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Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/191

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° con regalo in luxury Vivía con regalo. He lived in luxury.

regañar to scold Siempre me esta regañando. He's always scolding me.

regaño scolding, reprimand.

regar [rad-ch I] to water, irrigate.

regateo bargaining, haggling.

régimen [m] regime, political system El regimen de aquel país era muy democrático. The political system of that country was very democratic. ▲ diet El médico lo puso a régimen. The doctor put him on a diet.

región [f] region.

regir [rad-ch III] to rule, govern ¿Quién rige esos territorios? Who rules those territories? ▲ to be in effect Aun rige ese decreto. That decree's still in effect.

registrar to search La policía registró su casa. The police searched his house. ▲ to examine (baggage). ▲ to record, keep a record of Registraba en aquel libro las compras y ventas. He kept a record of purchases and sales in that book. ° registrarse to register (oneself) Es preciso registrarse en el Consulado. You have to register at the Consulate.

regla rule, regulation Tiene Ud. que obedecer las reglas. You have to obey the rules. ▲ ruler (for drawing lines) ¿Puede dejarme la regla? Can you leave me the ruler? ° en regla in order ¿Todo está en regla? Is everything in order? ° por regla general as a general rule.

regocijo joy, gladness.

regreso return, coming or going back.

regular regular, orderly, regulated Llevaba una vida muy regular. He led a very regular life. ▲ moderate, so-so Esta mañana me siento regular nada más. This morning I only feel so-so. ° por lo regular as a rule, ordinarily Por lo regular le veía todos los días. Ordinarily I saw him every day.

regularidad [f] regularity.

reina queen.

reinar to reign Luis diez y seis reinó en Francia en el siglo dieciocho. Louis the Sixteenth reigned in France in the eighteenth century. ▲ to prevail, reign Durante la guerra reinó el terror. Terror reigned during the war.

reino kingdom.

reir(se) [rad-ch III] to laugh No se ría Ud. Don't laugh. ° reírse a carcajadas to laugh heartily, guffaw. ° reírse de to laugh at ¿De qué se ríe Ud.? What are you laughing at? ▲ to make fun of, ridicule Estaban riévdose de él. They were making fun of him.

reja bars, iron window grating.

relación [f] story, account Toda aquella relación era interesante. The whole story was interesting. ° con relación a about, with regard to No sé nada con relación a ese asunto. I don't know anything about that matter. ° entrar en (or establecer) relaciones con to establish (business) relations with. ° relaciones relations, dealings No existían entre ellos ningunas relaciones. They had no dealings with each other. ° tener relación con to have connection with, have relation to Eso no tiene ninguna relación con el asunto que estamos tratando. That has no relation to the subject we're discussing. ° tener relaciones to have connections Tiene muy buenas relaciones. He has very good connections.

relacionar to relate, connect, establish a relation between En su conferencia relacionó los dos hechos históricos. In his lecture he established a relation between the two historical facts. ▲ to introduce (make acquainted) Mi prima nos relacionó. My cousin introduced us. ° relacionarse con to have dealings with No se relacione con tales gentes. Don't have any dealings with such people.

relajamiento laxness, laxity, looseness.

relajo disorder, confusion, mix-up [Am].

relámpago lightning.

relatar to relate, tell.

religión [f] religion.

religioso religious. ▲ [n] member of a religious order.

reloj [m] clock, watch. ° andar (or marchar) como un reloj to be in perfect trim. ° reloj de pulsera wrist watch.

relucir [-zc-] to shine, glisten, glitter.

rellenar to refill; to fill up; to stuff.

relleno stuffed, filled. ▲ [m] stuffing. ° pimientos rellenos stuffed peppers.

remar to row (a boat).

remate [m] auction. ° de remate completely Estaba loco de remate. He was completely crazy.

remediar to remedy, repair Tenemos que remediar el daño. We'll have to repair the damage.