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[[File:IUPAC example polymer for structure based nomenclature.png|center|400px|alt=An example polymer for structure based nomenclature.]]
(ii) the smallest repeating portion is a CRU, so all such possibilities are identified. In this case:
[[File:IUPAC all CRUs of example polymer for struture based representation.png|center|400px460px|alt=All CRUs of the example polymer for struture based representation.]]
(iii) the next step is to identify the subunits that make up each of these structures, i.e., the largest divalent groups that can be named using IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds such as the examples that are listed in Table 3; (iv) using the shortest path from the most senior subunit to the next senior, the correct order of the subunits is determined using Figure 1; (v) the preferred CRU is chosen as that with the lowest possible locant(s) for substituents.<br />
[[File:Decision tree for IUPAC polymer nomenclature.png|300px|thumb|'''Figure 1'''. The order of subunit seniority. The most senior is at the top centre. Subunits of lower seniority are found by following the arrows. The type of subunit, be it a <span style="color:#FF0000">'''heterocycle'''</span>, a <span style="color:#F08080">'''heteroatom chain'''</span>, a <span style="color:#0000FF">'''carbocycle'''</span>, or a <span style="color:#00BFFF">'''carbon chain'''</span>, determines the colour arrow to follow. <sup>a</sup> Other heteroatoms may be placed in these orders as indicated by their positions in the periodic table.<ref name = Kahovec2 /> <br />Copyright © IUPAC 2012]]