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- man's arrest. This document is called the national security certificate and is rarely used. The certificate alerts Ottawa about possible threats to the country...5 KB (668 words) - 22:33, 26 January 2008
- global security industry 2 April 2008: SAHTECH, SEMI, and Semiconductor Industry to promote "SEMI Safety Guideline" in Taiwan More information Official...4 KB (271 words) - 19:10, 27 April 2008
- ": Interview with Swedish Pirate Party leader Rickard Falkvinge More information at Wikipedia: Internet portal Internet History of the Internet Internet...5 KB (744 words) - 19:35, 13 March 2017
- Innovalue and Branding Taiwan", "Product Certificates and Testing", "Cross-Strait Electrical Products", "Security Products", and "Broadband Communications"...2 KB (391 words) - 20:24, 8 April 2023
- the National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act. The grounds for the challenge are that National Security Information legislation...3 KB (317 words) - 00:36, 27 February 2019
- Australia — Approximately 100 students gained access to their Higher School Certificate results, before the official release date of Friday 17th December 2004...2 KB (195 words) - 08:23, 6 October 2022
- ACLU, EFF challenging US 'secret' court orders seeking Twitter data (category National Security Agency)need to crack https, per se, to compromise its security. See this piece about fraudulent https certificates: Iranian hackers obtain fraudulent https — EFF...29 KB (4,100 words) - 02:22, 24 September 2019
- money available within the economy for purchasing goods, services, and securities. The money supply is monitored and adjusted by a central bank, to keep...4 KB (446 words) - 16:51, 4 January 2019
- gained any momentum in the courts. Two days prior to Michigan's final certification of its election results, a federal judge dismissed a Trump lawsuit attempting...6 KB (752 words) - 15:29, 1 January 2021
- Philippines Related articles 13 October 2024: TV host Willie Revillame files certificate of candidacy for upcoming Philippine elections 24 April 2023: Expedition...23 KB (2,767 words) - 23:04, 24 September 2019
- other information Embassy Rangoon and others have reported in various channels." "This account is perhaps best considered alongside other information of...7 KB (910 words) - 00:41, 28 January 2015
- Bush attempts to reassure Americans in radio address (category US Securities and Exchange Commission)with fraud in the economy. He stated that, to address this issue, "the Securities and Exchange Commission is launching rigorous enforcement actions to detect...6 KB (516 words) - 20:57, 11 March 2023
- the Health and Wellness programs. This campus specializes in teacher certification, so many students are training to be teachers. Admissions: 337 College...112 KB (14,964 words) - 07:39, 28 April 2021
- Philippines Related articles 13 October 2024: TV host Willie Revillame files certificate of candidacy for upcoming Philippine elections 24 April 2023: Expedition...12 KB (1,620 words) - 15:44, 27 January 2019
- or security staff, have actually reported back to the organization through a Scientology process called "Security Checks", with revealing information about...60 KB (9,555 words) - 00:17, 23 August 2020
- House and the Vice President of the United States, to keep from the certification of votes. This is the reality, you know. We have Texas, we have congressmen...82 KB (13,387 words) - 23:51, 28 December 2022
- state sponsors of terrorism. Libya will also be omitted from the annual certification of countries not cooperating fully with United States' anti-terrorism...11 members (0 subcategories, 2 files) - 17:48, 1 March 2010