Arizona History Articles


Arizona History Projects in Need of Attention

History of Arizona
European Colonization
Spanish Period
Mexican Period
Territorial Period
  The Depression and World Wars  
  • Duplication of page content, some on template {{AZhistory}} on the right some not.
    • Example: History of Arizonia (title bar link on template) has ''Main article: [[Spanish Arizona]]'' under the subheading "Spanish". Yet in the template there is another page called Spanish Period, which is about colonization of Arizona, with no reference to the "Spanish Arizona" page.
    • In a similar vein, I would expect to see "Spanish Arizona" on the template. And there is Mexican period, etc.
    • I wonder if there a separation can be made between history and culture, which might help sort out which belongs on which page and yet allow for some duplication and cross referencing.
  • There is a great deal of material which has been copied from a variety of sources that does not apply to Arizona.

--Rcollman (talk) 14:31, 25 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

List of pages


History of Arizona