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Create the page "Henry's Hard Soda" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- 140.52 grs. of muriate of soda in one ounce of the brine, according to the proportions of Dr. Marcet of 46 acid and 54 soda in 100 parts of salt. 2. By...455 bytes (4,694 words) - 00:20, 31 July 2018
- crystals of sulphat of soda, amongst which scarcely any vestige of muriat of soda could be discovered. 6. The decomposition of muriat of soda by the above process...539 bytes (10,844 words) - 13:26, 27 November 2022
- turned-off phonograph. Dave poured out the contents of his sack: soda, white soda, nothing but soda. Five stupefied negroes dropped unanimously to their knees...35 KB (6,159 words) - 02:34, 26 February 2022
- oz. oil of almonds, 1 pint rose water, and 10 drops of oil of tartar. Henry's Aromatic Vinegar. Camphor, 2 drachms; oil of cloves, ½ a drachm; oil of...263 bytes (1,926 words) - 14:14, 16 September 2017
- sat in the tile-floored morning room of Henry's country house, with a bottle of whisky and a siphon of soda at his elbow. His straw hat—he had abandoned...259 bytes (1,539 words) - 07:45, 20 March 2024
- not consider that pharmacy is a thing of bric-a-brac, scent, and ice-cream soda. If you ask it for painkiller it will not give you a bonbon. The Blue Light...392 bytes (1,834 words) - 14:10, 29 May 2024
- a good time, no matter how hard you try. If they can't have it with lager beer and brandy, they'll have it with plain soda and lemon pop, and so the whole...30 KB (5,807 words) - 10:40, 15 April 2012
- partly because the recovery of the soda can be made remunerative, all these liquors are preserved and the sodaSoda Recovery. they contain utilized. One...317 bytes (13,611 words) - 02:16, 1 December 2021
- not consider that pharmacy is a thing of bric-a-brac, scent and ice-cream soda. If you ask it for pain-killer it will not give you a bonbon. The Blue Light...155 bytes (1,820 words) - 14:10, 29 May 2024
- The hour was midnight, and he was sitting in Henry's bedroom at the hotel. Leaving the theatre, Henry had gone to bed almost instinctively. Bed seemed...31 KB (5,768 words) - 11:26, 15 January 2022
- While the Billy Boils by Henry Lawson Steelman 635422While the Billy Boils — SteelmanHenry Lawson STEELMAN Steelman was a hard case. If you were married...404 bytes (1,062 words) - 18:29, 19 September 2021
- milk, half a cupful of butter, one egg, one teaspoonful of soda, flour enough to knead quite hard. Roll out, spread on sugar and butter, and spice to suit...143 KB (25,306 words) - 11:03, 27 November 2022
- partially filled with a solution of common washing-soda, and then immersed in distilled water, the soda will make its way out of the bladder by passing through...1 KB (3,238 words) - 08:42, 7 August 2019
- alcohol; if salt of sorrel is added to this liquid, it will turn a pure red; soda produces, according to the quantity that is added, violet, blue, or green...595 bytes (1,468 words) - 06:33, 2 October 2018
- sentimental. I’ll give you a cough when you want one. Bring me a syphon of soda, some fruit, and a tract.” “A what?” “A tract. Go on. Start your boots.”...71 bytes (2,595 words) - 18:24, 11 November 2021
- heating tin with Chile saltpetre and_ caustic soda, or by fusing very finely powdered tinstone with caustic soda in iron vessels. A solution of the pure salt...188 bytes (4,797 words) - 20:15, 15 January 2019
- brandy and soda, which came to the same thing. However this might be she was obliged to recognise that the impression of brandy and soda had not again...525 bytes (1,953 words) - 22:52, 24 February 2024
- detective. Cumberly, taking a tumbler from the bureau, said:— “A scotch-and-soda, Inspector?” “It is a suggestion,” said Dunbar, “that, coming from a medical...330 bytes (2,236 words) - 18:19, 22 October 2010
- variety of powdered limestone; and sulphate of soda. A certain proportion of soda ash (carbonate of soda) is also used in some works in sheet-glass mixtures...515 bytes (27,053 words) - 19:25, 20 January 2021
- very bad. Thence till three, we laboured with mustard poultices, laudanum, soda and ginger - Heavens! wasn't it cold; the land breeze was as cold as a river;...14 KB (2,559 words) - 13:57, 15 January 2022