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User:Njh/List of Zoos in the UK

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A list of Zoos in the United Kingdom.

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Zoo Name Website Post Code
Africa Alive! http://www.africa-alive.co.uk/ NR33 7TF
Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park http://www.awcp.gi/
Amazon World Zoo Park http://www.amazonworld.co.uk PO36 0LX
Amazona Zoo http://www.amazonazoo.co.uk/ NR27 9JG
Amazonia http://www.discoveramazonia.co.uk/ ML1 3RT
Anglesey Sea Zoo https://www.angleseyseazoo.co.uk/ LL61 6TQ
Askham Bryan Wildlife and Conservation Park http://abcwildlifepark.co.uk/ YO23 3FR
Axe Valley Wildlife Park https://www.axevalleypark.co.uk/
Banham Zoo http://www.banhamzoo.co.uk NR16 2HE
Battersea Park Children's Zoo http://www.batterseaparkzoo.co.uk/ SW11 4NJ
Beale Park https://www.bealepark.org.uk/ RG8 9NW
Becky Falls https://www.beckyfalls.com/ TQ13 9UG
Belfast Zoo http://www.belfastzoo.co.uk BT36 7PN
Belle Vue Zoological Gardens
Berkshire College of Agriculture https://www.bca.ac.uk/ SL6 6QR
Birdland Park and Gardens http://www.birdland.co.uk GL54 2BN
Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/bhamconservationpark B5 7RL
Blackpool Zoo http://www.blackpoolzoo.org.uk FY3 8PP
Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park http://www.blairdrummond.com/ FK9 4UR
Borth Wild Animal Kingdom https://www.borthzoo.co.uk/ SY24 5NA
Bristol Zoo http://www.bristolzoo.org.uk BS8 3HA
Bristol Zoo Project https://www.wildplace.org.uk/
Bucklebury Farm Park http://www.buckleburyfarmpark.co.uk RG7 6RR
Butterfly World http://www.butterfly-world-iow.co.uk PO33 4RW
Calderglen Zoo http://www.slleisureandculture.co.uk/info/113/calderglen_country_park/576/childrens_zoo G75 0QZ
Camperdown Wildlife Centre https://www.camperdownwildlifecentre.co.uk/ DD2 4TF
Chester Zoo https://www.chesterzoo.org/ CH2 1EU
Colchester Zoo https://www.colchester-zoo.com/ CO3 0SL
Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park https://www.cmwdp.co.uk/ EX34 0NG
Cornish Seal Sanctuary https://www.visitsealife.com/gweek/ TR12 6UG
Cotswold Wildlife Park https://www.cotswoldwildlifepark.co.uk/ OX18 4JP
Coventry Zoo
Crocodiles of the World https://www.crocodilesoftheworld.co.uk/ OX18 3NX
Dartmoor Zoological Park http://www.dartmoorzoo.org PL7 5DG
Deep Sea World https://www.deepseaworld.com/ KY11 1JR
Drayton Manor Theme Park http://www.draytonmanor.co.uk/ B78 3TW
Drusillas Zoo Park http://www.drusillas.co.uk/ BN26 5QS
Dudley Zoo http://www.dudleyzoo.org.uk DY1 4QF
Eagle Heights Wildlife Foundation https://www.eagleheights.co.uk/
Edinburgh Zoo http://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk EH12 6TS
Exmoor Zoo http://www.exmoorzoo.co.uk EX31 4SG
Exploris http://www.exploris.org.uk BT22 1NZ
Five Sisters Zoo https://fivesisterszoo.co.uk/ EH55 8PT
Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo https://www.folly-farm.co.uk SA68 0XA
Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park http://gallowaywildlife.org.uk/
Gauntlet Birds of Prey https://gauntletbirdsofprey.co.uk/ WA16 0SX
Glasgow Zoo http://www.glasgowzoo.co.uk/
Golders Hill Park Zoo https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/hampstead-heath/golders-hill-park/ NW11 7QP
Hamerton Zoo Park https://www.hamertonzoopark.com/ PE28 5RE
Hanwell Zoo https://hanwellzoo.co.uk/ W7 3BP
Harewood House https://harewood.org/ LS17 9LG
Hawk Conservancy Trust https://www.hawk-conservancy.org/ SP11 8DY
Hertfordshire Zoo https://www.pwpark.com/ EN10 7QA
Heythrop Zoological Gardens
Highland Wildlife Park http://www.highlandwildlifepark.org.uk PH21 1NL
Hobbledown https://www.hobbledown.com/ KT19 8PT
Howletts Wild Animal Park https://www.aspinallfoundation.org/howletts/ CT4 5EL
International Centre for Birds of Prey https://www.icbp.org/ GL18 1JJ
Knaresborough Zoo
Knowsley Safari Park http://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk L34 4AN
Lake District Wildlife Park https://www.lakedistrictwildlifepark.co.uk/ CA12 4RD
Lakeland Wildlife Oasis https://wildlifeoasis.co.uk/
Lakes Aquarium http://www.lakesaquarium.co.uk LA12 8AS
Leeds Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Lincolnshire Wildlife Park https://www.lincswildlife.com/
Linton Zoo http://www.lintonzoo.com/
Living Coasts http://www.livingcoasts.org.uk/ TQ1 2BG
London Zoo https://www.londonzoo.org/ NW1 4RY
Longleat Safari Park http://www.longleat.co.uk/ BA12 7NW
Manchester Zoological Gardens
Manor Farm Park and Woodland https://www.manorfarm.info/ LE12 6LU
Manor Wildlife Park https://www.manorwildlifepark.co.uk/ SA70 8RJ
Marwell Zoo https://www.marwell.org.uk/ SO21 1JH
Miniature Pony Centre
Monkey Sanctuary http://www.monkeysanctuary.org PL13 1NZ
Monkey World http://www.monkeyworld.org BH20 6HH
National Sea Life Centre http://www.sealifeeurope.com B1 2HL
New Forest Wildlife Park http://www.newforestwildlifepark.co.uk/ SO40 4UH
Newquay Zoo https://www.newquayzoo.org.uk/ TR7 2LZ
Noah's Ark Zoo Farm http://www.noahsarkzoofarm.co.uk/ BS48 1PG
Northumberland College Zoo https://www.northumberland.ac.uk/for-visitors/northumberland-college-zoo/
Northumberland Zoo https://www.northumberlandzoo.co.uk/
Oxford Zoo
Paignton Zoo https://www.paigntonzoo.org.uk/ TQ4 7EU
Paradise Park http://www.paradisepark.org.uk/ TR27 4HB
Peak Wildlife Park https://www.peakwildlifepark.co.uk/ ST13 7QR
Penscynor Wildlife Park
Plantasia https://www.swansea.gov.uk/plantasia SA1 2AL
Ponderosa Zoo https://ponderosa-zoo.co.uk/
Porfell Wildlife Park http://www.porfell.co.uk/
Port Lympne Wild Animal Park https://www.aspinallfoundation.org/port-lympne/ CT21 4PD
Rare Species Conservation Centre
Seaview Wildlife Encounter
Sewerby Zoo https://www.sewerbyhall.co.uk/zoo/
Shaldon Zoo https://www.shaldonwildlifetrust.org.uk/
Shepreth Wildlife Park https://sheprethwildlifepark.co.uk/ SG8 6PZ
South Lakes Safari Zoo http://www.southlakessafarizoo.com/ LA12 0LU
Southam Zoo
Southport Zoo
The Living Rainforest http://www.livingrainforest.org RG18 0TN
The Scottish Deer Centre http://www.scottishdeercentre.co.uk KY15 4NQ
The Wildheart Animal Sanctuary https://isleofwightzoo.com
PO36 8QB
Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens http://www.thrigbyhall.co.uk/
Tilgate Nature Centre https://crawley.gov.uk/culture/parks-and-open-spaces/gardens-and-parks/tilgate-park/tilgate-nature-centre RH10 5PQ
Tropical Birdland, Leicestershire http://www.tropicalbirdland.com/
Tropical World https://tropicalworld.leeds.gov.uk/
Tropiquaria https://www.tropiquaria.co.uk/ TA23 0QB
Twycross Zoo http://www.twycrosszoo.org CV9 3PX
Welsh Mountain Zoo http://www.welshmountainzoo.org/ LL28 5UY
West Midland Safari Park http://www.wmsp.co.uk DY12 1LF
Wetheriggs Zoo and Animal Sanctuary http://www.wetheriggsanimalrescue.co.uk DL12 9TY
Whipsnade Zoo http://www.whipsnade.co.uk
Wildwood Discovery Park http://www.wildwoodtrust.org CT6 7LQ
Willow's Birds of Prey & Wildlife Trail
Wingham Wildlife Park http://www.winghamwildlifepark.co.uk CT3 1JL
Woburn Safari Park http://www.woburnsafari.co.uk/ MK17 9QN
Woodside Wildlife Park http://www.woodsidewildlife.com/ LN3 5DQ
Yorkshire Wildlife Park http://www.yorkshirewildlifepark.com/ DN4 6TB
End of auto-generated list.