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Did you mean: celestial session
Create the page "Celestial Season" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- government The science of Astronomy studies the positions and motions of celestial bodies and seeks to understand and explain their physical properties....135 KB (21,268 words) - 12:34, 21 February 2024
- corresponding times to the seasons of the northern hemisphere. The line of the equinoxes is the imaginary diameter of the celestial sphere which joins them...296 bytes (335 words) - 07:02, 9 April 2019
- Lamb On the Celestial Sphere 4365391The Phenomena and Diosemeia of Aratus — On the Celestial SphereJohn LambAratus Layout 2 ON THE CELESTIAL SPHERE. In...415 bytes (4,517 words) - 01:16, 11 December 2023
- Description and Use of a New Celestial Planisphere (1802) by Stephen Godwin 2561977Description and Use of a New Celestial Planisphere1802Stephen Godwin...599 bytes (9,790 words) - 15:00, 14 January 2022
- Gods, O thou Most Youthful: bring them, O Lord of Seasons, knowing seasons, With all the Priests Celestial, O Agni. Best worshipper art thou of all Invokers...2 KB (247 words) - 09:36, 8 August 2024
- widely opened, like wives who deck their beauty for their husbands. Lofty, celestial, all-impelling Portals, admit the Gods and give them easy entrance. 6...2 KB (369 words) - 09:35, 8 August 2024
- Picture Season in London by Henry James 1515536The Galaxy, 24 (2) — The Picture Season in LondonHenry James (1843-1916) THE PICTURE SEASON IN LONDON...483 bytes (8,459 words) - 00:28, 25 February 2024
- see Celestial Marriage. Journal of Discourses by Orson Pratt Volume 13, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE 129486Journal of Discourses — Volume 13, CELESTIAL MARRIAGEOrson...45 KB (8,142 words) - 19:59, 30 September 2014
- whose strength hath waxed, whom Maruts follow, free-giving Indra, the celestial Ruler, Mighty, all-conquering, the victory-giver, him let us call to grant...1 KB (186 words) - 09:39, 8 August 2024
- Leech2672942Once a Week, Series 1, Volume III — The London season 1860 THE LONDON SEASON. This season is not like most others that we have known. It has...801 bytes (6,925 words) - 12:59, 20 July 2024
- householders of the village, saying: "This bhikkhu is a saint; he has seen celestial visions; and that bhikkhu possesses supernatural gifts; he can work miracles...92 bytes (540 words) - 15:48, 27 April 2022
- that the royal son of Nahusha sported like a celestial for many years in joy and bliss. And when her season came, the fair-Deva-yani conceived. And she...458 bytes (872 words) - 19:32, 11 July 2024
- on this same Fig. 1.—The celestial sphere. line. When we speak, therefore, of a star as being at a point s on the celestial sphere, all that we mean is...332 bytes (7,067 words) - 12:05, 17 April 2021
- knowledge of the truth and saved in the celestial kingdom; that the saints may have a portion of meat in due season, and be enabled to overcome the world...1 KB (219 words) - 08:53, 17 April 2012
- amphitheatre, each desirous of winning the daughter of Drupada, looked like the celestial (of old) standing round Uma, the daughter of the King of mountains. Afflicted...6 KB (958 words) - 14:09, 12 June 2024
- sun in the heavens in the course of a year. It is the circle in the celestial sphere to which longitudes and latitudes are referred, and the circle...859 bytes (133 words) - 17:34, 9 February 2007
- Lord. 3. Let now, alleluias Angels and archangels Throughout the celestial mansions sing; Glory to God, be Chanted in the highest: O come...1 KB (171 words) - 22:04, 29 January 2024
- beauties, artfully shifts the scene to celestial splendors, which, though perhaps not more striking in this season than in some of the others, are now alone...459 bytes (6,349 words) - 16:38, 12 November 2022
- by the Water Bearer and neighbouring constellations contained a great celestial sea. Here we find the Whale, the Fishes, the Dolphin, the Southern Fish...485 bytes (1,575 words) - 19:02, 1 January 2023