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Page:Makers of British botany.djvu/397

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Quaker Schools, Science in Irish, 205

Ray, John, life of, 2843
━━ ━━ on Classification, 2829, 34, 3638
━━ ━━ on floral morphology, 35
━━ ━━ influence of, 23, 109
━━ ━━ Jung and, 15
━━ ━━ Methodus Plantarum, 3234
━━ ━━ on seeds and seedlings, 35
━━ ━━ on transmission of water, 68
━━ Society, Harvey on, 210
Renaissance of Botany, 5, 193, 194, 203
Renault, Williamson and, 255
Reproduction, Hill's views on, 99100
Rhamnus infectorius, Ward on, 267
Ringing experiments, Hales and, 7677
Root pressure, Hales on, 77, 78
Roots, Grew on, 51, 53, 55, 56
Ross, J. D. Hooker's travels with, 303305, 312
Rothamsted, experiments on plants, 234241
━━ experiments on animals, 241
━━ publications, 235236, 241
Royal Horticultural Society, Lindley and, 166, 168
Royal Society, Gilbert and, 234
━━ ━━ Grew and, 63
━━ ━━ Hales and, 70
━━ ━━ Henfrey and, 193
━━ ━━ Hill and, 8891
━━ ━━ Hooker, J. D., and, 310311
━━ ━━ Ward and, 279
━━ ━━ Williamson and, 251, 253, 257, 259
━━ ━━ medal, 172, 234, 279
Rust fungus, physiological species of, 276
Rutherford, Edinburgh Medical School and, 290
━━ Chemical work of, 290

Sachs, on growth, 82
━━ on Hales, 65, 67, 68
━━ History of Botany, 65, 191, 193
━━ on Hofmeister, 198
━━ on physiology, 72, 74, 75
━━ on Ray, 68
━━ Textbook, 194
━━ on transpiration, 7274
━━ on water transport, 76
━━ on Ward, 262
Schizomycetes, Ward on, 265
Schleiden, fertilisation, 194196
━━ Grew and, 48
━━ morphology and, 134, 185, 186, 197
Schwendener's Theory, Bornet and, 278
━━ ━━ Ward and, 264, 278
Science and Art Department, Ward and, 261
Scientific exploration, Golden age of, 304
Scott, D. H., on Williamson, 243260
Scottish Flora, Hope and, 289
Seaweeds, Flora of, 219
━━ Harvey and, 208, 210212, 214, 216
━━ systematic study of, 202
Secondary growth, in Cryptogams, 254256
━━ ━━ systematic importance of, 256
Seeds and seedlings, Grew on, 49, 62
━━ ━━ ━━ Malpighi on, 35
━━ ━━ ━━ Ray on, 35
Sex in plants, Alston on, 286
━━ ━━ ━━ in Cryptogams, 195, 196
━━ ━━ ━━ denial of, 285
━━ ━━ ━━ in Ferns, 135, 196197
━━ ━━ ━━ in flowering plants, 194
━━ ━━ ━━ Grew on, 61, 62
Shrubs, Ray's classification of, 30, 34
Sibbald, 281
Solms–Laubach, on Williamson, 256, 257
━━ ━━ on Scott, 258
Sorby, Williamson and, 251
South Kensington, Science Schools at, 261, 262
Species, critical, 201
━━ "lumping" of, 201
Species Filicum, 145, 146
Spencer, Herbert, 80
Sphenophyllum, Williamson and, 255256
Starch, extraction of, 160, 161
Stems, annual rings in, 57
━━ comparative anatomy of, 51, 56
━━ modified, 57, 58
━━ secondary thickening in, 56
Sternbergiae, Williamson on, 252
Stigmaria, Williamson on, 257
Suminski, sex in Ferns, 196197
━━ and Schleiden's theory, 197
Susceptibility, Ward on, 268
Sutherland, Edinburgh Professor, 281282
Symbiosis, physiological aspect of, 269
━━ fermentation and, 270
Synopsis Filicum, publication of, 146, 147
Systematic botany, Balfour and, 299
━━ ━━ Bauhin and, 14
━━ ━━ Berkeley on, 227230, 231
━━ ━━ British School of, 6
━━ ━━ R. Brown and, 121
━━ ━━ Cesalpino and, 11
━━ ━━ Ferns and, 144148
━━ ━━ first publication on, 32
━━ ━━ Founders of, 2
━━ ━━ Griffith and, 184
━━ ━━ Harvey and, 220
━━ ━━ W. Hooker and, 3, 127, 132
━━ ━━ J. D. Hooker, 311315