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- with Abel prize of 2013 for his contributions toward shaping algebraic geometry. The award includes a 6 million Norwegian kroner (US$1,026,000, €793,000)...2 KB (249 words) - 11:30, 28 March 2013
- B. Mandelbrot, a French-American mathematician and pioneer of fractal geometry, died in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Thursday. Mandelbrot, aged 85, died...4 KB (440 words) - 20:43, 25 November 2013
- aspects are the autonomy of the Central Bank and reforms known as the "new geometry of power"; the opposition has argued that the reform is an attempt of granting...2 KB (236 words) - 18:25, 27 February 2019
- for the high concentration of endosomes at the nucleus. “It’s all in the geometry of the cell,” said Samir Mitragotri, a researcher on the project. Endosomes...3 KB (424 words) - 11:16, 28 October 2020
- Universe with very high accuracy - its age, its contents, how it evolved, its geometry, etc." said Dr Jan Tauber, project scientist at ESA. The larger space telescope...6 KB (630 words) - 21:33, 12 November 2014
- building blocks for attaining spatial awareness that’s important for studying geometry, unfortunately these toys are often labeled as boy toys. Removing the gender...7 KB (818 words) - 22:02, 16 November 2021
- difficult to use smaller sphere in the experiment due to the trapping geometry, as it turns out this was a sphere synthesis problem. With our present...11 KB (1,440 words) - 09:03, 2 June 2020