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Kabbalistic prayer composed by Rabbi Nehunya ben HaKanah, a Tanna of the second century.[1]


Parts of the services where Ana Be’Koach is recited by orthodox Jewish communities
Siddur Nusach (Jewish custom) Used by Weekday Shacharit Kabbalat Shabbat Sephirat Ha’Omer
Siddur Ashkenaz
(Nusach Askenaz)
Ashkenazi At the end of the introductory prayers as part of the Korbanot (sacrifices) recital, before the start of Pesukei Dezimra.[2][3][4][5] After Yedid Nefesh (Beloved of the soul) and the opening Psalms Ps 95–99, 29, and before Lekha Dodi.[6] After counting the Omer towards the end of Maariv[7]
Siddur Edot HaMizrach
(Nusach Sefard)
Sephardi (majority)
Mizrahi (all)
After the opening Psalms Ps 95–100, 29, and before Lekha Dodi.[8][note 1] After counting the Omer towards the end of Maariv. After each counting section these siddurim include verses for contemplation starting with the word allocated from Ana Be'Koach by Kabbalah to each Omer day, together with the combined Sephira for that day[9][10][11][note 2]
Siddur Sefard
(Nusach Askenaz, Sefard and Ari)
Sephardi (minority)
Chasidic (excl. Chabad)
After the opening Psalms Ps 95–100, 29, and before Lekha Dodi.[12][note 1]
Siddur Chabad
(Nusach Ari)
Chabad-Lubavitch After the opening Psalms Ps 95–99, 29, and before Lekha Dodi[13][note 3]

Other times Ana Be’Koach is said outside formal services:

  • As part of Shema al HaMitah (bedtime Shema), to support the soul which departs until the morning.
  • If they can, before someone dies, they say this prayer after Vidui (confession).
  • As part of the funeral service to help the soul rise to heaven.
  • Any time when needing additional strength for daily life.[1]

Text of Ana b'Koach


This table highlights the 42-word name by indicating the initial letter from each word forming it in bold. The acronyms themselves are greyed out because they should not be said in any way.

Each verse is also linked to one of the Kabbalah lower Sephirot.

The eighth verse (Ps 72:19) following the piyyut is not part of it but serves to close it like Amen closes blessings. This verse is also recited after the first verse of the Shema.[1]

v. English translation Transliteration 42-letter name[12][13] Hebrew Sephira[1] Day
The 3-letter acronyms (grey) form the 42–word name. They are obtained by extracting the first (bold) letter of each word. These should be contemplated silently during the recital. One should not try to determine how they are pronounced and not say them aloud in any way including whispering.[13]
1 We beg you! With the strength and greatness of your right arm, untie our bundled sins. Ana b'Koach gedullat yemincha, tattir tzerurah. אב"ג ית"ץ אַנָּא בְּכֹחַ גְּדֻלַּת יְמִינְךָ. תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה: חסד
יום ראשון
2 Accept your nation's song; elevate and purify us, O Awesome One. Kabbel rinnat ammecha; Saggevenu taharenu, nora. קר"ע שט"ן קַבֵּל רִנַּת עַמְּךָ. שַׂגְּבֵנוּ טַהֲרֵנוּ נוֹרָא: גבורה
יום שני
3 Please, O Heroic One, those who foster your Oneness, guard them like the pupil of an eye. Na gibbor, doreshei yichudecha, kevabbat shamerem. נג"ד יכ"ש נָא גִּבּוֹר. דּוֹרְשֵׁי יִחוּדְךָ. כְּבַבַּת שָׁמְרֵם: תפארת
יום שלישי
4 Bless them, purify them, pity them. May Your righteousness always reward them. Barechem, taharem, rachamei. Tzidkatecha tamid gamelem. בט"ר צת"ג בָּרְכֶם טַהֲרֵם. רַחֲמֵי צִדְקָתְךָ. תָּמִיד גָּמְלֵם: נצח
יום רביעי
5 Powerful Holy One, in much goodness guide Your congregation. Chasin kadosh, berov tuvecha nahel adatecha. חק"ב טנ"ע חָסִין קָדוֹשׁ. בְּרוֹב טוּבְךָ. נָהֵל עֲדָתֵךָ: הוד
יום חמישי
6 Unique and Exalted One, turn to Your nation which proclaims Your holiness. Yachid ge'eh, Le'ammecha peneh zocherei kedushettecha. יג"ל פז"ק יָחִיד גֵּאֶה. לְעַמְּךָ פְּנֵה. זוֹכְרֵי קְדֻשֶּׁתֶּךָ: יסוד
יום שישי
7 Accept our entreaty and hear our screams, O Knower of Mysteries. Shav'atenu kabbel veshama tza'akatenu, yodea' ta'alumot. שק"ו צי"ת שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ קַבֵּל. וְשָׁמַע צַעֲקָתֵנוּ. יוֹדֵעַ תַּעֲלֻמוֹת: מלכות
יום שבת
Said in a whisper, except on Yom Kippur when it is said aloud.
8 Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom, forever and ever. Baruch shem kevod malchuto, le'olam va'ed. Ps 72:19 בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד: - -

42-letter name commentary

Commentary on the acronyms making up the 42-letter name[1]
To be contemplated deeply when saying their associated verse
v. Acronym Gematria[note 4] Sephira Commentary
The 3-letter acronyms (grey) form the 42–word name. They are obtained by extracting the first letter of each word of Ana b'Koach. One should not try to determine how they are pronounced and not say them aloud in any way including whispering. They should be contemplated only, based on the commentary[13]
1 אב"ג ית"ץ 506
= אהבת חנם
(unconditional love)
Loving kindness
2 קר"ע שט"ן 728
(to forget)
3 נג"ד יכ"ש 57 (first acronym)
(kind/species of)
The second acronym in this verse is not interpreted via Gematria but by it appearing in the verse (taking the last bold letter of each word): מי שמך לאיש (Ex 2:11–14 Who made you [our judge?])
4 בט"ר צת"ג 704 נצח
5 חק"ב טנ"ע 239 הוד
6 יג"ל פז"ק 230
(victory in life)
7 שק"ו צי"ת 906 מלכות

Associating these concepts with Ana b'Koach


the 49 days of the Omer in Kabbalah should remind Jews of the Journey of the nation from from Egypt to Israel through 49 waypoints, and how this relates to the 49 steps they must take in their personal life journal. The piyyut with its 49 nine words (42 words plus the 7 component parts of the 42-letter name derived from it), the 49 words of Psalm 67 and them49 letters of verse 5 of that Psalm are associated with days of the Omer, to assist a Jew to understand the 49 life steps and how to confront them.

Ana b'Koach is one of the Kabbalistic inspired piyyut included in all orthodox services. It was constructed to associate it with the mystical meaning of the lower seven Sephirot and the 42-letter name. Its various uses by all Jewish traditions include the devine mystical power into these observances.

Every time the piyyut is recited ome must focus on how it's can assist them in their life journey. The piyyut is said in the Parashat Korbanot read during Shacharit and during Kabbalat Shabbat. It reaches its full potential of guiding a person through life by its association with the counting of the Omer, through its intertwining with other 49 derived things.

An additional verse for contemplation is inserted in the Omer service after the day's count in Edut Hamizrach, Sefard and Chasid Siddurim. These siddurim give the formula for the verse as:

The Ana b'Koach word for that day (with its initial letter that forms part of the 42-letter name), plus
The combined Sephirot for that day, plus
The Psalm 67 word for that day , plus
The Psalm 67, verse 5, letter for that day.

This constructed verse combines all the Kabbalah elements in these various sources into the counting of the Omer for each day.

The table below shows how all these parts for each Omer day. For example:

  • Week 1, Weekday 1 = Day 1 of the Omer: Ana b'Koach word – Ana (Please), Sephirot – loving kindness within loving kindness, Psalm 67 word – Elohim, Verse 5 letter – Yud (the tenth letter of the aleph-bet). Combining these gives the contemplation verse for the day 1 counting as: "Ana – loving kindness within loving kindness – Elohim – Yud". In Hebrew: אנא חסד שבחסד אלהים י‎.
  • Week 2, Weekday 3 = Day 10 of the Omer: Ana b'Koach word – ammecha (your nation), Sephirot – beauty within strength, Psalm 67 word – darchecha (your paths), Verse 5 letter – Nun (the fourteenth letter in the aleph-bet_. Combining these gives the contemplation verse for the day 10 counting as: "Ammecha – beauty within strength – darchecha – Nun". In Hebrew: עמך תפארת שבגבורה דרכך נ‎.
Associating[1][12][13] Ana b'Koach with Sefirat Ha'Omer, the Sephirot, the 42-letter name, Psalm 67 and the Exodus journey camps (Numbers 33)
[The count reads down the week columns from left to right]
Week 1[note 5]
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
1[note 5]
Hebrew Date 16 Nissan[note 5] 23 Nissan 30 Nissan 7 Iyar 14 Iyar 21 Iyar 28 Iyar
Day count 1 day 8 days 15 days 22 days 29 days 36 days 43 days
Week count 1 week 1 day 2 weeks 1 day 3 weeks 1 day 4 weeks 1 day 5 weeks 1 day 6 weeks 1 day
Ana b'Koach אָנָּא קֳבֵּל נָא בָּרְכֵם חָסִין יָחִיד שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ
Sephira חסד שבחסד חסד שבגבורה חסד שבתפארת חסד שבנצח חסד שבהוד חסד שביסוד חסד שבמלכות
Psalm 67 אלהים לדעת עמים לאמים תנחם כלם יברכנו
Psalm 67:5 י ר י ו י מ ת
(Life Stage)
Red Sea
Group Pressure)
(Old age)
Hebrew Date 17 Nissan 24 Nissan 1 Iyar 8 Iyar 15 Iyar 22 Iyar 29 Iyar
Day count 2 days 9 days 16 days 23 days 30 days 37 days 44 days
Week count 1 week 2 days 2 weeks 2 days 3 weeks 2 days 4 weeks 2 days 5 weeks 2 days 6 weeks 2 days
Ana b'Koach בְּכֹחַ רִנַּת גִּבּוֹר טַהֲרֵם קָדוֹשׁ גֵּאֶה קַבֵּל
Sephira גבורה שבחסד גבורה שבגבורה גבורה שבתפארת גבורה שבנצח גבורה שבהוד גבורה שביסוד גבורה שבמלכות
Psalm 67 יחננו בארץ אלהים כי סלה ארץ אלהים
Psalm 67:5 ש נ ם ט ש י נ
(Life Stage)
(Young child)
Sin wilderness
(Crises of faith)
Mount Shepher
Hebrew Date 18 Nissan 25 Nissan 2 Iyar 9 Iyar 16 Iyar 23 Iyar 1 Sivan
Day count 3 days 10 days 17 days 24 days 31 days 38 days 45 days
Week count 1 week 3 days 2 weeks 3 days 3 weeks 3 days 4 weeks 3 days 5 weeks 3 days 6 weeks 3 days
Ana b'Koach גְּדוּלַת עַמְּךָ דּוֹרְשֵׁי רַחֲמֵי בְּרֹב לְעַמְּךָ וּשְׁמַע
Sephira תפארת שבחסד תפארת שבגבורה תפארת שבתפארת תפארת שבנצח תפארת שבהוד תפארת שביסוד תפארת שבמלכות
Psalm 67 ויברכנו דרכך יודוך תשפוט יודוך נתנה וייראו
Psalm 67:5 מ נ כ ע ו ם ח
(Life Stage)
(Older child)
(Overcome fear)
(Life blessings)
Hebrew Date 19 Nissan 26 Nissan 3 Iyar 10 Iyar 17 Iyar 24 Iyar 2 Sivan
Day count 4 days 11 days 18 days 25 days 32 days 39 days 46 days
Week count 1 week 4 days 2 weeks 4 days 3 weeks 4 days 4 weeks 4 days 5 weeks 4 days 6 weeks 4 days
Ana b'Koach יְמִינְךָ שַׂגְּבֵנוּ יִחוּדֶךָ צִדְקָתְךָ טוּבְךָ פְנֵה צַעֲקָתֵנוּ
Sephira נצח שבחסד נצח שבגבורה נצח שבתפארת נצח שבנצח נצח שבהוד נצח שביסוד נצח שבמלכות
Ps 67 יאר בכל עמים עמים עמים יבולה אתו
Psalm 67:5 ח ו י מ ר ב ם
(Life Stage)
(Older age)
Mount Hor
Hebrew Date 20 Nissan 27 Nissan 4 Iyar 11 Iyar 18 Iyar[note 5] 25 Iyar 3 Sivan
Day count 5 days 12 days 19 days 26 days 33 days 40 days 47 days
Week count 1 week 5 days 2 weeks 5 days 3 weeks 5 days 4 weeks 5 days 5 weeks 5 days 6 weeks 5 days
Ana b'Koach תַּתִּיר טַהֲרֵנוּ כְּבָבַת תָּמִיד נַהֵל זוֹכְרֵי יוֹדֵעַ
Sephira הוד שבחסד הוד שבגבורה הוד שבתפארת הוד שבנצח הוד שבהוד הוד שביסוד הוד שבמלכות
Ps 67 פניו גוים כלם פניו אלהים יברכנו כל
Psalm 67:5 ו ל ת י ו א ס
(Life Stage)
(Young Adult)
(Middle age)
Aviram Mountain
Hebrew Date 21 Nissan 28 Nissan 5 Iyar 12 Iyar 19 Iyar 26 Iyar 4 Sivan
Day count 6 days 13 days 20 days 27 days 34 days 41 days 48 days
Week count 1 week 6 days 2 weeks 6 days 3 weeks 6 days 4 weeks 6 days 5 weeks 6 days 6 weeks 6 days
Ana b'Koach צְרוּרָה נוֹרָא שָׁמְרֵם גָּמְלֵם עֲדָתֶךָ קְדֻשָּׁתֶךָ תַּעֲלוּמוֹת
Sephira יסוד שבחסד יסוד שבגבורה יסוד שבתפארת יסוד שבנצח יסוד שבהוד יסוד שביסוד יסוד שבמלכות
Ps 67 אתנו ישועתך ישמחו ולאמים יודוך אלהים אפסי
Psalm 67:5 ו א ש ם ל ר ל
(Life Stage)
Moab Plains
(Death-New Life)
Hebrew Date 22 Nissan 29 Nissan 6 Iyar 13 Iyar 20 Iyar 27 Iyar 5 Sivan[note 5]
Day count 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days 35 days 42 days 49 days
Week count 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks
Ana b'Koach אב"ג ית"ץ קר"ע שט"ן נג"ד יכ"ש בט"ר צת"ג חק"ב טנ"ע יג"ל פז"ק שק"ו צי"ת
Sephira מלכות שבחסד מלכות שבגבורה מלכות שבתפארת מלכות שבנצח מלכות שבהוד מלכות שביסוד מלכות שבמלכות
Ps 67 סלה יודוך וירננו בארץ עמים אלהינו ארץ
Psalm 67:5 י מ פ מ א ץ ה
(Life Stage)



THE BIRTH AMULET Dovi-seldowtz (separate cite from same site)

https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/ana-bkoach-a-portal-to-creation/ Ana b'Koach: A Portal to Creation Dvid Gottlieb

Shem Hamephorash

  1. ^ a b c d e f "The Prayer/ Meditation: Ana BeKho'aḥ – The Name of 42 Letters", livekabbalah.org, retrieved 26 November 2023
  2. ^ "Siddur Askenaz: Weedays, Shacharit, Preparatory Prayers, Korbanot, Order of the Temple Service", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed in France c. 1055 – c. 1105 CE], retrieved 26 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  3. ^ "Siddur Edot HaMizrach: Weekday Shacharit, Incense Offering", Sefaria (in English and English), retrieved 26 November 2023
  4. ^ "Siddur Sefard: Weekday Shacharit, Korbanot", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed c.1710 – c.1810 CE], retrieved 26 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  5. ^ Zalman, Rabbi Shneur, ed. (n.d.) [composed c.1765 – c.1795 CE], "Weekday Siddur Chabad: Shacharit, Morning Prayer", Sefaria (in Hebrew), p. 8, retrieved 23 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  6. ^ "Siddur Askenaz: Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat, Ana Bekoach", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed in France c. 1055 – c. 1105 CE], retrieved 26 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  7. ^ "Siddur Askenaz: Weedays, Maariv, Sefirat HoOmer", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed in France c. 1055 – c. 1105 CE], retrieved 26 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  8. ^ "Siddur Edot HaMizrach: Kabbalat Shabbat", Sefaria (in English and English), retrieved 26 November 2023
  9. ^ "Siddur Edot HaMizrach: Counting of the Omer", Sefaria (in English and English), retrieved 26 November 2023
  10. ^ "Siddur Sefard: Weekday Maariv, Sefirat HaOmer", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed c.1710 – c.1810 CE], retrieved 26 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  11. ^ Zalman, Rabbi Shneur, ed. (n.d.) [composed c.1765 – c.1795 CE], "Weekday Siddur Chabad: Sefirat HaOmer", Sefaria (in Hebrew), p. 8, retrieved 23 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  12. ^ a b c "Siddur Sefard: Kabbalat Shabbat", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed c.1710 – c.1810 CE], retrieved 26 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  13. ^ a b c d e Zalman, Rabbi Shneur, ed. (n.d.) [composed c.1765 – c.1795 CE], "Siddur Chabad: Kabbalat Shabbat, Nusach HaAri, Habad" (PDF), opensiddur.org (in Hebrew and English), p. 8, retrieved 23 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)

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