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RaumZeitLabor is known in the European hackerspace culture for participating in several events and initiating the Large Hackerspace Convention (LHC), a conference for interexchange between hackerspaces.
The hackerspace is also known for its transparancytransparency concerning information and everyday life. In the founding phase the creation of an internal-only [[Electronic mailing list|mailing list]] was denied. Via the software Infoscreen the hackerspace publishes several information concerning the association, for example the bank balance.<ref>[http://cosm.tiefpunkt.com/infoscreen/ Raumzeitlabor Infoscreen]</ref> According to this apporachapproach, non-members are always welcome.
RaumZeitLabor organizes the international [[Trollcon]],<ref>[http://trollcon.de Homepage of Trollcon]</ref> a conference about the social phenomenon of [[Troll (Internet)|trolling]]. Trollcon 2012 had about 100 attendees, also members of the press.<ref>[http://www.zeit.de/digital/internet/2012-10/trollcon ZEIT Online Die hohe Kunst des Trollens]</ref><ref>[http://www.radiobremen.de/tageswebschau/?datum=2012-10-22 Tageswebschau 22.10.12]</ref><ref>[http://www.noz.de/artikel/67433422/guter-troll-boeser-troll-warum-stoerungen-im-internet-auch-positive-effekte-haben-koennen Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Guter Troll, böser Troll]</ref><ref>[http://wissen.dradio.de/trollkonferenz-konstruktive-nervensaegen.33.de.html?dram:article_id=225254&dram:audio_id=149729&dram:play=1 DRadio Wissen Konstruktive Nervensägen]</ref> Amongst the speakers were for example lawyer [[Udo Vetter]] and media artist [[Dragan Espenschied]]. As part of the event, member of [[Pirate Party Germany]] in the [[Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin]], [[Christopher Lauer]], received the price "Troll of the Year".<ref>[http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Trollcon-Christopher-Lauer-ist-Troll-des-Jahres-1733470.html heise.de Trollcon: Christopher Lauer ist Troll des Jahres]</ref>