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- security from nuclear threats. Specifically, the need for an evacuation route and quick movement of troops for national defense. Finally, the committee...17 KB (2,052 words) - 12:47, 11 December 2024
- correlation case sutdy in Bologna, Italy, Environ. Plan. B: Plan. Design 36 (2009) 450-465. M.E. O'Kelly, A quadratic integer program for the location of interaction...19 KB (2,718 words) - 04:37, 15 May 2011
- 450-1093. (Edinburgh: John Donald Ltd, 1997). In Christopher Bamford and William Parker Marsh. Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness. (Hudson, NY:...46 KB (6,914 words) - 22:02, 6 February 2024
- functions. The secretariat is located in Bonn, Germany and employs around 450 staff from over 100 countries. Besides these institutions, other issues structural...94 KB (11,347 words) - 21:30, 15 June 2023
- EKU 17 APR 1980 F/V: 0.00 Known usage: NY 159-470 WOODBURY NY Hawkins Type F(A)4b in 1995 edition. PPS-A40.2(A)2 "Orbitran" ...176 KB (18,476 words) - 22:27, 9 December 2024
- Kicad/FAQ (section How do I manually route a PCB?)Orient (0.1 deg) box. You have to multiply your angly by 10, e.g. enter 450 for 45° I make Switch Mode Power Supplies. I use a sandwich of two ferrite...29 KB (4,040 words) - 18:10, 18 February 2024
- Class B network ID and need about 450 IP addresses per subnet. What is the best mask for this network? You router has the following IP address on Ethernet:...6 KB (79,575 words) - 11:45, 6 August 2017
- take on the m86k port. Monday, January 5, 2009 ARaNyM Configuration woes... Currently trying to get ARaNyM working so that I can proceed with the build of...116 KB (17,779 words) - 07:53, 2 December 2024
- the MTA’s New MetroCard-Replacing Fare System.” Curbed NY. Curbed NY, May 22, 2019. bytes (135,761 words) - 18:58, 5 May 2023
- Macquarrie. The Saints of Scotland: Essays in Scottish Church History, AD 450-1093. (Edinburgh: John Donald, 1997). See further Raymond Grant and Tara...86 KB (13,677 words) - 19:53, 15 December 2022
- routes. Cimetidine, erythromycin, nefazodone and ketoconazole have been shown to interfere with the metabolism of loratadine. the inhibition of P-450...5 KB (91,384 words) - 16:50, 3 May 2015
- of its plants. Tesla especially made headlines when it paid back nearly $450 million in government loans 9 years early, doing so before the other five...13 bytes (68,999 words) - 07:08, 28 November 2021
- IL, on the Illinois Waterway, to Gulf refineries rail to vessel at Albany, NY, on the Hudson River, to East Coast refineries rail to Yorktown, VA, for coastal...42 KB (6,292 words) - 16:43, 24 August 2023
- via P routers. In MPLS terminology, the P routers are Label Switch Routers without awareness of VPNs. Virtual router PPVPN The Virtual Router architecture...1 KB (97,239 words) - 07:58, 4 November 2019
- earthworks, 1.5 million cubic meters of concrete, 150,000 tons of steel, and 450 km of roads and railways. This material was used to construct, among other...13 bytes (116,121 words) - 04:29, 2 January 2022
- disappear. Middle Kofun 7 around 450 New mirror types, armor types, and a proliferation of horse gear occur Late Kofun 8 450-500 Relatively minor stylistic...2 KB (188,817 words) - 12:31, 27 March 2024
- "The DX Hound.")BELOW THE BELT. 2XT, 16.02 metres, Rock, N.Y.; 2XAD, 22.02 metres, Schnectady, N.Y.; PCJJ, 31.4 metres, Hilversum, Holland; 6WF, 104.5, Perth...410 KB (62,373 words) - 09:59, 21 December 2023
- Utah to defend the faith. This outflux of settlers from the County (in all, 450 Mormons departed, reducing its population by approximately two-thirds, which...13 bytes (45,815 words) - 12:55, 23 April 2022
- as the beginning of his revolution. However, instead of his battalion of 450 men, he went in with a group of twenty, including two of his sons. They easily...8 KB (165,725 words) - 18:23, 20 January 2021
- Interaction Ritual. NY: Pantheon Books. Goffman, Erving. 1961. Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and other Inmates. NY: Doubleday/Anchor...2 KB (140,661 words) - 07:24, 16 July 2022