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Crimson chats are usually 4-5 inches (10–13 cm) in length and 10-11 grams in weight. They have long, thin legs; a pointy, downward curving bill; and a brush-like tipped tongue. Adult males are covered in brown feathers, have red crowns and under parts; a black mask around their eyes; and white throats. Females and younger chats are colored similarly, but with paler markings. The males are usually more brightly colored than females, specifically during the breeding season in order to attract a mate.
==='''''BoldSimilar textspecies'''''===Similar species===
A bird species similar to and often confused with the crimson chat is the male [[red-capped robin]], whose scientific name is '''''''''''Petroica goodenovii''''''''''''. However, there are three main differences between their characteristics. A male crimson chat has a white throat as well as a plump body; however, the robin has a black body, white wing marks, and a dark eye. Also, the crimson chat's bill is thinner and longer than the robin's. When a crimson chat is seen, a saltbush, ''Spinifex'', or mulga woodland plant can usually be found, as they are plants often associated with this type of birdspecies. According to Federal and NSW organizations, the conservation of this bird is secure. Its only real threat is being killed by predators.'''
==Distribution and habitat==