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Showing results for clarke brachiopoda. No results found for Clarkeia (brachiopod).
Create the page "Clarkeia (brachiopod)" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Volume 4 Brachiopoda by Arthur Everett Shipley 18498121911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 4 — BrachiopodaArthur Everett Shipley BRACHIOPODA, an important...383 bytes (7,272 words) - 05:50, 19 April 2021
- An introduction to the study of the genera of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda. With John Mason Clarke, 1857-1925 (1892) part 1, part 2 A memoir on the Palaeozoic...3 KB (348 words) - 10:55, 28 February 2023
- Lyons, N. Y.: Ice Jams in Geology. Pp. 8.—Walcott, C. D.: Cambrian Brachiopoda, etc. Pp. 12, with plates. Russell, Israel C. The Volcanoes of North...568 bytes (1,148 words) - 10:20, 30 September 2018
- County, California. Journal of Geology, 5:340–348, figs. 1–5 Cambrian Brachiopoda: genera Iphidea and Yorkia, with descriptions of new species of each...43 KB (6,440 words) - 23:11, 27 December 2023
- dolomitic layers were found Graptolitida, 1; Annelida (denticles), 3; Brachiopoda, 1; Pelecypoda, 1; Cephalopoda, 2; Ostracoda, 1. A recent discovery...467 bytes (10,537 words) - 13:53, 7 November 2012
- species of the Pacific coast, which at present are almost wholly unknown. Brachiopoda.—Ten workers; the work relates almost entirely to the fossil forms. Bryozoa...739 bytes (1,904 words) - 11:50, 27 September 2018
- the author would place in the first group Cœlenterata, Polyzoa, and Brachiopoda; in another group the Mollusks and Annelids, and probably the Planariane;...514 bytes (6,722 words) - 12:48, 1 October 2018
- viscera of the body. Such low sensory endowments as are presented by the Brachiopoda would be wholly incompatible with that degree of visceral complexity...979 bytes (4,443 words) - 08:19, 2 October 2018
- and Foraminal Development in Brachiopoda, 51, 450. Terminology for Foraminal Development in Terebratuloids (Brachiopoda), 48, 130. Buddle, R. Maori Rock-engravings...279 bytes (7,084 words) - 13:26, 27 November 2022
- is by Charles Schuchert, and gives a synopsis of the American Fossil Brachiopoda, including a valuable bibliography and synonymy. The richness of North...579 bytes (3,755 words) - 10:51, 30 September 2018
- Vertebrata. Amphioxus is considered separately from the fishes, the Brachiopoda are placed among the worms. Altogether it forms one of the most valuable...509 bytes (5,079 words) - 08:33, 2 October 2018
- three hundred feet of the instrument. The Systematic Position of the Brachiopoda.—In the "Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft," Jena, 1881, Dr...505 bytes (8,325 words) - 05:53, 2 October 2018
- organic rocks may consist principally of foraminifera, crinoids, corals, brachiopoda, mollusca, polyzoa, &c. Most of them, however, contain a mixture of organisms...333 bytes (17,569 words) - 10:13, 2 February 2021
- is on the development of Lingula and the systematic position of the Brachiopoda. He succeeded in getting the free-swimming larva of Lingula at a stage...526 bytes (8,520 words) - 06:23, 2 October 2018
- New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 324. $1. Whitfield, Robert P. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New...532 bytes (7,487 words) - 23:57, 1 October 2018
- lamellibranchiata in the same occurrence; also one or two species of brachiopoda, an Orthoceras and the teeth and scales of fish. The data furnished by...678 bytes (5,881 words) - 07:52, 12 January 2022
- continent and the surrounding seas. From a study of remains of the mollusca, brachiopoda and other marine organisms they will determine the shallow water (littoral)...779 bytes (14,854 words) - 09:10, 23 January 2024
- As for us, we only know of their boring into calcareous rocks, but Mr. Clarke has noticed an instance of their perforating triassic sandstone at Exmouth...329 bytes (13,633 words) - 15:03, 3 February 2012
- "Paleontology of the Eureka district" Walcott, Charles D., 1884. 298 p. No. 9 "Brachiopoda and Lamelllibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Greensland Marls of New...9 KB (1,069 words) - 21:38, 27 October 2024
- Notes on, 34, 239. Flight of certain Birds, Anatomy of, 27, 284. Fossil Brachiopoda of N.Z., 11, 537. Fossil Flora of N.Z., 11, 536. Fossil Penguin from...253 bytes (26,730 words) - 01:18, 23 September 2021