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Create the page "Dél-Európa" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- maritime law of Europe, Sistem a Univer sale dei Principii del Diritto Maritime dell Europa, of which a second edition was demanded in the following year...691 bytes (256 words) - 18:52, 2 September 2023
- maritime law of Europe, Sistema Universale dei Principii del Diritto Maritimo dell’ Europa, which he afterwards recast and translated into French. In...318 bytes (209 words) - 22:13, 4 June 2014
- continued until Jan. 1797. In Jan. 1799 he joined, for nearly four months, the Europa, Lieut.-Commander John Gardiner, lying at Plymouth; he served next, between...194 bytes (342 words) - 15:21, 6 September 2021
- Teórico-Práctico (1771) Estado de la Astronomía en Europa ("The State of Astronomy in Europe", 1774) Plan del Camino de Quito al Río Esmeraldas... ("Plan for...2 KB (318 words) - 13:24, 30 November 2024
- Illustrata (1667 & 1670, in part) "Viaggio del P. Giovanni Grueber Tornando per Terra da China in Europa" (1672), with Lorenzo Magalotti & Carlo Roberto...1 KB (140 words) - 19:25, 25 September 2024
- of Saavedra are: "Corona gótica" (1670), "Locuras de Europa" and "politica y razón de estado del Rey Católico D. Fernando". A complete edition of all...2 KB (262 words) - 21:15, 10 October 2013
- brugiando, ed infultando quelli delle altre nazioni piu rifpetta- bili dell* Europa, che per ragion di traffico fi portino ad appro- dare, o partano da porti...91 bytes (494 words) - 01:49, 24 July 2013
- (8304 ft.) and Espinguete (7898 ft.); an unnamed summit in the Peñas de Europa, to which range the Peña Vieja also belongs, rises on the right bank of...317 bytes (609 words) - 19:48, 19 September 2015
- al Rey nuestro señor, gran monarca de España, y sus dominios en Europa, Emperador del Nuevo Mundo Americano, y Rey de los reynos de la Filipinas y Malucas...3 KB (544 words) - 10:07, 25 December 2023
- sostenitore invitto delle liberta popolati, avversate ai sui tempi da tutta Europa, pose questo ricordo, 1892." One Babu Sarat Chandra Das, a Bengali pundit...499 bytes (965 words) - 13:56, 10 November 2023
- Gradientia s. Caudata (1882); J. de Bedriaga, Lurchfauna Europas, II. Urodela (1897); F. Gasco, “Sviluppo del Tritone alpestre,” Ann. Mus. Geneva, xvi. (1880);...367 bytes (1,143 words) - 12:58, 1 March 2021
- Erechtheus—e-rek'-thuce Eridanus—e-rid'-an-us Etanin—et'-a-nin Eurydice—u-rid'-i-se Europa—eu-ro'-pa Formalhaut—for'-mal-o Galileo—gal"-i-le'-o Ganymede—gan-i-mee'-de...311 bytes (709 words) - 00:24, 21 March 2024
- Europa's Fairy Book by Joseph Jacobs Notes 688459Europa's Fairy Book — NotesJoseph Jacobs INTRODUCTION TO NOTES EVER since the Brothers Grimm in 1812...383 bytes (14,924 words) - 11:17, 3 May 2016
- série ii., tom. iv. Gagern (Cárlos de), Apelacion de los Mexicanos á la Europa. Mexico, 1802. Gaines, Correspondence entre la Légation du Mexique. Paris...519 bytes (46,199 words) - 17:16, 9 November 2021
- sea-level. South of Windmill Hill are Europa Flats, a wall-like cliff 200 ft. or more in height dividing them. Europa Flats, sloping south, end in cliffs...551 bytes (6,634 words) - 18:29, 31 January 2022
- pilares los suelos de losas graudes y lisas como los baños que se usan é europa tienen dentro un fogon a manera denna bitacora de nabio donde ensienden...483 bytes (13,451 words) - 23:36, 5 April 2019
- biblioteche d' Europa. Bernardino Baldi nelle sue 'Vite de'matematici', manoscritto presso il principe Boncompagni, ha una biografia del Vitellione. Questo...96 KB (16,869 words) - 13:45, 15 January 2022
- Napoli), 15 (1893), pp. 97-142. Cimmino, Francesco. II teatro indiano in Europa. Communica- zione letta al Congresso di Parigi nel 1897. Naples, 1897. Cimmino...465 bytes (2,044 words) - 17:38, 27 March 2018
- his courteous entertainment. Another picture in the National Gallery, “Europa and the Bull,” is a study for the large painting in the imperial gallery...314 bytes (1,714 words) - 10:46, 18 September 2021
- he'd come at eight. ○ quedarse to remain, stay Nuestro amigo se quedó en Europa. Our friend stayed in Europe. ○ quedarse atrás to stay behind. ○ quedarse...356 bytes (1,106 words) - 15:01, 22 February 2024