109 Chaffey.
Chaffey, Reginald Edward, born at Clapham, Surrey,
4 Jan. , 1862; 6s. John Banyard, gent. Queen's,
matric. 4 May, 81, aged 19 (from Dulwich coll.),
B.A. 90. Chafy, John Westwood William, born at Camberwell,
Surrey, 6 Oct. , 1864 ; 2s. William Westwood, arm.
Christ Church, matric. 25 May, 83, aged 18,
from Harrow. Chaine, James, born in co. Antrim, Ireland, 25 Dec,
1866; 2s. James, arm., deceased. Magdalen,
matric. 23 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Marlborough
coll.), B.A. 89. Chalken, Frederick, M.A. , fellow Corpus Christi
50-69, where see. Challacombe, rev. William Allen Nicholas, born at
High Wycombe, Bucks, 18 Nov., 1863; o. s.
William Nicholas, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric.
17 Oct., 85, aged 22 (from Billericay school);
migrated to Christ Church 86, and from thence
to Worcester 87, B.A. 88, M.A. 92 (Honours :—
2 theology 88) ; curate of Christ Church, Dover, 88.
Chalmers, Alexander Gustavus Adolphus, born in London 2 March, 1869; o.s. Alexander, gent., deceased. Hertford, matric. 19 Feb., 92, aged 22, from a Bromley school.
Chalmers, Kenneth Ellmann, born in London
1873 ; 2s. Frederick William Marsh, banker. Balliol, matric. 18 Oct. , 92, aged 19, from Eton.
Chamberlain, George Arthur, born at Madras 29 May, 1870 ; is. George Kenaway, late Madras CS. , retired. Brasenose, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Clifton coll.), B.A. 92.
Chambers, (rev.) Arthur John, born at Ely, co. Cam- bridge, 25 Feb., 1867; 2s. John, vicar of Woodhead, co. Lane. Merton, matric. 21 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Manchester gr. school), exhibitioner Mag- dalen 87, B.A. 90 (Honours : — 3 mathematical mods. 88, 3 mathematics 90) ; curate of Trinity, Kingston-on-Hull, 91.
Chambers, Charles Douglas, born at Douglas, isle of Man, 1867; 2s. Richard, arm. Hertford, matric. 27 Oct., 87, aged 20 (from Harrow), scholar 86, B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 89, 1 classics 91.
Chambers, Charles Grahame, born at West-Ilsley, Berks, 12 July, 1870 ; 2s. William, cler. Lincoln, matric. 17 Oct. , 89, aged 19 (from Marlborough coll.), exhibitioner 89, B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 law 92.
Chambers, Edmund Kerchever, born at West Ilsley, Berks, 16 March, 1866; is. William, cler. Corpus Christi, matric. 26 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Marl- borough coll.), scholar 85, B.A. 89 (Honours: —
1 classical mods. 87, 1 classics, 89, English essay 91), junior examiner education department 93.
Chambers, Frank Harding, born at Wolverhampton, Dec. , 1867 ; is. Joseph James, gent. Balliol, matric. 24 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Wolverhampton gr. school), exhibitioner 84, B.A. 88 ; Honours : —
2 mathematical mods. 86, 1 mathematics 88. Chambers, (rev.) Henry, born at Sutton in Ashfield,
Notts, 1859 ; 6s. William, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric. 13 Oct., 84, aged 25, B.A. 87; curate of Emmanuel church, Loughborough, 91. Chambers, John Miles, born at Wolverhampton n May, 1869 ; 2s. Joseph James, arm. University Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 87, aged 18 (from Wolver- hampton school), scholar 87 ; Honours : — 2 mathe- matical mods. 88.
Chambers, William, m.a., fellow Worcester 56-65, where see.
Chambers, rev. Gordon Crewe, born at Wallasey, Cheshire, 1861 ; is. Chailes Crewe, gent. Balliol, matric 21 Oct., 80, aged 19 (from Dulwich coll.), ex- hibitioner 80-1 ; scholar Christ Church 81-5, B.A.
84, M.A. 87 (Honours :— 1 natural science 83) ;
curate of Uttoxeter 88-91, 2nd master Uttoxeter gr.
school 88-91, headmaster Wigan school 91.
Chamot, Paul George Francois, born in Paris 11 April, 1862 ; is. Alexander Louis, arm. Magdalen, matric. 27 April, 81, aged 19, from Westminster school.
Champernowne, Amyas Walter, born at Dartington, Devon, Sept., 1873; 3 s - Arthur, m.a. Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 92, aged 19, from Newton Abbot school.
Champernewne, Arthur Melville, born at Totnes, Devon, 16 Aug., 1871 ; is. Arthur, of Dartington, arm. Christ Church, matric. 10 Oct., 90, aged 19, from Eton.
Champernowne, Francis Gawayne, born at Dart- ington, Devon, 22 April, 1866 ; 3s. Richard, cler. Keble, matric. 5 Nov., 84, aged 18 (from Newton Abbott coll.) ; exhibitioner 84, B.A. 87 ; Honours : — 2 history 87.
Champernowne, John Edward, born at Bisley, co. Glouc. , 5 March, 1870; y.s. Richard, cler. Keble, matric. 17 Jan., 91, aged 20, from St. Edward's school, Summertown.
Chance, Charles Richard, born in London, 13 July, 1861 ; 3s. George, metropolitan magistrate. Trinity, matric. 16 Oct., 80, aged 19 (from Shrewsbury school ; Honours :—3 classical mods. 82.
Chance, Joseph Selby, born at Malvern, co. Worcester, 13 Oct., 1862 ; 3s. Edward, arm. Trinity, matric. 16 Oct., 80, aged 18 (from Harrow), B.A. 84; Honours : — 3 history 84.
Chancellor, Edwin Beresford, born at Richmond, Surrey, Jan. , 1868 ; is. Albert arm. Christ Church] matric. 12 Oct., 88, aged 20, B.A. 92.
Chancellor, Frederick Wykeham, bornat Chelmsford, Essex, 1865 ; is. Frederick, gent. Pembroke, matric. 27 Oct., 85, aged 20 (from Woking school), B.A. 89, M.A. 92. '
Chandler, Arthur, m.a., fellow Brasenose 83-90, where see.
Chandler, rev. Frederick John, born at Newport, co. Mon. , 1862; is. Frederick Robinson, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 23 Oct., 80, aged 18 (from city of London school), scholar 80, B.A. 84, M.A. 87 (Honours :— 2 classical mods. 82, 4 classics 84), organising sec. National society for northern province 91.
Channing, Francis Allston, m.a., fellow University Coll. 66-70, where see.
Chaplin, Charles Slingsby, born at Ashfordby, co. Leic, 1864; 2s. Clifford Waterman, gent. Pembroke, matric. 2 May, 82, aged 18.
Chaplin, Edward James Morgan, born in London 1862 ; is. Edward, gent. Corpus Christi, matric. 19 Oct., 83, aged 21 (from Winchester), B.A. 87, M.A. 90 (Honours:— 3 classical mods. 85, 3 history 87) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 92.
Chaplin, Francis Drummond Percy, born at Twicken- ham 1866; o.s. Percy, arm. University Coll., matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Harrow), scholar 84, B.A. 91 (Honours :— i classical mods. 87, 2 classics 89) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 91.
Chaplin, Robert John Morgan, born at Hamburg 5 July, 1864; 2s. Edward, gent. New Coll. , matric. 10 Oct., 84, aged 20 (from Harsfield gym., Hesse Cassel, and Winchester), B.A. 89, M.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 86, Taylorian ex- hibition (German) 87.
Chaplin, Wyndham Allen, born at Trichinopoly Nov. , 1872 ; is. Allen, colonel and deputy judge advocate. Keble, matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 18.