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Showing results for eines pond part. No results found for Eibs Pond Park.
Create the page "Eibs Pond Park" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- sowohl eine abweichende Anordnung anzuwenden, als auch die Arten und Kräfte eines jeden Mittels zu beschreiben. Es leuchtet wohl Jedem ein, dass eine Belehrung...53 KB (7,236 words) - 19:13, 26 November 2022
- Weiden-busch a), willow-bush, an along dem the schilfigen rushy Teiche: pond: Ach, Ah, Mutter, mother, was what wird becomes dein thy Gesicht face so...1 KB (478 words) - 14:00, 4 June 2024
- Jahrhundert," vol. i. p. 114. Biedermann, vol. i. pp. 161, 163, n. "Briefe eines Reisenden." “Geschichte des vorletzten Markgrafen von Brandenburg-Ansbach...483 bytes (3,450 words) - 09:23, 6 July 2022
- hibernated, during the cold weather, sinking into the mud at the bottom of ponds, like frogs, or curling up in deep, warm crannies, like bats, and remaining...733 bytes (2,527 words) - 08:47, 2 October 2018
- defeated and killed in a sortie. The next day his frozen corpse was found in a pond, having been half devoured by wolves (5 January, 1477). Mary and the "Great...25 KB (4,118 words) - 08:26, 13 May 2020
- Hall hat einen Schwimmfuss eines jetzt lebenden Krustenthieres Platyonichus oculosus [ocellatus], welcher in seinem Baue eine grosse und interessante Aehnlichkeit...642 bytes (5,889 words) - 15:26, 13 January 2022
- affiliated sometimes with biology. Schelling's "Einleitung zum Entwurf eines Systems der Naturphilosophie" (1799), as I have tried to show in another...882 bytes (4,608 words) - 04:06, 29 September 2018
- the fish-pond into which it falls were on that day coloured blood-red. The pond up to the present day bears the name of “Blut Teich” (the pond of blood)...386 bytes (14,255 words) - 19:09, 11 August 2020
- ‘‘pine-wood,’ and Lett. darwa, ‘tar.’ Teich, m., ‘pond, pool,’ from MidHG. tîch, m., ‘fish-pond, pond’ (it is uncertain whether OHG. dîh, ‘eddy, whirlpool...493 bytes (10,129 words) - 01:16, 21 December 2018
- Lettic darwa, ‘tar.’ Teich, masculine, ‘pond, pool,’ from Middle High German tîch, masculine, ‘fish-pond, pond’ (it is uncertain whether Old High German...499 bytes (11,321 words) - 13:22, 13 September 2023
- wolf to a particular part of the mountain, and says he must roll down there. The wolf obeys him, but rolls straight into the pond, and is drowned. The...369 bytes (59,323 words) - 21:03, 1 July 2022
- Fish, and addressed in the following terms: "Wie Du, O Gott, in Gestalt eines Fisches die in der Unterwelt befindlichen Veden gerettet hast, so rette...44 KB (7,397 words) - 10:17, 28 August 2021
- dates from a remote antiquity. It even crops up in Ireland; in the Briefe eines Verstorbenen, 1. 139, and following, we find, "I observed in Ireland on...400 bytes (57,900 words) - 21:01, 7 June 2022
- Petermanns Mitteilungen (Gotha, 1871); A Petermann, “Die Erschliessung eines Theiles des nördlichen Eismeeres . . . im Karischen Meere, 1870,” Petermanns...639 bytes (48,836 words) - 14:56, 3 February 2019
- patron (according to Lichtenstein and Driesen) had gardens, cages and fish-ponds constructed in Mauritia. Manget further tells us that Count Maurice called...818 bytes (11,011 words) - 05:03, 29 September 2018
- den sie mir verursacht hat. Mag Jede hand die sie ergreift mit dem blut eines freundes geröthet sein. "'Immer übel—niemals gut, Geröthet mit des freundes...567 bytes (5,888 words) - 21:51, 30 December 2020
- Dostoievsky’s novel, Buried Alive (1881); Baron A. von Rosen, Memoiren eines russischen Dekabristen (Leipzig, 1870). Consult further Materials for the...625 bytes (14,430 words) - 11:22, 12 July 2023
- village. He knew by heart every boundary tree and stone and bank, every pond and sheep- pool, every barn and cattle-shed, throughout the whole well- frequented...557 bytes (51,114 words) - 18:17, 23 July 2024
- Tertullian), and the baptismal font is still called the piscina, or fish-pond. Thus the fish-man has been turned in Christianity into a sort of fisher...165 KB (29,257 words) - 14:07, 8 October 2022
- stay to take the air, which is built at the end of the garden over a great pond which adjoins the outside of the garden, so that, like the one at Surat,...126 KB (19,387 words) - 01:31, 26 February 2024