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- between Colombia and the US. Blanco was killed in a drive-by shooting in 2012. The Medellin Cartel in Colombia was one of the most famous cartels. In a series...30 KB (4,380 words) - 12:53, 28 March 2022
- available in Colombia is based on the United States milieu. Although Colombian researchers have carried out successful and innovative investigations that in the...15 KB (2,337 words) - 11:51, 18 October 2013
- no effect on supply as Colombia took over as the largest producer. Cocaine consumption in 2001 was almost the same as it was in 1997. There was also virtually...11 KB (1,599 words) - 08:20, 20 December 2020
- Development. Six countries currently (Afghanistan, Bolivia, Colombia, Lao, Myanmar, and Peru) participate in a program to provide rural farmers with legal alternatives...12 KB (1,688 words) - 23:26, 28 March 2014
- Designing Professional Development/Costa Rica (section Professional Development for Educators in Costa Rica)investments in education, health, and assistance. Percentage of households living in poverty dropped from 54% in the early 1980’s to less than 18% in 2008....18 KB (2,343 words) - 22:55, 14 June 2017
- South America so the majority of immigrants come from Cuba, Haiti, and Colombia. Since warm weather is typically constant, Florida has also become famous...13 bytes (29,082 words) - 04:42, 17 October 2022
- Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/Volcanoes (category Book:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Honors Introduced in 2007)severe injuries and death to people in an eruption zone. One such incident occurred at Galeras volcano in Colombia in 1993; six people near the summit were...22 KB (2,861 words) - 17:11, 11 January 2024
-'s Comparative Politics/Overview of Latin American Development and State Forms (section The Latin American Right in the era of democratization and neoliberalism (1980-present))Zibechi, in his characterization of what has been termed in this study the ‘ugly’ Right, principally in reference to Mexico and Colombia, seems to identify...77 KB (11,759 words) - 21:00, 28 November 2023
- The Cold War/Study Guide (section Jamaica (1980))Canada, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Greece, the Netherlands, Ethiopia, Colombia, the Philippines, Belgium, and Luxembourg, all under the aegis of the United...14 KB (2,048 words) - 16:39, 2 July 2024
- Cordoba, Jose. "Death in Colombia: End of Pablo Escobar May Slow the Violence, But Not Cocaine Trade --- Focus Now Moves to Cartel in Cali, and to the Valley...17 KB (2,566 words) - 03:48, 17 October 2022
- pregnancy. Colombia has stricter laws regarding abortion than America. Colombia, along with El Salvador and Chile, where the 3 countries in Latin America...138 KB (21,020 words) - 07:28, 17 April 2024
- Canadian Refugee Procedure/Principles for the interpretation of refugee procedure (section The fact that the refugee protection is in the first instance about saving lives and offering protection can be contrasted with the goals for the immigration programs provided in the IRPA)In 2004, a scheme was discovered by Colombian authorities in which substantial bribes were being paid to civil servants employed by the Colombian National...198 KB (29,653 words) - 17:42, 7 December 2024
- is the highest of the Colombian volcanoes in the Central Range of the Colombian Andes. Although this volcano had caused lahars in 1595 and 1845, causing...69 KB (13,485 words) - 16:52, 5 December 2024
- 000, China 25,000, Argentina and Brazil over 25,000 each, and Mexico and Colombia received some 40,000 between them. When a Canadian immigration official...326 KB (48,904 words) - 02:59, 3 December 2024
- explorer Simon Fraser. To avoid confusion with Colombia in South America and the island of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean, Queen Victoria named the area...157 KB (15,954 words) - 08:44, 2 December 2024
-'s Comparative Politics/Importance of Constitutions (section Directive principles in the Indian Constitution)provincial assemblies.31 The Colombian Constitution features a provision calling for the ‘adequate and effective participation of women in the decision-making...93 KB (13,743 words) - 11:28, 3 September 2022
- for Outstanding Achievement for Music in an Animated Feature, a Satellite Award for Best Original Song for “Colombia, Mi Encanto”. Miranda also contributed...106 KB (17,195 words) - 12:26, 2 December 2024
- Napoleonic Wars. Simón Bolívar led the secession of Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama from Spain. The Viceroyalty of New Spain mainland...2 KB (43,483 words) - 08:59, 25 February 2022
- is now Panama was the rebellious northern province of Colombia. When the Colombian legislature in 1903 refused to ratify a treaty giving the United States...13 bytes (93,931 words) - 06:29, 30 October 2021
- no effect on supply as Colombia took over as the largest producer. Cocaine consumption in 2001 was almost the same as it was in 1997. There was also virtually...13 bytes (64,905 words) - 20:36, 1 April 2023