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- WWII, and later to Bayram-Ali in Turkmenistan. During te period of evacuation, student enrolment averaged 250-500. In Odesa itself, the Romanian occupation...133 KB (15,048 words) - 06:26, 19 October 2024
- Internet Governance/Print version (section What are some of the issues involved in Internet governance?)of other damaging practices. In addition, terrorism that is facilitated by the Internet has emerged as a major concern in recent years. Cybercrime involves...13 bytes (26,785 words) - 23:38, 1 July 2023
- Tokimima, Tokimimat Turkmenistan = Tokimim Turks and Caicos Islands = Tocam turmeric = ruvol turmoil = ovpoos, paax, zyubaox turn in the road = mepuz turn...783 KB (75,139 words) - 19:25, 6 June 2024
- Mirad Grammar/print version (category Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls)artificially constructed auxiliary language (conlang) developed and published in 1966 by the now-deceased Paris-based author Noubar Agopoff as a serious medium...981 bytes (54,051 words) - 15:34, 21 March 2023