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Did you mean: frank gaudentius
  • heavy, that the weights Cause in this way their balances to creak. Frati Gaudenti were we, and Bolognese; I Catalano, and he Loderingo Named, and together...
    819 bytes (1,251 words) - 01:59, 4 January 2018
  • as the monks of that order are vulgarly called, the Joyous Friars (Frati Gaudenti). In his earliest years Lorenzo devoted himself with so much zeal to...
    136 bytes (2,683 words) - 01:27, 15 September 2023
  • free-and-easy deportment of some of the brethren, as the Jolly Friars, Frati Gaudenti. Guittone, however, seems to have been perfectly serious in the step...
    470 bytes (3,210 words) - 12:21, 30 December 2020
  • Franciscans, Par, xii, 112. Franco Bolognese, Purg. xi. 83. Frati Godenti or Gaudenti, Jovial Friars. Inf. xxiii, 103, Frederick I,, Barbarossa. Purg...
    650 bytes (9,634 words) - 06:49, 23 December 2017
  • IV. in 1261, under the title of "Knights of Santa Maria." The name Frati Gaudenti, or "Jovial Friars," was a nickname, because they lived in their own...
    1 KB (58,189 words) - 18:59, 23 December 2017
  • each local centre by a Dominican priest (Federici, "Istoria de cavalieri Gaudenti", Venice, 1787, Codex Diplomaticus, II, 35) and was to be subject to the...
    88 KB (14,417 words) - 16:50, 9 May 2024