dote [f] dowry Se gastó la dote de su mujer. He spent his wife's dowry. ▲ talent Con tan buenas dotes tenía que triunfar. With such talents he was bound to succeed.
draga dredge.
drama [m] play, drama.
dramático dramatic.
droga drug.
droguería drug store.
ducha shower, shower bath.
duda doubt. ° sin duda certainly, without doubt "¿Vendrá Ud. mañana?" "Sin duda." "Will you come tomorrow?" "Certainly."
dudar to doubt Dudo que venga. I doubt that he'll come. ▲ to hesitate Dudó al darme la respuesta. He hesitated before he answered me. ° dudar de to doubt, distrust, question No dudamos de lo que Ud. dice. We don't question what you say.
dudoso doubtful. ▲ dubious, suspicious Ese es un tipo dudoso. He's a suspicious character.
duelo mourning Se cerraron las tiendas en señal de duelo. The stores were closed as a sign of mourning. ▲ sorrow La muerte del presidente causó gran duelo. The president's death caused great sorrow. ▲ duel Su abuelo murió en un duelo. His grandfather was killed in a duel.
duende [m] hobgoblin.
dueño, dueña owner, landlord, landlady Es el dueño de la propiedad. He's the owner of the property. ▲ master, mistress El perro miraba a su dueño. The dog looked at his master. ° dueño de sí mismo self-controlled Siempre es dueño de sí mismo. He's always self-controlled.
dulce [adj] sweet. ▲ [m] a piece of candy; pl candy Compró una caja de dulces. He bought a box of candy. ° agua dulce fresh water.
dulzura sweetness; mildness El clima es de una gran dulzura. The climate's very mild.
duodécimo twelfth.
duplicado (see duplicar) [adj; m] duplicate Este ejemplar está duplicado. This is a duplicate copy. ° por duplicado in duplicate Envíelo por duplicado. Send it in duplicate.
duplicar to double; to duplicate; to repeat.
duque [m] duke.
duquesa duchess.
duración [f] duration, term, length La duración de la guerra perjudica al comercio. The length of the war's harmful to trade. ° ser de duración to wear well, last Este género es de mucha duración. This material will wear very well.
duradero lasting, durable.
durante during.
durar to last ¿Cuanto dura la película? How long does the picture last? ▲ to wear, last El abrigo me ha durado tres años. This overcoat's lasted me three years.
dureza hardness, solidity La dureza del ébano es bien conocida. The hardness of ebony is well known. ▲ hardness, harshness ¡Qué dureza de corazón! How hard-hearted! — Debe evitarse la dureza en esos casos. Harshness should be avoided in those cases. ▲ callus Me ha salido una dureza en la planta del pie. I have a callus on the sole of my foot.
durmiente [m] (railroad) tie [Am].
duro hard Este colchón es muy duro. This is a very hard mattress. ▲ hard, rough ¡Llevan una vida tan dura! They lead such a hard life. ▲ hard, stubborn ¿Por qué tienes la cabeza tan dura? Why are you so hard-headed? ▲ [adv] hard Trabajó muy duro para conseguirlo. He worked very hard to accomplish it. ▲ [m] duro (Spanish coin equal to five pesetas). ° a duras penas with difficulty, hardly A duras penas se hacía entender. He could hardly make himself understood.
e and (before i or hi) María e Inés irán conmigo. Mary and Inez will go with me.
¡ea pues! come on! ¡Ea pues! Sigamos adelante. Come on, let's get going.
echar to throw Echaremos esto en el cajón. We'll throw this into the drawer. ▲ to discharge, dismiss, fire Echaron a muchos empleados. They fired many employees. ▲ to pour Puede echar el vino en el vaso. You can pour the wine into the glass.