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New Employees

1|Chandra Mohan|Manager |Banking |Delhi |Active|

2|Dipanshu Wahi|Sales      |Telecom  |Mumbai   |Active|
3|Gyanendra    |Trainee    |Govt     |Kanpur   |Active|
4|Suneeta      |Production |Insurence|Chennai  |Active|
5|Laxman Singh |Trainee    |Banking  |Kanpur   |Active|
6|Laxmi Kant   |manager    |Telecom  |Mumbai   |Active|
7|Kuldeep Singh|production |Govt     |Chennai  |Active|
8|Shyam        |Sales      |Insurence|Mumbai   |Active|
9|Shalini      |Sales      |Banking  |Kanpur   |Active|

10|Sandeep Soni |Production |Govt |Delhi |Active|

Add employees

  1. index=1
  2. cat newemployee
  3. echo "Check point1"
  4. wc -l newemployee
  5. echo "Check point 2"

employeeid=`wc -l < masterfile`

  1. echo "Check point 3"
  2. echo "Record Count = $recordcount"
  3. echo "Starting for loop"
  4. lines=`cat newemployee`
  5. set $lines

for i in {1..100}

    #grep "$i" newemployees > stringfile
    #sed -n '/^/$i*$/p' newemployees > stringfile
    awk -F"|" -v pin=$i 'NR == pin {print}' newemployees > stringfile
    #echo "Displaying String file"
    #cat stringfile 
    if [ $? = 0 ]
       #cat stringfile
        temp=`expr $employeeid + $index`
        #echo "Employee id =$employeeid"
        awk -F"|" -v a=$employeeid '{printf "%d|%-25s|%-11s|%-12s|%-9s|%-8s|001|",a,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' stringfile > tempfile 
        #cat tempfile
        cat tempfile >> tempmasterfile
        echo -e "\n" >> tempmasterfile

done sed '/^[ ]*$/d' tempmasterfile > tempfile cat tempfile > tempmasterfile

echo "Welcome To Employee Management System" echo -e "\n" echo -e "\n" answer="y" while [ "$answer" = "y" ]

     echo "Menu"
     echo "1.Check Employee Database"
     echo "Enter your option"
     read option
     case $option in
       1) cat masterfile ;;
       *) echo "Incorrect Option Selected"
     echo "Do you want to continue"
     read answer
     case $answer in 
        [yY]*) answer=y ;;
        [Nn]*) answer=n 


Master file

01|Gunpreet Singh Kohli |C.E.O |Banking |Delhi |Active |104| 02|Harpreet Singh |Manager |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |185| 03|Digvijay Singh Sengar |Sales |Govt |Chennai |Active |494| 04|Lalu Yadav |Sales |Telecom |Delhi |Active |228| 05|Baby Sharma |Manager |Banking |Mumbai |Acitve |572| 06|Arpit Thakur |Chairman |Insurance |Kanpur |Active |024| 07|Sonal Rajab |Production |Insurance |Delhi |Active |018| 08|Altaf Sharma |Trainee |Govt |Mumbai |Active |057| 09|M.D Aziz |Sales |Insurance |Mumbai |Active |632| 10|Shahrukh Khan |Production |Banking |Delhi |Active |036| 11|Sanjay Mishra |Manager |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |016| 12|Preeti Bedi |Trainee |Govt |Kanpur |Active |342| 13|Pappu Khan |Sales |Telecom |Chennai |Active |634| 14|Divya Soni |Manager |Bannking |Delhi |Active |077| 15|Johny Singh |Trainee |Banking |Kanpur |Active |003| 16|Silvia Sharma |Production |Govt |Kanpur |Active |026| 17|Mark Mohomad |Production |Govt |Delhi |Active |724| 18|Ankur Anderson |Trainee |Telecom |Chennai |Active |062| 19|Devi Gilchrist |Sales |Banking |Mumbai |Active |032| 20|Rajat John Singh |Manager |Telecom |Chennai |Acitve |042|

Temp Masterfile

01|Gunpreet Singh Kohli |C.E.O |Banking |Delhi |Active |104| 02|Harpreet Singh |Manager |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |185| 03|Digvijay Singh Sengar |Sales |Govt |Chennai |Active |494| 04|Lalu Yadav |Sales |Telecom |Delhi |Active |228| 05|Baby Sharma |Manager |Banking |Mumbai |Acitve |572| 06|Arpit Thakur |Chairman |Insurance |Kanpur |Active |024| 07|Sonal Rajab |Production |Insurance |Delhi |Active |018| 08|Altaf Sharma |Trainee |Govt |Mumbai |Active |057| 09|M.D Aziz |Sales |Insurance |Mumbai |Active |632| 10|Shahrukh Khan |Production |Banking |Delhi |Active |036| 11|Sanjay Mishra |Manager |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |016| 12|Preeti Bedi |Trainee |Govt |Kanpur |Active |342| 13|Pappu Khan |Sales |Telecom |Chennai |Active |634| 14|Divya Soni |Manager |Bannking |Delhi |Active |077| 15|Johny Singh |Trainee |Banking |Kanpur |Active |003| 16|Silvia Sharma |Production |Govt |Kanpur |Active |026| 17|Mark Mohomad |Production |Govt |Delhi |Active |724| 18|Ankur Anderson |Trainee |Telecom |Chennai |Active |062| 19|Devi Gilchrist |Sales |Banking |Mumbai |Active |032| 20|Rajat John Singh |Manager |Telecom |Chennai |Acitve |042| 21|Chandra Mohan |Manager |Banking |Delhi |Active |001| 22|Dipanshu Wahi |Sales |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |001| 23|Gyanendra |Trainee |Govt |Kanpur |Active |001| 24|Suneeta |Production |Insurence |Chennai |Active |001| 25|Laxman Singh |Trainee |Banking |Kanpur |Active |001| 26|Laxmi Kant |manager |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |001| 27|Kuldeep Singh |production |Govt |Chennai |Active |001| 28|Shyam |Sales |Insurence |Mumbai |Active |001| 29|Shalini |Sales |Banking |Kanpur |Active |001| 30|Sandeep Soni |Production |Govt |Delhi |Active |001| 21|Chandra Mohan |Manager |Banking |Delhi |Active |001| 22|Dipanshu Wahi |Sales |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |001| 23|Gyanendra |Trainee |Govt |Kanpur |Active |001| 24|Suneeta |Production |Insurence |Chennai |Active |001| 25|Laxman Singh |Trainee |Banking |Kanpur |Active |001| 26|Laxmi Kant |manager |Telecom |Mumbai |Active |001| 27|Kuldeep Singh |production |Govt |Chennai |Active |001| 28|Shyam |Sales |Insurence |Mumbai |Active |001| 29|Shalini |Sales |Banking |Kanpur |Active |001| 30|Sandeep Soni |Production |Govt |Delhi |Active |001|



01|Delhi|Chennai 04|Delhi|Mumbai 25|Kanpur|Delhi 12|Kanpur|Chennai 27|Chennai|Mumbai 19|Mumbai|Delhi 20|Chennai|Mumbai

Location change


count=`wc -l < location` echo "lince count=$count" index=1 while [ $index -le $count ]

     awk -F"|" -v temp=$index 'NR == temp { print }' location
      var=`expr $index + 1`