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- standards for incarceration. The prisoners included both rebel and loyalist militia leaders, convicted of war crimes, including amputation, enlisting child...2 KB (355 words) - 18:05, 17 November 2015
- from militia'" — BBC News Online, September 20, 2005 "Official: British troops freed in jailbreak" — CNN, September 20, 2005 "UK admits Basra jail raid"...3 KB (401 words) - 18:59, 26 October 2008
- to stop or punish crimes such as rape and murder committed by the youth militia of their party, the Interahamwe, in 1994. Hutus considered to have extremist...3 KB (469 words) - 17:46, 17 November 2015
- gunmen entered the facility. The group's main demand is the release of a jailed militia leader, Mujahid Dokubo-Asari. "[The Korean workers] are in good health...2 KB (276 words) - 14:35, 18 December 2011
- ties between outgoing Colombian president Alvaro Uribe, and right-wing militia groups in the war-plagued South American country. Human rights activists...2 KB (357 words) - 14:59, 11 April 2016
- soldiers were taken Wednesday following an attack by Hezbollah, a Lebanese militia, that had made an incursion into Israel. Three Israeli soldiers died and...6 KB (734 words) - 21:32, 30 December 2014
- sentenced to life in prison today. Her son, Arsene Shalom Ntahobali, a militia leader charged with crimes against humanity, war crimes, and rape, was...4 KB (501 words) - 18:09, 17 November 2015
- gunmen entered the facility. The group's main demand is the release of a jailed militia leader, Mujahid Dokubo-Asari. New Zealand Freelance journalist Tim Selwyn...10 members (0 subcategories, 2 files) - 17:48, 1 March 2010