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- known to history as the Báb (Arabic for "the Gate"), was born in Shiraz, Iran, in 1819. He was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, and his spiritual...4 KB (618 words) - 23:45, 31 May 2017
- Iranian Intermezzo was the rise of Iranian Muslim dynasties (mainly Persians and Kurds) in the Iranian plateau after domination by the Arabs. Iranian...2 KB (43,483 words) - 08:59, 25 February 2022
- Republic (1787 - 1800) Jeffersonian Republicanism (1800 - 1824) Panic of 1819 Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny (1824 - 1849) Friction Between the...8 KB (165,725 words) - 18:23, 20 January 2021
- for storage. Neighboring civilizations, including those in present day Syria, Iraq, and Iran, used dams, aqueducts, tunnels, and quanats to supply water...23 KB (3,704 words) - 01:46, 7 February 2019
- Transcontinental Treaty of 1819, the Spain ceded Florida to the United States. American Revolution (1765–1783): resulted in the Kingdom of Great Britain...54 KB (7,768 words) - 20:22, 6 May 2024
- Missouri into the vast Western territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase until after 1840. In 1819, in return for assuming the claims of American citizens...13 bytes (93,931 words) - 06:29, 30 October 2021
- by the Marquess to give it the appearance of "an old Gothic Castle". In 1817–1819 turrets and towers were added to give it its present castle like appearance...4 KB (28,157 words) - 20:51, 6 April 2021
- Centaureinae contains knapweeds and starthistles, none of which are native to New York, and some of which are considered to be seriously invasive in the state....60 KB (31 words) - 16:32, 1 December 2024
- M., & Dezhkam, M. (2000). An epidemiological study of eating disorders in Iran. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 28(3), 265-271. Papadopoulos...2 KB (179,894 words) - 23:46, 14 August 2023