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[[File:Drawing - from Sketchbook - circa 1513.jpg|thumb|180px| "Annunicating Angel" (Angelo Inacrnato) c 1513. Black chalk, electronically 'cleaned' to remove staining, 26.8 x 19.7 cm. Private collection, Los Angeles ]]
Annunciating Angel is a chalk drawing on paper that was created in around 1513.
It is attributed by multiple commentators to Leornardo da Vinci. <ref> p40 "...variously attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, ..."</ref> <ref> p42 many people "...have accepted this drawing as Leonardo's..." whilst others do not.</ref>
This drawing has also been attributed to one of Leonardo's pupils. <ref> "...variously attributed to Leonardo da Vinci..." or to " one of his pupils..." quote p40 </ref> It also been attribtued to Gian Giacomo Caprotti known as Salai. <ref>p??? quote= "here atrributed to Giancomo caprotti known as Salai." p40 </ref> <ref> Isaacson </ref>
The drawing is in a private collection. <ref></ref>
It also been attribtued to Gian Giacomo Caprotti known as Salai. <ref>p??? quote= "here atrributed to Giancomo caprotti known as Salai." p40 </ref>
There is a small pinhole in the top of this sheet and it is specualted that this suggests that it was at one stage tacked up in a studio. <ref> quote= page 43 second column "A small pinhole in the top centre of this Angelo Inarnato sheet suggests that it was tacked up in the studio. </ref>