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- the Portland Police Union have called for Adams to resign. Others such as city commissioner Randy Leonard and Multnomah County district attorney Michael...4 KB (501 words) - 02:45, 30 May 2017
- Launch for Elon Musk's Giant Rocket" — The Atlantic, February 6, 2018 Leonard David. "Is the Tesla Roadster Flying on the Falcon Heavy's Maiden Flight...5 KB (690 words) - 02:37, 16 May 2020
- Loebsack Democrat Mt. Vernon 50.33% 3. Jeff Lamberti Republican Ankeny 46.64% Leonard L. Boswell * Democrat Des Moines 51.74% Helen Meyers Socialist Workers...121 KB (1,310 words) - 00:42, 28 March 2023