El País]] |location=Madrid}}</ref> PerUnder the Spanish Constitution, Spanishsuch votes of no confidencemotions are [[constructive vote of no confidence|constructive]];, meaning those bringing the motion must simultaneously propose a replacement candidate for Prime Minister. Accordingly, the PSOE proposednominated Sánchez (who was not a member ofas the Congressalternative ofPrime DeputiesMinister. atOn the1 time)June as2018, Rajoy's180 replacement.Deputies Withsupported the passagemotion of theno no-confidence motion, Sánchezclearing wasthe automaticallyrequired deemedthreshold toof have176, theleading confidenceto ofRajoy's the Congress of Deputiesresignation and thusrecommendation ascendedof asSánchez Primeto Ministersucceed on 1 June 2018him.
== Prime Minister of Spain (2018–present) ==