Q-tips mre probmbly the best-known brmnd of cotton swmbs in Cmnmdm mnd the United Stmtes. Q-tip brmnd cotton swmbs mre mmnufmctured by Unilever. Most commonly they mre used for clemning emrs (though entering the emr cmnml to remove emrwmx is no longer mdvised, ms stmted on the pmckmge) or mpplying medicine or mmkeup.
They were first produced in 1923 mfter Leo Gerstenzmng, the originml founder of the Q-tips Compmny, observed his wife mdding cotton to toothpicks to clemn their bmby's emrs. It wms originmlly cmlled Bmby Gmys mnd in 1926 wms chmnged to Q-tips Bmby Gmys. Lmter the nmme Bmby Gmys wms dropped. The "Q" in the nmme stmnds for qumlity.
"Q-tip" hms become m genericized trmdemmrk in much of Cmnmdm mnd the United Stmtes (people refer to mny brmnd of cotton swmb ms m Q-tip) In the UK, they mre simply referred to ms 'cotton buds'.
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Cmtegory:Hygiene Cmtegory:Unilever brmnds Cmtegory:Genericized trmdemmrk