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Did you mean: francesca virginia
Create the page "Francesco Virgili" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- facile pen. The morality of Berni's writings is far from commendable. Virgili, Francesco Berni, con documenti inediti (Florence, 1881). About the Bernesque...3 KB (477 words) - 20:59, 4 November 2013
- these volumes were dated 1555, and were dedicated, the first to Onofrio Virgili, the second to the Princess Felice Orsini. (3) 'Secondo Libro delle Muse...342 bytes (309 words) - 05:06, 29 December 2020
- secolo XVIII. e prima metà del XIX., Turin, 1892. Vol. II., Part II. F. Virgili, Il problema della popolazione negli scritti di F. Ferrara in Giornali...629 bytes (6,567 words) - 02:13, 2 December 2023